January 30, 2018 – Invictus Athlete

Primary Strength Session
Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed

followed by…

Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 1 rep

Build to heavy.

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Drop Snatch x 1 rep

Build to heavy.

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Balance x 2 reps

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 55-65%

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 65-75%

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch from 2″ Below the Knee @ 75-85%

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch @ 85-90%

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep @ 90-95%

For time:
15 Ring Muscle-Ups
1 Snatch (165/125 lbs)
1 Snatch (185/135 lbs)
1 Snatch (205/145 lbs)
1 Snatch (225/155 lbs)
1 Snatch (245/165 lbs)

If possible, use multiple barbells and/or training partners to help load barbells so that you have minimal transition time.

Primary Conditioning Session
Perform the following using the “18.0” movement standards – practice moving as quickly as possible, but video this session or at least have a training partner watching your reps and providing feedback.

For max reps:
30 seconds of Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
Rest 15 seconds
45 seconds of Box-Facing Burpee Box Jump-Overs

Rest 90 seconds, and when the running clock reaches 3:00…

Two rounds for time of:
50/35 lb Alternating Dumbbell Snatches x 30-second max # of reps
Box-Facing Burpee Box Jump-Overs x 45-second max # of reps

Rest until fully recovered, and then…

Four sets of:
60 Second Max Calorie Assault Bike
Immediately followed by…
60 Second Max Rep Double Unders (Heavy Rope if possible)
Immediately followed by…
20 Pull-Ups
Rest 90 seconds

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option
Four sets of:
Single Arm Dumbbell Row x 6-8 reps each arm @ 2112
(Use a Pronated Grip)
Rest 30 seconds
Standing Single-Arm Dumbbell Press x 6-8 reps each arm @ 2121
Rest as needed

Four rounds of:
15 seconds of Dumbbell Lateral Raises
15 seconds of Hercules Hold with Thumbs Facing Up

Rest 60 seconds, and then…

Four rounds of:
15 seconds of Dumbbell Lateral Raises with Thumbs Facing Up
15 seconds of Hercules Hold with Palms Facing Up

Rest 2 minutes, and then…

Two rounds of:
30 seconds of Dumbbell Presses
30 seconds of Dumbbell Overhead Hold
Rest 60 seconds and repeat

Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Four sets of:
60 second Sprint @ 90-95%
15 seconds rest
15 second Sprint @ 95+%
Rest 3 minutes

Goal is to hold the same pace as you did on January 16.

Gymnastics Skills Option
If you are not familiar with the Rising to Rowing Muscle-Up technique, please watch this video.

Every 10 seconds, for 60 seconds (6 sets) of:
Cast Swing x 1 rep
*Focus should be on the height of the hips during the cast swing and the amount of power provided for the backswing.

Followed by…

Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Snap Pull x 10 reps
Pop Swing x 5 reps
*Start the pop swing from a dead hang (no cast swing) and do not allow the body to swing higher than 45 degrees on either the forward or backswing.

Followed by…

Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Box Jump-Up to Full Support on Rings x 5 reps
*Use a neutral grip (not false grip) when beneath the rings.
Catch Position Dips x 10 reps

Rest 60 seconds, then…

Every 15 seconds, for 3 minutes (12 sets) of:
Mounting Ring Muscle-Up x 1 rep

Rest exactly 2 minutes, then. . .

For 60 seconds, perform one set of:
Ring Muscle-Up x max reps

If you are not familiar with the Rope Foot Hold technique, please watch this video.

Every 15 seconds, for 60 seconds (4 sets) of complex:
Rope Climb Mount + Rope Pinch to Stand

Followed by. . .

Every 20 seconds, for 2 minutes (6 sets) of:
Rope Climb (with legs) x 1 rep

Followed by. . .

Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets) of complex:
Rope Climb Mount + Pull-Up Taps x 5 reps
*Alternate top hand each mount.

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (2 sets) of:
V-Up x 30 reps
Straight Body Crunches x 20 reps
Dragon Flag Negatives x 10 reps @ 40A0

Immediately followed by. . .

Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Straight Leg Bottom Balance x 50 seconds
Elbow Plank x 50 seconds

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Stefan Dresevic
Stefan Dresevic
February 1, 2018 9:42 am

Strength A) Press 95/115/125/130 Drop Snatch 135/145/155 Snatch Balance 175/190/205 B) High Hang 160/165/175 Hang 185/195/205 Lift off +Sn 215/220/225 Snatch 235/240/245 << 98%!! C) RX MU 9/4/2 finished 225 around 3:20ish waited to hit 245 right around 3:50 and barely missed, two more attempts at 245 that were SO CLOSE, last attempt could've maybe saved but didn't have room to walk it out. Conditioning 18.0 – did it in 4:17 at about 85% Max reps DB Snatch = 15 Max Box Jump = 14 2 RDS = 3:36 B) 25 cal/83 DU/2:25 20 cal/60 DU/2:34 17 cal/63 DU/2:49 15… Read more »

Dawn Stoll
Dawn Stoll
January 31, 2018 6:36 am

Openers Done
A. Press 65/85/90/85
Drop snatch 85/90/95
Snatch balance 105/125/125/130

B. High hang 85/90/95
Hang 100/105/110
2” 115/120/125
Lift offs and snatch 130/130/135
Snatch 135/140(f)/140

C. Scaled to jumping ring Mu’s and 105/115/125/135/145
6:23. Missed 135 3 times before I got it, but 145 came up on the first pull.

A. 14 DBS/ 9 BBJO 3:06

B. 19/37 4:59, 18/42 5:35, 17/47 5:59, 17/41 5:28

A. Done with 30’s
B. Done with 10’s. That was humbling.
C. Down with 20’s.

Jeffrey Perez
Jeffrey Perez
January 31, 2018 6:16 am

Primary Conditioning:
A. 20 DBS / 18 BBJO
2RDS : 3:19

Kalynne Mitchell
Kalynne Mitchell
January 31, 2018 12:33 am

A. Snatch in rec: 55/65/70/72
Drop S: 65/80/85
Snatch bal: 86/95/102/105
B. HHS: 75/78/82
HS: 88/95/102
2”: 105/110/115
2LO+S: 118/120/122
S: 124/126/128X – miss behind

C. 6:15
Muscle ups: 5×3
Snatch: 95/105/115/125X/135X

Primary Conditioning:
A. 15 DBS/10 burpee box jump overs
Time for 2 rounds: 2:51
B. 18cals/82dubs/1:08 for pull-ups

Tyler Weber
Tyler Weber
January 30, 2018 8:12 pm

A1) 135
2) 135,145,155
3) 155,165,175,185
2) 175,185,195
3) 200,210,215
4) 225,230,235
5) 240,245,250
C. 6:05 rx
11,4 muscle ups
plate transfers on one barbell were slow.
A. db snatches-15
2 rounds for time- 2:55
B. cals- 22,18,18,20…slow
dubs- 128,132,112,120
pull ups unbroken

Caroline Essex
Caroline Essex
January 30, 2018 7:45 pm

A. 14 & 9
2 rounds 2:57
AB / 10-10-11-11
DU / 70-70-70-70

Ashlee Finch
Ashlee Finch
January 30, 2018 7:24 pm

Primary strength:
A. Snatch press from rec @45/50/55/60
Snatch drops @55/65/75
Snatch balances @75/85/95
B. High hang snatches @65
Hang snatches @80
Snatch 2” below knee @90
2 Snatch lift offs + snatch @95
Snatch singles @95
C. 7:18
Mu: 6/2/2/2/2/1 I got greedy with my first set
Snatches @ 75/80/85/90/95

Strength accessory:
A. Single arm db row @20
Single arm standing db press @25
B. Done

January 30, 2018 7:01 pm

Primary Strength Session
Openers and Activation
(it was not a great day)
For time:
15 Ring Muscle-Ups
1 Snatch (165/125 lbs)
1 Snatch (185/135 lbs)
1 Snatch (205/145 lbs)
1 Snatch (225/155 lbs)
1 Snatch (245/165 lbs)?
*use time Cap of 7 min. I got caught in the 245lb failing 3 attempts. My Max is 237lb I knew the weight would be difficult but I wanted to prove myself

Assault Bike Conditioning Option

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
January 30, 2018 7:38 pm

Nice job getting to the 225lb. bar and making some attempts at a PR!

January 30, 2018 8:32 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

Thanks Tino. Good night!

January 30, 2018 6:48 pm

Gymnastics done as warmup Strength: Part A: Sn press from rec – 85/95/100/105 new PR Drop snatch – 105/115/115 Sn balance x2 – 125/135/145/155 Part B: H.hang snatch – 105/115/115 H. snatch – 125/135/145 Sn 2” below knee – 145/155/155 Snatch x1 – 165/170/175, felt good so went for 180 (100%) but missed Part C: 5:10 can only do ring MU in sets of 2, took almost 3 minutes, missed my first snatch at 125 i think just lack of focus. Then missed one at 165 and made 2nd Assault bike conditioning total cals 24/24/22/22 Still building the love part… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
January 30, 2018 7:37 pm
Reply to  Andrea

You’ve came a long way with the bike! Great work however, the better you get the faster you go and unfortunately it still hurts. Embrace it 🙂

Johnny Zhang
Johnny Zhang
January 30, 2018 5:36 pm

Great session today! A. Snatch press x 1: built to 95# Drop snatch x 1: first time doing these so I kept it light and did doubles @ 135# Snatch balance x 2: built to 155# B. High Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 55-65% – 115# Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 65-75% – 135# Snatch from 2″ Below the Knee @ 75-85% – 145, 150# 2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch @ 85-90% – 155# Snatch x 1 rep @ 90-95% – 160, 165, 170# Snatches felt solid today. Did not miss any of the lifts @ 90% or… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
January 30, 2018 6:10 pm
Reply to  Johnny Zhang

Way to bounce back after a tough day of cleans and crush those snatches today!

Some great work over the last two days! ?

Johnny Zhang
Johnny Zhang
January 30, 2018 9:23 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

Thanks coach. Out here just tryna make gains!

Jenna Gracey
Jenna Gracey
January 30, 2018 5:21 pm

strength: Did all the snatches… worked up to 145# power snatch since I am still not squatting. My muscle ups have been all over the place and I was limited on time so I just did 15 for time. 10/3/2 1:53 conditioning: Snatches: 16 Burpee box jump overs: 11.. probably played around with turning to much during those 2 rounds for time: 2:50 Assault bike metcon: 1. 2:37 19cals/75 du 2. 2:35 15 cals/70 du 3. 2:33 14 cals/70 du 4. 2:47 14cals/70du that workout sucked!!!! 🙂 all the pull ups were unbroken except the last set… 15 and 5..… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
January 30, 2018 6:07 pm
Reply to  Jenna Gracey

It sucked but it was good for you 🙂

Beth Spearman
Beth Spearman
January 30, 2018 4:57 pm

Strength A1. 85/95/105/115 A2. 105/115/125 A3. 145/150/155/160 B1. 115/120/120 B2.135/ 140/140 B3. 155/ 155/ 160 B4. 160/ 160x left short/ 160 B5. 165/ 165/ 175 MU/Snatch Ladder: 5:50 – went balls out on this and failed, but it was fun and good learning 🙂 I basically hit a max set of MU (10) then went for 5 more and failed the last rep. Then failed the 165 bar 3 times trying to push. Conditioning A. 15 DB Snatch/ 12 BBJO 3:15 B. 1. 17cal/ 35ish DU/ 2:30 2. 15 cal/ 50 DU/ 2:36 3. 15 cal/ 54 DU/ 2:34 4.… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
January 30, 2018 6:06 pm
Reply to  Beth Spearman

Love the push! Great work Beth! Always learning and pushing your body’s limits!

Jesse Teixeira
Jesse Teixeira
January 30, 2018 3:52 pm

A Snatch press from Rec’v: 95/115/125/135 Drop Snatch: 135/145/155/165 Snatch Balance: 185/195/205/215 B High hang snatch: 150/155/165 Hang snatch: 175/190/205 Snatch 2” BtK: 215/225/230 Snatch lift off + snatch: 230/235x/240 Snatch: 245x/245/250x That’s a lot of snatching!!! C. 15 MU + Snatch Ladder 10/5 on muscle ups finished at 1:20 Missed one snatch @205. Hit 225 @3:15 First attempt at 245 was at 3:50 and attempted it about 5-6 More times and just called it. Hope we redo this one. If so I would def break up muscle ups in 5s to save arms and core. 245 is 90% so… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
January 30, 2018 6:05 pm
Reply to  Jesse Teixeira

Some good learning today on the muscle up ladder. Another solid day Jessie!

Lindsay Siolka
Lindsay Siolka
January 30, 2018 3:23 pm

Strength plus accessory: Snatch Press: 65, 75, 85 Drop Snatch: 85, 90, 95 Snatch Balance: 100, 105, 110 HHS: 105, 115, 123 HS: 130, 135, 142 SBTk: 145, 150, 155 SLOx2 + S: 160, 165, 170 S: 175, 180 Stopped there so I could squeeze the workout in before the 5pm class started. No misses. 2:23 – UB MUs in :47, hit the first barbell at 1:00, missed my first attempt at 165 but quickly regrouped and hit it. Should’ve been under 2:00 looking back but still a great session. Fun workout! It’s like my favorite workout from 2015 regionals… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
January 30, 2018 6:04 pm
Reply to  Lindsay Siolka

Awesome day of work!

Michael P
Michael P
January 30, 2018 6:31 pm
Reply to  Lindsay Siolka

The bath bomb worked

Lindsay Siolka
Lindsay Siolka
January 30, 2018 6:43 pm
Reply to  Michael P

?YES! Bahahaha!

Ryan Vaught
Ryan Vaught
January 30, 2018 2:47 pm

B. 135/145/155
C.5:51, 135/155/185/205/225

Noble Tucker
Noble Tucker
January 30, 2018 2:45 pm

S2 strength
A. Sn press:45/65/85/95
B. High: 115/125/135
Below knee:155/165/175
LO+ sn:175/185/185
C. Just did 15 muscle ups

Andrew Malek-Zadeh
Andrew Malek-Zadeh
January 30, 2018 2:30 pm

Didn’t have much time today with clients in the morning

Muscle Ups and Snatches

I was really hoping to go 2 sets on muscle ups. 10/3/2

Hi Hang Snatch @ 185
Hang Snatch @ 225
Below Knee @ 245
2 Lift Offs + Snatch @ 255
Snatch @ 255-265 x 2

16 DB Snatch
13 Box Facing Burpees
2 rounds @ 3:15

Assault Bike work done with chest to bars.

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
January 30, 2018 2:47 pm

two sets or unbroken 🙂

Andrew Malek-Zadeh
Andrew Malek-Zadeh
January 30, 2018 3:03 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

Haha unbroken on the 20 chest to bars

Those muscle ups tho. My best ever is 13. I tried to do 10-5 but I fall apart so bad when I do a big set. It’s like I can’t do anything after that. It’s sad.

Parker Gloden
Parker Gloden
January 30, 2018 2:06 pm

Primary strength: Did yesterday’s backsquats off of 355 A) 45/55/65/75 these felt good today 95/125/145 drop snatch 155/165/175/185 snatch balance B) 125/135/145 high hang 155/165/170 hang 170/180/185 2” below knee 190/195/200 lift off plus snatch 205/215/220 snatch I did the lifting in the utsa weightroom and there isn’t any muscle up rings there so I didn’t do part C Strength accessory A) 95/95/100lb dbs for pulls and 55 for presses 8 reps each B) done with 5lbs and presses and holds with 15 Rested about an hour and did primary conditioning at the crossfit gym A) 14 snatches and 10… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
January 30, 2018 2:47 pm
Reply to  Parker Gloden

Good to see your body is feeling better after the weekend.

Parker Gloden
Parker Gloden
January 30, 2018 3:57 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

Yes sir ?

Luke G
Luke G
January 30, 2018 1:50 pm

Primary Strength
Warmups done
A. Press from receive 30/40/50/55kg
Drop snatch 60/60/60kg
Snatch balance 70/75/80kg
B. High hang 60/65/70kg
Hang 75/80/85kg
2” below knee 87.5/90/92.5kg
Lift offs + snatch 95/97.5/100kg
Snatch 102.5/105/107.5kg*F
C. Skipped, elbows and forearms feeling a bit funky already from snatching.
Primary Conditioning
A. Db snatch x15
Bbjo x13
2RFT: 2:33
B. AB 29/25/23/21
DU 94/97/94/75 * regular rope
Pull ups all UB
Strength Accessories
A. 30kg rows
20kg press
B. 2kg
AB Conditioning

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
January 30, 2018 2:45 pm
Reply to  Luke G

Get on some wrist, bicep, tricep and shoulder mobility to make sure you keep those elbows healthy dude.

Luke G
Luke G
January 30, 2018 3:23 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

Will do, I’ve been a bit slack in that area lately and I’m paying for it

Petr Krejci (6.4", 225lb)
Petr Krejci (6.4", 225lb)
January 30, 2018 1:30 pm

Openers and activation done
A. 30-40-50-55kg
B. High hang 70kg
Hang 80kg
Bellow 85-90-92.5kg
Lift offs 92.5-95-97.5kg
Snatch 100kg
C. Scaled to 65-75-85-95-102.5kg
5:08 with two misses
A. 14/11, 3:10
B. Used normal rope
27/40 2:51
27/40 2:54
26/35 2:52
23/40 2:56

Pm session
Gymnastics option
Did the muscle up drills
Got 10 in 1 min
Bike conditioning

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
January 30, 2018 2:43 pm

Liking the consistency of your lifts!

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