Primary Strength Session
Two sets of:
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 15 seconds
Hindu Push-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Press x 5 reps each side
Rest 15 seconds
Single-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Cossack Squat x 8 reps each leg @ 2111
Rest 15 seconds
GHD Hip Extension x 8 reps @ 2012
(focus on glute activation and maintaining a hollow position)
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Press in Split Jerk Position x 5 reps
Aim for 2 heavy working sets.
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Push Press in Split Jerk Position x 3 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Split Jerk x 2 reps
*Sets 1-3 = @ 80%
*Sets 4-6 = @ 85%
*Sets 7-8 = @ 90%
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 90%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 95%
followed by…
One set of:
Back Squat x Max Unbroken Reps @ 87%
(athletes are allowed only on full breathing cycle at the top of the lift – exhale, inhale, brace and descend – once more rest is taken at the top, the set is over)
Primary Conditioning Session
Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets):
10 Thrusters (155/105 lbs)
15 Bar-Facing Burpees
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 6 reps each @ 3111
Rest as needed
Glute Ham Raises x 8 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Diamond Push-Ups x 20-30 reps @ 2011
Rest 60 seconds
Reverse Snow Angels x 20 reps
(slow and controlled)
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 20 reps @ 1010
(place barbell on back or hold plate on chest with crossed arms)
Rest as needed
Tall Kneeling Palloff Press x 10 reps @ 2020
Rest as needed
Rowing Endurance Option
Eight sets for times of:
Row 650 Meters
Rest 60 seconds
Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across all sets – at the same pace/500m as last week. If possible, wear a heart-rate monitor and note how your heart rate follows your perceived rate of exertion over the course of your workout.
Running Endurance Option
Six sets for times of:
Run 400 Meters @ 90% of 1-Mile Pace
Run 400 Meters @ 100% of 1-Mile Pace
Rest 2 minutes
A) Done
B) 135/145/155 less than last week, upper body pretty fatigued followed by 165/175/185
C) 250/270/285
D) 260/300/340/360/380 not a fan of the 40lb jumps but getting used to them
340 for 4 reps
Done, last two rounds went a bit over but finished everything in 20:37
A) Done
B) 95-135
C) 225×3 245×3 255-265×3
D) 255/295/325/355/375
6 reps @305
Burpees took my soul
Took a rest day yesterday because life and hit the primary strength and conditioning in between coaching sessions this am.
Session one
Rowing endurance: 1:59.6 pace
Primary Strength
A. Done
B. 65/85/95
C. 135/145/155 (These feel really weak)
D. 155/185/215/225/240
7 @ 220
Strength Accessory
A. 95
B. Done
C. 25# plate
A done
B 95/95/95
C. 150/150:155/155/160/160/165/165/170
D. 165/185/205/215/225
5 at 210
A 2×20 kg kbs
B. Done
C. 15ibs hip extensions
You’ve been training really well since you got back from your trip. Keep it up!
Thanks Tino… hoping that if I keep posting it’ll keep me accountable and trusting the process will work it’s magic ☺️
Assault bike conditioning: 227 cals
Press: 75-95-115lbs
Push Press: 135-155lbs
Split Jerk x 2:
1-3: 240lbs
4-6: 255-255-260lbs
7-8: 270lbs
Then kept building. Legs felt weaker than the other day but upper body felt strong.
5lbs Jerk PR at 305lbs. On a good leg day I easily have 315.
Backsquat at Training %:
7 at 300lbs.
❤️ keep up the awesome work
A. Done
Press: 55/75/85
Push press: 105/115/125
Split jerk 185, 195, then 205/210/215
Back squats 185/210/235/245/255
Great day of work!
A. Done
B. 65/85/90
1-3: 165#
4-6: 175#
7-8: 185#
D. 165/190/215/225/240
Max set:
220# x 7
My 5 RM is 220# so I guess that means this is a PR?
Rounds 3 & 4 I did 8 Th, 12 BFB, 12 cal
A. 15# DBs for BSS
B. 20 Push ups each round and 2.5ers on angels
C. 25# Hip extension; red band on Pallof Press?
Another PR?! You’ve been crushing it! Keep up the great work!!
I mean I had to scale it down to keep sub 3 ?
Ahhhh ?
D. Just built to a heavy then backed off to a moderate for the MR set. Today my heavy was 205. 8 reps @155 Rowing endurance 2:26/2:21/2:19/2:19/2:18/2:15/2:15/2:13 I thought it was cool to see a heart rate pretty consistent with my RPE. The last 3 sets I would say went from about a 6 to an 8. That spike is my sprint on the last set. I learned about 3 sets in that if I closed my eyes, didn’t look at the monitor and focused on my technique I could hold a better pace without working harder. Fun little session.… Read more »
Lots of great learning today. Amazing what you can do when you switch off and just go!
A. Done
B. 135/155/170
C.270/285/300 (no misses)
D. 260/292/330/350
Strength accessory
B. Done
*ran out of time ?
Rowing Endurance:
Fell off a little more than I wanted but pushed hard!
A. Done
B. 115/125/135
C. 240×3 255×3 270×2
D. 240/275/315/335/350
320 x 5 reps. Best these all have felt
Primary Conditioning:
2:23/2:28/2:35/2:52/2:55 NOT Rx
Scaled thrusters to 135# and bike to 15 cal to keep intensity. Thrusters UB but tough each round. Bike I need to remember what my coach told me to embrace the suck and push on the bike. Getting better at it in non metcon settings but still working on it in a metcon. Looking forward to the rest day!
Push yourself further into the discomfort rather than back off when you feel it starting to hurt!
Late post for me
Okay, giving in and finally going to try and get this shoulder feeling better
1. Row 8x650m 2:31-2:32 across ; legs felt like led from the start today
2. Squats – 165-190-215-225-235
Max reps at 220-5
3. Strength Accessories
A. Split squats w/35# DBs/ GHR done
B. Subbed XOVER Symmetry Iron Scap
C. Hip Extensions +35# plate / pallor presses done (not sure if I’m doing these right)
Glad I motivated myself to train today. Really wanted to find a reason not to. Up @ 3:30 am and I felt like crap before starting.
Yeah! Proud of you. This is a step in the right direction!
B. 85 press and then worked up to 115# push press in split.
C. Hit all percentages with no misses! Yay. Last week 80% was tough.
D. Back squats felt stronger this week! No belt at 95%!
A. Bulgarian squats done with 30s. I did hip abduction with band.
B. Did banded shoulder press at tempo and then paloff presses in 1.4 squat position with band around knees as well.
All the strength work! ??
Warm-Up Done B. Press 105/115/125 B.I. Push Press 135/155/175 These are reinforcing the position very well. C. Split Jerks 275/280/280 290/290/295 305/310 Woof! D. Back Squat Set 1 – 275 2 – 315 3 – 355 4 – 375 5 – 395 (Not quite 95%) Max reps at 365… 5 reps! Happy with that for sure! Session 2: Condo: Got an assault bike finally! First time use today. It sucked. 3:30 3:45 Scaled to 15 Calories and finished 3:30 15 Calories and 3:40 20 Calories for last set and barely made it under 4:00 Strength Accessory: Bulgarian 135 across GHR… Read more »
Got some good work in today even though you were a little beat. It’s ok to adjust in days like this and take out portions like the conditioning when you feel you can’t get the desired intensity. You’ll Body will benefit and it will help in the long run in staying healthy and feeling good both physically and mentally!
Thanks coach. I might’ve taken the condo out in hindsight. Or at least dialed it back a ton. For a beat up day… it feels amazing to still see how much stronger I’m getting. Thanks!
A. Done
B. Press from split pos @55/65/75
Push press from split pos @75/75/85
C. Split jerks x2s @125/125/125/130/130/130/140/140
Those felt really good!!
D. Backsquats @90/100/115/120/130
Max UB @115, 5reps
Strength accessory:
A. Bulgarian split squats @20
GHRs done
B. Diamond push ups 3x30s done
Reverse snow angels done
C. Weighted ghd hip ext. @30
tall kneeling pallof presses done
Session 2
Conditioning: Only made it thru 3 Rounds in the time. Finished all 5 a few mins after the 20min clock ended. Those 155# Thrusters destroyed my life after this week!
Strength accessory ✅
Nice work getting through them all. In future I’d recommend dropping the load so that you can keep these within the time domain.
Yes sir, will do. I knew I should have brought back the Thrusters to 135# but just wanted to test myself a bit with the 155#. Almost there. Soon! I did the first set unbroken and 5/5 the rest of the way just with entirely too long of a break in between picking the bar back up
One session on Wednesday’s.
Split Jerks
1-3 @ 295
4-6 @ 310
7-8 @ 325
Failed the second on the 8th set
Back Squats off 475
Max reps at 405. 3 reps
Still pretty consistent on your conditioning.
Prim Str:
A. Done
B. 95, 115, 135, 135, 155, 155
C. 190, 200, 210
D. 185, 215, 240, 260, 270, 6 @ 247.5
Prim Cond:
A.4 Rds Done @ 135#
2:46, 3:04, 3:35, 3:59 (only 15 cals this set- out of gas)
Last set got you!
B1. Done
2. Done
C. Made it through the third set at 300 and pinched a nerve in the right side of my neck. Quit after the third set.
D. 295,345,390,410,425
Max reps 4@395
2:37, 3:07. Shut it down during the 3rd set. Neck couldn’t handle the burpees.
Shoot, I hope you neck is ok after a day of rest. take it easy Tyler and get it checked out if your pain persists.