Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (2 sets of each):
Station 1 – Muscle-Ups with a Pause at Receiving and Pause at Full Extension x 2-5 reps
(OR Low Ring Muscle Up Progression + Dip Catch & Extension x 3-4 reps)
Station 2 – Handstand Walk x 10 meters
(use partner assist or Handstand Wall Runs if you don’t have handstand walks yet)
Station 3 – L-Sit or L-Sit Progression x 45-60 seconds
Three rounds for time of:
30/20 Calories of Rowing
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Compare results to January 9, 2018.
A. Bryan (ring rows x 8 reps vs muscle ups, handstand wall runs x 15 reps vs. walk, chair tuck holds x 60 sec vs L-sit).
B. Bryan (250m run vs. row, L-seated dumbbell press, 35# vs. HSPUs) – 11:26.
A: 4 muscle ups with bench assist
40 seconds accumulated L sit
10 shoulder taps + 30 second hold
Well, we bought an Airdyne evolution comp bike and decided to do 30 cals instead of rowing. Oh my. That truly is the devil’s tricycle.
B: 30 cals in 57, 1:20, 1:38
15 pull-ups
10 HSPUs
Good heavens. That plowed my legs. I could hardly walk to the pull up bar.
Yesterday’s post
A. Unsupported seated strict Press
Warmed up with the Sotts Press but wanted to get a bit more weight moving so switched it up.
B. 7 sets
2 power cleans
Followed by
2 push jerk
WU: 30 DUs/ 15 Air Squats/10 push-ups/5 Strict Dips X 3
A1. 5X Strict Weighted Dips 15#
A2. HS Wall Runs
A3. L-Sit off dip bars several sets of 7-10 second holds
B. 30 Cal Row/15 pull-ups/10 Strict Press 95#
12:23 pull-up cycling was off
Thank you gymnastics day???
A. Done, all felt good and strong, actually did 5m and turned around 5m back. That is some growth.
B. Rx, 8:51, row was not as consistent as I wanted but all others were UB.
Nice, Michael!
Wow. Awesome job! You doing 180s from a handstand?
Yep, had a friend who competed in gymnastics really work with me over the last year, so I have really gained a lot of ability there.
A) did negative pu/wall walks (and I finally got my nose to the wall!!)/V holds with pointed toes
B)11:14. Sharing a pu bar made this one hard. Also did negatives and pike press.
RanDee, how many negatives did you do? My advice would be for workouts, modify pull-ups to ring rows, banded strict pull-ups, or jumping pullups. I don’t recommend high volume negatives, especially at speed. Save negatives for strength-building, no more than about 15 reps per days, broken into sets. Negatives are amazing at building strength, but with the way they break down the muscle (under eccentric loading), there is a limit to how many we should be doing at one time. 🙂
I only did 3/round in the wod and 2 each round in the strength. So 14 total. I’m totally lacking strength in my upper body and lats especially. I can string 5 or so kipping pu together but can’t do one strict ?♀️.
A.) did fitness. 10x strict sup pullups, 45 sec handstand hold, L sit on parraletes accumulate 45 seconds. Did 3 rounds
B.) 30 min mtn bike ride. 900foot elevation gain.
Didn’t see this posted in the notes today – from the blog – Muscle Up Transitions: https://www.crossfitinvictus.com/blog/muscle-transition-drills/
Thanks for sharing, Nathan!
A. Fought to finally get a bar muscle up. I had gotten a couple before but had not been able to repeat since. 2 bar muscle ups per round. 1 min wall wall to hold. 1 min of l sit progression hold
B. 11:09 scaled
400m run
had to sub pull-ups to stay in the cap.
Hspu off of box
Congrats on getting multiple MUs in per round!
Awesome, Mason!!!
A: Subbed MU with tempo pull-ups + tempo dips. Subbed HS walks with HS wall runs. Combined for 45s l sit.
B: Rower was taken, so subbed AB. Subbed C2B with strict pull-ups. 15:14
C: Captain’s Crunches
D: Weighted crunches: take 4 10# plates. With each crunch, place a plate on legs. Once all 4 plates are on legs, take one off with each crunch. Repeat 10x
A. Changed it up a bit. Did
12 min emom
1: 3-5 MU
2: 40 seconds handstand walk work
3: 15 ghd
Going from ghd to MU is ROUGH
B. 13:10 Rx
Ctb: 6/5/4, 7/5/3, 7/5/3
Strict hspu: 6/4, 7/2/1 (rushed into second set), 7/3
Nice work today.
Today was a tale of 2 different workouts. A was awesome and encouraging by the progress I’m making in the gymnastic/calisthenic movements, but B totally beat me up and took all my confidence away. WU: was able to do the handstand holds mostly free from the wall and the donkey kicks sometimes resulted in unsupported handstand holds! Have never done Arch Rocks but I dig ’em. A. 1. 5 strict bar muscle ups both rounds – this movement really felt great. 2. I introduced a new challenge to the handstand walks – up the incline of the driveway – this… Read more »
Awesome progress on the gymnastics! Airbike sabotage has happened to us all…
Thanks man
Dude, 30 kcal in under a minute is impressive though. Nice.
@libbylandry:disqus unrelated to the wod – the mobile friendly version of this website has become unusable on my android phone the last few days. Disqus just reloads constantly and I can’t read all of the comments or post using my phone. Hopefully it’s just me – but could you pass that on to your IT folks? I am digging the changes they’ve made to the website overall.
Same for Mason and I on iPhones. A few people chimed in yesterday on my comment saying the same thing.
I support this motion
Weird! I’ll try and get this message into the right hands. Will keep you guys posted!
Same for me on android. I have to change it to desktop site on phone to see and be able to post a comment.
A. Did OT2M for 18 (3sets each)
1- 5x MU from seated with indicated pauses
2- HS walk 45ft
3- L-sit 35/10s
B. 9:34 Rx. I fully expected SHPSU to be the limiter after yesterday’s press-a-thon and today’s gymnastics, but it was the C2B for me, sets of 3 and 4. SHSPU unbroken
C. Just to make sure I hadn’t gone crazy:
5min EMOM – 6 butterfly C2B
D. 800m run – 3:10
So if C was to make sure you didn’t go crazy, was D to ensure you were crazy?
Sounds like an accurate assessment. ??♂️? I always try to maximize the hour I commit to being in my garage.
I would like to congratulate you on achieving your objective, sir. That 800 time (post wod no less) makes me bristle with envy.
Nice today man, you rocked it today.
Thanks Mike! You crushed it too, those HS turns are no joke! I basically rotate in place to keep my balance, my garage only gives me about 15ft of HS walk distance before I have to turn.
After 4 days of glamping with beers, smores, and toddler water slides. Time to get back at it.
A. First time doing something diff. Had to touch a bar after being off several days.
BS: 165lbX5, 185X5, 205X3, 215X2, 225X1, 225X1
B. 3R4T. 14:20
30 Cal row (1:52)
15 C2B
10 Kipping HSPU
Congrats for finishing! The first day back before you eat (umm and drink) right is always the worst.
Legs were heavy that’s for sure!!
Sounds like a party!
anyone able to muscle ups with weights?
datingsitespot_com I do not agree
A. 1 – Banded low muscle up transitions x 5 reps 2 – Kick ups to handstand 3 – Parallette L sit with knees tucked up x 45 secs – not unbroken! B. Scaled down to 10 C2B again, and put feet on a box for pike hspu rather than knees like last time. Time down from 11.50 last time to 10.36 this time. C2B endurance needs a lot of work so put some accessory in at the end! C. Emom for 4 mins 10 leg assisted C2B Contemplating a short second session today…@libbylandry:disqus are we snatching / overhead squatting… Read more »
Good idea James on the second session! To develop more strength on the c2b movement, I’d recommend adding eccentric/negatives. 4 seconds or longer is a good Target for these to get solid time under tension. Negatives kinda get forgotten about but are super beneficial for difficult movements.
Lastly, awesome job on taking off more than a minute on this WOD. Must feel great to see that kind of progress!
You’re totally right, I hadn’t even given them a thought! It does feel great, thanks. The time off seems to have helped a lot
James, I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner! You’ve got deadlifts tomorrow 🙂
No probs, think I might regret doing Kelly now though hahaha???
Thursday’s are my rest day from strength training as I do an hour long boxing class in the evening so won’t be doing today’s WOD. I have literally none of these skills though so that’s probably for the best!
Will spend some time trying to figure out what I can do in these scaling options
Hey I scale and modify too. Gymnastic movements are hard for a lot of people. Libby gave some good google-able progressions. Try some of them out even if you don’t do today’s wod.
Yes! Don’t be scared 🙂 I know it can seem incredibly intimidating but once you see that there are TONS of progressions for all of these movements, it makes practicing them really fun. Definitely check out the resources I put up when you have some free time, I promise you’ll be surprised at how much you CAN do!
Hi team! Libby here, taking over for Michele while she’s at the World Cup. Warmup Heart rate / general warmup: • Rowling: On a rower, the goal is to hit 100m on the dot. You’ll stop rowing once you think the machine will roll to 100. No cheating or half pulls, as soon as you think you need to stop rowing, rack the handle and let it ride. For every meter over or under 100, you have that number in burpees (i.e. if you hit 103, that’s 3 burpees) – play 3 rounds total Specific warmup: • Complete 3 rounds… Read more »
We don’t have a rower is there a preferred scale for the cals?
If you have a bike, use that. Otherwise, 400m run will do 🙂
Are you sick of running and ready to buy a rower yet?