Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Bench Press x 5 reps
In teams of three, with only one member working at each station at any one time, perform as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
Station 1 – 500 Meter Row
Station 2 – 20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Station 3 – Rest
A. Bryan (floor press vs. bench press) – 140#, 145#, 145#, 150#, 155#.
30 minutes working on bar muscle up. I’m close, but not quite there.
A. 135×5/155×5/175×5/175×5/175×5
B. Alone. No rest. 1500 m row. 44 kipping pu. Arms were smoked from working the BMU.
A. Was still sore from some benching Saturday. Decided to do incline bench:
205, 205, 185, 185, 185
B. Broke it down into 5 minute intervals with 12 strict pull-ups. Wasn’t feeling super great. First row completed in 1:36, the others around 1:45.
A. 85, 95, 100, 105, 115 x 2 reps
Got over confident and then someone moved my bench so if felt weird. Oh well.
B. Row 500
10 CTB/ 10 Butterfly PU
Rest 1 Min
3 rounds plus 123M Row
A: 95,105,115,120,125
Part B as a twosome, 4 + 191m/6 C2Bs. Rested 2 minutes each round.
A. Math isn’t my strong suit..forgot I was using a men’s bar
95/115/120/125/130 x5 reps
B. 3rds
Row 2:00/2:00/2:03
20 banded pull-ups strict
1 min rest
C. 3 rds brosesh ish
200m run
Reverse DB fly 15# 7 reps
Hammer curls 15# 7 reps ea side
Bent over single arm dB row 20# 7 reps ea arm
Ab wheel 7 reps
Didn’t keep time just did it
Worked out with my son. Did A and then just some additional chest and tri work to spend time with him.
A: 135×5/155×5/155×5/165×5/175×5
DB incline fly
Decline close grip bench
Cable tri presses
DB tri extensions.
A: 185, 195, 205, 215, 225
B: 3 sets and 219m row
No partner so just did an amrap of 500m row, 12 strict pull-ups, rest 1m
C: 3 supersets of 20 pushups then 10 DB rows @ 45#, then
3 supersets of 10 TRX flies then 10 inverted TRX flies
D: 2 sets of: run at a moderate pace for 5 minutes, then sit-ups to failure, then 10 min bike
Lots of work. Nicely done, Jared.
Barbell WOD Plus strength program:
Clean 4×2: 205
Back Squat 1×3, 1×5: 285, 255
Tall Jerk 4×3: 145
Don’t have training partners:
400m run
20 C2B
1 min rest
3 rounds plus the 4th run.
It’s nice to be outside!!
Wow great work Eric!
Two hours of playing around on gymnastics equipment at my nieces birhday party followed by.
Scaled 18.4 225 lb deadlifts and 44 lb kb push press 8:22
Next year I’ll be able to do hspu!
A. Bench 5 sets of 185×5
Band pull aparts
Hip thrusts 135×8
B. Three rounds done at e5mom
C. 6 min plank hold
You will crush them next year! Great job
Thanks Dustin. I appreciate the encouraging words from you and the rest of the community here!
Yes ull get the hspu…great work Mike!
Nice work Mike!! You will own HSPU by next year for sure!
20 minutes of stretching and mobility to get those shoulders ready for some BENCH! A. 85×5, 95×5, 105×5, 115×5, 125×3 **my current 6 RM is 135, but I didn’t want to wake the sleeping bear in my right shoulder…so when the push slowed down on the 3rd rep at 125 I called it a good day of benching. No pain and wanted to keep it that way! B. 3 Rounds 4:20 / 5:05 / 5:10 500m Row (2:06 / 2:09 / 2:11) 6 strict pull ups / 6 C2B / 6 kipping pull ups 1 min rest C. 3 Sets… Read more »
Nice work on the bench, 135 max and hit 125 for 3, your max is at least 140 now, liked how you paced B Han-style (Solo).
No…my 6rep max is 135. My current 1 rep max is 150. But I’ve been having some issues with my right shoulder. ..so bench and ring dips and oh presses have been an issue. But to get 3 reps at 125 today with no pain was a win for me.
Hi Candy has an orthopedic Dr looked at your shoulder yet with an ultrasound? All three of those movements were impossible for me. I had a collection of fluid on the outside of my shoulder pushing on nerves. One shot, rehab exercises and mobility regimens and I’m back to those 3 exercises pain free.
Gotcha, still nice work today.
Really like what u did with the pull ups! Awesome productive day
Part C looks really fun, cool programming!
8/7 rounds each alternating (me/wife)
20/10 cal AB
25/15 abmat situp
20/10 walking db lunge #35s
18.4 redo 97 reps up from 93 hspu def need some attention
500m RFT 1:34
Gymnastics work handstand walks/strict ring muscle ups
Killed it, well done!
Thanks brother
Great work bro, we are all in the same boat. This does a good job of explaining why it was so much harder this year https://instagram.com/p/BghAUf8jfNv/
For sure this open has got me feeling pretty stripped down in a good way…the new standard is tough thanks for sharing…on to the thrusters!
Congrats on the successful redo Dustin!
Thanks Candy!!!
18.4 done and over with. 94 reps with 6:15 tie-break. Practiced the hspu standard Friday until I couldn’t stand it. Figured out I needed to be super close to the wall or I risked no-reps. It took me a while to recalibrate my balance being so close to the wall.
Awesome job Trion, I had the same issue as I kept losing my balance when I tried to kip.
Thanks! It took quite a while Friday for me to find that sweet spot. I saw your picture comparing 17.4 to 18.4. I can’t lie…. I did the same thing!
Great Job Trion! The majority had the same issue with the HSPU…but I can say that my line on the wall will remain there and from now on…that’s how my HSPU will be done.
Agreed! I will be using this to judge my hspu moving forward.
Mixed it up today;
A. 225/230/240/245/250 – felt better as it got heavier
Did the METCON from competition today:
6 sets
30 DU
10 Thrusters – 115
10 Burpees over the bar
rest 60 sec
– did it at 18:10
Added some more DL work so I can get more consistent at 315 and DU
– every 3 min for 15, 5 DL at 315/ 20 DU
– every 3 for 9, OHS on BOSU (95)/ 20 DU
– posterior chain work
OHS on BOSU? That’s some intense balancing act brotha!
Wow no kidding lol
I’m pretty sure I’d fall with the PVC overhead on a bosu
Yeah, had to work up to it, but I found that it helps me in the catch at the bottom of the snatch as well as the strength in the shoulders and traps to press up the bar.
Back to training after a week of snowboarding in Austria!
Warm up / Activation
12 reps each side w/ 15 kg db of:
– Crossbody RDL
– Crossbody Muscle Clean
– Crossbody Muscle Snatch
A. 5×5 Shoulder Press
5×50 / 5×52,5 / 5×55 / 5×57,5 / 4x60kg/135lbs
B. Went solo, and as the row sets the pace I did the workout as EMOM every 1:45 per station.
Back and fore arms blew up quick! Good conditioning piece to get back on the gain train.
Sounds like an amazing trip!
A. Every three minutes for 15 minutes:
Bench press-5X
185#X5 (5)
B. Complete as many rounds i& reps in 15 minutes of:
1-500 m row
2-20 pull ups
3-rest station-2: 00
500 m row = 1-1:48/2-1:43/3-1:46
Pull-ups = 1-20/2-20/3-9
Rest time = 2X2:00
Nice job on those DUs! I can get like 5 in a row now lol
Attempted 18.4 on Saturday. That was my first time doing Diane, finished in 4’46” (all unbroken), but my goal was to go under 4’00”.
Unfortunately I was pretty out of my element since I only had a globo gym at my disposal (visited in-laws) and so the setup wasn’t ideal.
After that, I called it since 315 looked like it was recipe for my spine to shoot out of my back. #livetowalkanotherday
Wow Teddy, very impressive time! And all UB… Well done buddy way to kill it awesomely
Holy smokes, Teddy. That is awesome.
That’s where I was on this one. Self-preservation won. Great job on Diane. You killed it!
Chris, I looked at it, and I was like, “yeah I’m good.” ?
can we do the mike tyson joke everyone has been doing or is it too cliche? screw it, it never gets old![comment image](https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/58176209/i-would-but-i-broke-my-back-its-spinal.jpg)
Teddy’s performance is spinal yeah
The legend lives??… is 315 out of your normal DL range? We all know you squat like 500?
C’mon, 500? That’s just a warm up for Teddy. I’ve heard he eats 45# plates for breakfast most days
Honestly I’m pretty comfortable with 315. All of my deadlift and squat work are without a belt, and that includes the 315+ range.
Overtime I’ve just adopted my own Pythagorean Theorem to injury: a2 (time under tension) + b2 (fatigue) = c2 (potential for disaster).
I hurt my back when I was in my 20s and became immobile for a good six weeks. If I want to compete with the best of them (like you), I have to learn how to swallow my pride daily, something that my body (and my wife) really appreciate ?.
Whoa, immobile is no bueno. I totally understand the approach Tony err Teddy, I just didn’t want to miss a chance to bust your chops after you basically did the same amount of work as me in half the time ?. Also, “back when I was in my 20s”.. What was that like 3 weeks ago!
Love how smart you train! Great example of how you can still get an awesome workout in, lift super heavy weights AND walk the next day!
Totally agree with that equation. Actually following it takes big NUTS tho. Good thing you own kilts.
Did it my globogym as well, it was kind of awkward there as well. But I still dropped the 315 after some reps. I want to try it again probably tomorrow and push through the first Dianne harder so I have more time to get some reps at 315.
A no spot so always conservative 155, 195, 205, 210 x3+1, 205 x4+1
B resting 90s at rest station
3 rnd in 14:40 something
Open WOD 18.4 as Rx: 111 (8:05 Tie-break)
… almost snuck in a rep in the handstand walk – that would have been really sweet but regardless happy with the result – exactly as planned.
Way to push it Chris
… this was my first ever redo on an Open WOD … Friday was an absolute mess – opening set of 21 HSPUs went 8-7-6 – moved back to bar for the second round of deadlifts and my judge says I’m at 15 (6 silent no reps?) – remainder of the time turned into singles with a 2-3 second hold at the top as he carefully considered if I made the line? … total disaster – today was redemptive.
Way to go for it again. Ugh, 6 silent no reps. That blows.
Sounds like your original judge needed a little more training… I had a similar experience the first time through with the new standard. Very Impressed with your work, to get through those 21 heavy DLs with nearly a minute to go… you must have been moving!
Sadly he was the morning Coach …
Sad indeed. Way to bounce back tho
That’s what happened with me. No reps, miss counting and a total blow out of the new standard. I was at 71 reps at the buzzer. Not cool. Redid and was much happier with how it went.
Awesome Chris, way to bounce back. You always remind me that I can push myself harder. That’s definitely defeating to be in that position the first time around.
On a completely random note, I remember a while back you had mentioned a Japanese whisky. Was it Nikka or Yamazaki?
Both are great but I have a personal soft spot for “Nikka – From the Barrel.” Great work on 18.4 – to run through Diane UB is stellar.
Perfect! From the Barrel is what I was looking at. Yamazaki has a few options but a wee bit more pricey. Thanks brother ??
Killed it, awesome work!
Fantastic job, Chris!
That’s awesome! Great job!
Nice work, that was a killer one.
So happy for your redemption! Wish you had a video…I’m guessing you are one amazing athlete to watch! Congrats Chris!!