Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Sotts Press x 3 reps
(clean grip, pressing from the front-rack position in clean receiving position)
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
(Power Clean + Jerk) x 2 reps
Build over the sets to establish a 2-RM power clean & jerk.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
3 Burpees Over the Barbell (lateral)
3 Ground to Overhead (155/105 lbs)
6 Burpees Over the Barbell
6 Ground to Overhead
9 Burpees Over the Barbell
9 Ground to Overhead
12 Burpees Over the Barbell
12 Ground to Overhead
and so on….
A. Bryan – 45#.
B. Bryan – 135# x 2, 145# x 2, 155# x 2, 165# x 1 (f second).
C. Bryan – 28 reps (realized too heavy almost immediately after yesterday’s front squats).
B. Worked up to 175lb double for the C+J
C. Got through the round of 12+7 burpees – 67 total reps (115#)
A: 5×25 kg x3 sets
B: 50-60-70-75-80-83-85kg
C: done RX @70kg barbell
Score: 12 burpees otb + 11 gto (pclean e jerk)
A. 65, 85, 105
B. 135, 155, 185, 205, 225, 225, 235
C. 12 burpees round of 15. Just one more than @the@disqus_ur8znJU3mm:disqus to remind him he’s still my Padawan.
Decided today to join Invictus community and start mainly with Performance plan (too much lack of gymnastic skills and upper body strenght for Competitor plan):
A. 30/30/35 kg. Clean grip, front pressing. Not too much weight but very challenging for back and balance.
B. Up to 85 kg. Missed last split jerk (bad split jerk tecnique).
C. Round of 12 + 10 G2OH @70kg.
D. 1km Trueform run + 30cal bike at low pace to cool down
E. Stretching
Welcome Federico!
Warm up, 50 push ups, 50 sit ups, 60 sec superman hold.
A. 75/95/105
B. 115/145/165/175/190/210-1/205
C. 4 + 15 Rx – those G2OH got real on the set of 9, tried to cluster in 3’s but it did not help.
D. 3 sets, front squat x 10, barefoot with band around knees – 95 lbs. on bar – 2 min rest
E. every 2 for 12
– 5 snatch pull at 145
– 8 strict TTB
F. 3 min EMOM
10 GHD back extensions – 95lbs.
10 MB sit-ups w/ 20 lbs.
Nice work!
Libby’s awesome WU! A. Sotts Press x 3 – 35# First set done as singles, and then UB the last 2 sets, but don’t think I had full range of motion..I did video so will have to look at that. B. PC+Jerk x 2 reps 55#, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115(f,f), 105, 95, 85 ***the 2nd rep of each set felt really good until I got to 115 and then it fell apart, but I did the deload sets to try to regain that feeling. Shoulders are a little sore…Libby has me doing some drills for my front rack and… Read more »
Nice work Candy! Those changes are definitely going to pay off
A. 55/65/75. Snatch grip behind the neck
B. Up to 195 successful. Failed 2nd rep at 200. 1 RM is 205 so I’ll take 195 today.
C. 65 reps at 135. Glad I scaled or I would have seriously struggled on the G2OH. Burpees were done at a steady pace and barbell work in sets of 3.
nice work, yes the G2OH were horrible today.
A. Worked up to 85lbs. Whoa! Way harder than I thought!
B. Worked up to 215lbs.
C. Rx. 54 reps. 12 burpees + 6 G2O Probably should have scaled this? Those G2O’s SMOKED me!
You never know until you try so now you have a better gauge of weights for different workouts! Well done!
Nicely done, 155 on the G2OH were difficult after the Jerks
A.45,55,65 (done to best of my ability)
C. 77 (2 G2O in round of 15)
Goal was to make it through round of 15. Was very surprised at how shot my legs were. Rest day = needed.
My goal was to complete 15 at minimum, but man 155 got heavy quickly.
For sure. I think trying 2 touch and go then drop may have given more time. Although who knows if I could have hung on to that pace?
A) sotts press 3×3 @ 45, 65, 75lbs
B) power clean and jerk x2 up to 225
C) 77 reps rx (15 burpees + 2 GTO)
Well done, Richard!
Nice Richard, great strength and push today.
A. 45,55,65 this isn’t something I’ve ever tried to increase weight on. It was a lot of fun. Thanks for the experience.
B. 95,135,145,155,155,165,170
C. G2OH@135 58 reps. I’m disappointed with myself. I crushed the last 5 G2OH telling me I could have gone a) heavier or b) faster. My mentality was the weakness not my strength.
I often talk to my athletes about their mindset. It’s hugely important in the workouts and really does have an impact on the outcome. What you’re telling yourself during the workout can either leave you feeling disappointed or proud of the work you did. The latter is always way better 🙂
A) bar only
B) 45/75/95/115/95/100/125 (100 felt so good, had to go for it on the last set)
C)subbed DUx2 for burpees. 54 reps.
Side note – are the comments jumping around on anyone else? It’s driving me batty!
Good job in the workout, and yes my page jumps around/reloads all the time lately.
YES!!! What is going on!!! Been doing this for days for me. I haven’t been posting as much because every time I scroll Disqus reloads!!?
This happens on my phone, but not on the desktop.
Me too!!! Sooo annoying
Yes same! Seems to work when I use desktop version of chrome when using my phone
Same for me…but only on my iPhone. If I look at it on my Mac it’s fine.
Kind of glad everyone else is jumping too! I couldn’t figure out how it was just me but dang it’s frustrating! Go to comment and it jumps up to who knows where. Might just have to switch to posting on the Mac.
A. Empty bar. Need to work more mobility for sure
B. 225/245/255/260/260/260/260#
C. 78 reps Rx
15 burpees + 3 g2o
Nice work!
Beast mode!
Dude, animal. Those are some awesome numbers.
A: I did one set with 20kg and it destroyed my back, so then just did 2 sets of strict press with 30kg. I’m somewhat glad to see others struggled with this too.
B: Mine turned into more like clean + push press, but nevermind. I’ll get better.
20kg/ 30kg/ 35kg/ 40kg/ 45kg/ 45kg/ 45kg
C: Wow. I died. Did ground to overhead with 20kg and only did 5 minutes!
Made it through the 12 ground to overheads and then abandoned. The 12 burpees were a disaster!!
Well done Steph, you’ll improve so quickly. Keep at it. Nice job on B.
You still crushed it! Good work today!!
Felt pretty run down today – time to carb up.
A. Nope, not flexible enough. I subbed close grip OHS. (As narrow as I could stand)
B. Made it 10 sets up to 2x 205 for two sets. Need to get more consistent with speed under the bar. When form was dialed in the reps were cake.
C. Rx 71 reps. 11 burpees in the round of 15.
D. 10 min EMOM- 40 DUs, 20 Knee-to-elbow (5sets ea)
All the carbs! Same with me on the speed under the bar…sometimes it’s basically a push press haha. I like the ‘punch under’ the bar cue.
Ha yeah, it’s time to adjust my macros. I’ve been cranky this week and I don’t want to get any lighter ???????. Sadly it probably just means more fruit, oats, or grains.
Such a shame isn’t anything more fun. I had a good read through the beyond macros blog last night and am starting it too, going for 35p:25c:40f and see what happens!
James, just confirming that’s a per meal macro breakdown and not the whole day?!?
It’s %s of intake for the whole day, have I misunderstood the material? ?
AH OK! No no, I see what you mean. I was reading it as “grams” of each of those macros, not a ratio breakdown. Makes more sense now 🙂
Oh I didn’t know you could express meals like that! Thanks again for great notes today
Macros are awesome. All the carbs! We started working with black iron nutrition in February and it’s made a huge difference in body comp and performance levels. And Kelsey from invictus Boston is my coach so I totally fan girl nonstop 😀
For me personally, I’m a higher carb on wod days and higher fat and rest days. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find what fits your body!
Thanks! Sounds like you get plenty of invictus
Mine are 270g carb, 185g protein, and 75g fat, around 2500cals. I’m about 7 weeks in and I’ve dropped about 9lbs. 1st time in a while all my abs are visible without flexing. I’m aiming to add about 250cals in my maintenance phase. For reference I’m 36yo/5’11”/176#, started at 185#
You were looking lean the other day! Great progress
The weekend will be here soon!
Nice work, I am the same with speed under the bar on Power cleans as opposed to full cleans. Well done, the METCON was taxing.
Missed yesterday’s workout so blended today and yesterday.
A. PVCx2, barbell
B. 135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205, 205 (f)
C. Work up to 1RM on Front Squat: 245#
D. Fitness from yesterday
Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
15 Goblet Squats
6:55 with 70# KB
That D is faaaast
A. Modified to snatch grip sotts press from behind neck, mobility not allowing me to get into position for the clean grip… was there a better way to modify here? Did 15-15-25# B. 135#-145-145-145-145-135-135 Split jerk form was a nightmare today, foot work all over the place and overhead stability was weak so I stayed relatively light. Probaby should’ve gone even lighter since my jerks still felt wayyyy off C. 115#: round of 12 completed + 1 burpee. Had no power in legs, yesterday’s FS leaving a mark perhaps D. Emom x 6 min: empty bb tall jerks x 3… Read more »
You very very rarely have one of those days! Usually PR city… tomorrow is a new day!
Thanks James! You killed it once again today, great job buddy
A. Done with an empty barbell and still couldn’t get it behind my head! Obviously a flexibility problem in my shoulders or upper back B. 70kg, 80kg, 90kg, 95kg, 100kg Stopped after the 5th set. It wasn’t that hard but I was getting a bit too much knee pain. Probably a hangover from last nights running and heavy front squats (and I know I sound like a broken record, but the bike commuting is still beating me up!). C. Modified to the “Fitness” workout as my knees were feeling a bit sore and I didn’t want to drop the barbell… Read more »
Hi team! Libby here, taking over for Michele while she’s at the World Cup. Warmup 1. Heart rate / general warmup a. Line drills: High knees, butt kicks, karaoke/grapevine, inchworms with a pushup, spiderman lunge, single leg RDL, sampson lunge, broad jump for height, broad jump for distance b. 10 PVC pass-thrus + 10 Tuck jumps + 10 Donkey kicks + 10 Burpees c. 1 min Hollow hold with PVC overhead 2. Specific warmup: a. If you have a thin resistance band: i. 10 Band pull aparts with palms up + 10 with palms down in front of the body… Read more »
I came pretty close to failing a burpee 😉
Haha! I was going to say…I clipped my toe on one of them and about face planted into the wall 🙂 🙂
Libby do you have any suggestions for modifying or swapping out the burpees for my wrist?
From my view, double unders? Would bring up the heart rate without too much musclar fatigue.triple the burpee reps?