The new cycle begins on January 1st! h
We would love to receive more feedback on what you would like to see in 2018 so please post your results/questions/comments to the blog or FaceBook group.
Make sure to use #InvictusEndurance when you post videos to social media.
3 Minute jog
Followed by…
Banded Hip Opener
Dynamic Range of Motion Drills
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Hands Behind Back Drill
Jump Rope Drill with Forward Movement
Followed by…
Three sets of:
150 Meter Sprint (50%, 60% 70%)
Walk 50 Meters
Session One
VO2 Max
Four sets of:
400 Meter Repeats
Rest 3-5 minutes in between
These don’t have to be all out efforts, we are looking for consistency.
Session Two
Aerobic Threshold
10K Run
Compare this to your time from Oct 30th week. If you didn’t do it that week then you can use this as a benchmark for the upcoming training year!
Session Three
Lactate Threshold
Same as last week, let this be a lower volume week as you get ready for a great 2018.
If you missed one of the workouts from the last cycle, you can always go back and do it – such as the 15k Time Trial or the 800 Meter Time Trial.