Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
T-Spine Opener per Julien
and then …
Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
and then …
Two sets of:
Nose-to-Wall Handstand Holds x 45 seconds
Rest as needed
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 4-6 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Wall Climb x 1 rep
and then . . .
Three sets of:
Bar Muscle-Up Stomps x 5 reps
Bar Muscle-Up x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Bar Muscle-Up Stomps x 5 reps
Jumping Bar Muscle-Up x 1 rep
Rest as needed
Five sets of:
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat
Rest 2 minutes
Build in weight over the course of the five sets
As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes:
Wall Ball Shots x 12 reps
Power Snatch x 10 reps
Row for Calories x 10/8 calories
35-54: 30/20 lbs to 10/9′ target; 95/65 lbs
55+: 20/14 lbs to 10/9′ target; 75/55 lbs
Three-Four sets of:
Stationary Dips x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Elevated Ring Rows x 6-8 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Three sets of:
Sandbag Squats x 10 reps
Sled Drags x 40 meters
Rest 90 seconds
Choose a challenging weight that will allow you to complete the reps/distance above.
Followed by …
Four sets of:
Plank Walk x 25′
Rest 60 seconds
Followed by …
400 Meter Sandbag Carry (try to complete the 400 Meters without putting the sandbag down)
120/100 lbs
50-54: 100/80 lbs
55+: 80/60 lbs
DMA complete
A. 5×4 SHSPU then 3x 5+3BMU
B. 75/95/105/115/125 felt pretty good. But right shoulder just doesn’t want to sit down and back in the catch.
C. 5+9 WB
D. Complete
Hotel gym style. Tuesday’s B and C + Wednesday’s activation, A and D. Two sets of: Nose-to-Wall Handstand Holds x 45 seconds A. Strict Handstand Push-Ups – 3 and then 1+2 negatives for 4 sets. Not feeling strong in this position today. B. Back Squat – 65/75/80/65kg. C. 20:18 Three sets of: Assault Bike x 30 calories – Stationary bike at 60-70rpm for 30 calories. Double-Unders x 60 reps – Substitute to bike sprint at 80-90rpm for 1 minute. Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups – All Strict. 5 c2b + 5/3/2 pull-ups. Then 5/2/2/2/1/1/1/1 pull ups for two sets. D. Four sets of:… Read more »
A. 8 strict HSPUs. Skipped Bar MUs.
B. Subbed Snatch Balance to 1/4 squat depth (mobility limitations). Worked up through 225# with good shoulder position, which is 94% of my 1-RM jerk.
C. 4+19. Used a 30# slam ball, which I quickly learned doesn’t rebound like a wall ball. First two rounds cycled the power snatch, then did quick singles from there. Not overly fast, but consistent.
D. Dips done, but skipped the rows.
Ohhhh that slam ball is way different then a wall ball – good on you for using it!
A)5 strict hspu/ 3bar mu
C)4+22 everything was unbroken but transitions were slow! Didn’t want to row again today lol!
D) done
10m subbed bar facing burpees for row. 4+18
B. Ended up hopping in with class since it looked fun.
30 power snatch for time at 135#. Every time you drop the bar, run 400m. I did 20/10. Ran once. 4:23
C. 5 rounds + 12 wall ball. Been a while for the 30#….
Oh I like that, fun session Keith!
20/10? Wow good push!!! And nice score on part C too after that!
A) 6 strict HSPU per. 3 bar MU each round, still using the tiny band.
B) up to 105#
C) 4+17 cycling snatches always make me nauseated ?, then adding in 20# WB, bam! Good one!
D) 10/10 felt good.
Nice job Christine!!
Optional am.
Start with 7 rounds of 35 double under Emon. 40 meter sled drag on rubber mats at 165 lb for three rounds 10 air squats 100 lb sandbag
A. 5 shspu across
C. 4+22
D. Pau
Nice work on your snatch balances. What is your 1 rm snatch?
Thanks! 1rm is 240#
Nice work!! Would love to see you snatch balance 245 lbs!
I’m sick… again! Maybe that was part of the reason (besides the altitude) why the 18.1 redo attempt felt so horrible yesterday. Have a slightly elevated temp (99.8) and am just laying low. I just want to make it through an Open season without getting sick – just once! Aaaarrrggghhh!!
Oh no!! That is no good! Lots of tea, liquids and sleep!
Feel better! Get well soon!
A. Done. SHSPUx6
B. 115-155
C. 4+1 30#
Nice job Perry!
Thanks Nichole!
A. 6 SHSPU ea min; 5 BMU ea
B. 105-155# (been a long time since I’ve done these and it felt like so ?)
C. 5+3 UB used 20# to 9’
Great job Cheryl!! Way to push on Part C!
A. 6 hspus done. Didn’t do the bar muscle ups, grip feeling tired
B. Worked up to 160
C. 5 rds done with a 20lb ball (all I had)
D. No time
B. Up to 105#. Felt easy
C. 5+29. 14# wallballs (all I had) Really wanted that last calorie! I loved that workout!
Oh great work Theresa!!!! Your engine is coming along so well!
Thanks so much. I can’t explain how much I’ve enjoyed Invictus programming, some days more than other haha
Mobility done
A. Done. Did single bar MU’s – first time doing them in a few months. Maybe next week I will see if I can string them with no pain, but happy to be able to do them again! Like riding a bike…
B. 135/145/155/165/175
C. 4+12
D. Done
So great Joe, and no pain after?
Feels OK so far!
Feeling better today I think I can get back at it tomorrow..
Awesome Doug! Somehow I must have contracted what you had!!
Sorry to hear that it’s just the wrong time to have it
A) done. Did BMU with Band. Not ready to do a huge kip yet
PT workout for today. Taking it easy on my back and making it a recovery day
A. 4 each minute and completed BMU as singles. Felt really heavy on both.
B. Up to 140. But that one was pretty wobbly. 135 felt good.
C. 4 + 22 Felt a bit sluggish today. 18.1 redo probably had something to do with it. My cal/hr were faster in all 20min yesterday than any of the rounds today.
D. Done 8/8
Mobility completed.
A2)Completed UB. Need to start caring for my hands as they are becoming tender.
C)4+3 Heavy WB and cycling snatches are not my favorite.
Nice job Dean and yes, care for those hands, especially if they are feeling tender!
Thank you! Yes, they need a little TLC after 18.1, Monday and today. You never know what bar/ring work might be in store in 18.2.
A1: 6 reps every minute (that’s quite the achievement for me with a 6’1 wingspan and over 180lbs of body weight)
A2: did 4 sets of 5-6
B- Hate hate hate these with a passion. With that said tried to keep it light to focus on the movement: 60-65-70-75-80kg
C- Really liked this one, gave me 18.1 flashbacks. Kept it paced out. 6 rounds plus 12 WB and 8 Snatches
D- did ring dips instead
Solid work on Part C! Nice job on your handstand push-ups!