In teams of two, partners will alternate complete rounds, and work through as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
15 Calories of Rowing
12 Deadlifts (155/105 lbs)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105 lbs)
6 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105 lbs)
late post
No partner, did a 1:1 work to rest ratio in the 30mins, completed 5 rounds
12 + 12 cals
115/85 – scaled for my shoulder issues, but was glad I did every time I got to the STOH. Uhg! ?
Done RX with wife who did Fitness
5 rounds+26reps, 5 even for her
Solo 1:1 work/rest ratio… ish I don’t Math well.
@95 # 6 rds
Row :48/:46/:46/:49/:50/:51
Hang cleans slowed everything down
DL all 11+1 (1 into HPC)
HPC all over the place
S2OH all unbroken
A: Did 155# solo at a 1:1 work:rest ratio. Barely eked out the 4th set. I also misread shoulder to overhead as ground to overhead. Woops. B: Speed work experimentation. Was a fun one! Did the following using a 50# medicine ball: Set 1 – OH Medicine ball single leg ladders + OH med ball Sprint 10 yards + Bear crawl back to start pushing medicine ball Sets 2-3 – OH med ball double leg ladders + OH med ball Sprint 10yds + bear crawl back pushing medicine ball Sets 4-5 – OH med ball sideways double leg ladders +… Read more »
Did some bench press and chest rehab stuff for torn pec
A. 10rds + 15 reps. I went RX and wife did 65#.
Bonus: 5rds of 10 strict T2b with 45 sec rest in between rds.
Luke and Ani
10+3 HPC
Great partner WOD!
Didn’t have a partner so I did the workout 1:1 work:rest. I did 135 for three rounds but the had to drop it down to 115 for the rest of the workout, which was two more rounds. My form was breaking from fatigue with 135 and I decided to just lower the weight.
Worked out in my garage today (work in progress). Was by myself and heaviest I have right now is 95. So did 11 rounds and used fat grips for an extra challenege on the dead’s and overhead press.
Company Murph challenge: Murph but with sit-ups instead of pull ups. 25:51.1
Focused on the miles today. Went 6:30/6:34. Everything else was UB in the middle in 5/10/15’s. Sit-ups definitely easier than pull up a and no need to chalk up.
Our company is donating a dog to the warriors for warriors project. Overall winner gets to name and present the dog. Fingers crossed that I can bring home the W. Challenge ends on the 25th.
Scaled this down to 115. Probably should of considered 105 as I spent a lot of time breaking up the PC and SOH.
Was able to get 5 rounds in
Row in about 53 to 58 seconds
PC mostly 6,3
SOH mostly 4,2
Round 1 started at 3:13 and slowly increased until the longest round 5 at 4:30. I rested approximately 2:15 between rounds. I liked the idea that my partner was way stronger than me!!
Props for attacking this by yourself man. Great job!
Did this with my buddy and used 60kg
16 rounds on the dot.
Rowed at 1300cal/hour pace and went straight to the bar.
Went 11, 1+8, 1+6 each round
This was a good one!
You guys killed it for sure. Looks like the right weight to keep you guys motoring through this one.
Smart way to break it up. You guys destroyed this, nice work!