Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets):
4 Power Cleans
immediately followed by…
12 Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges
Build over the course of the 5 sets to the heaviest complex you can handle.
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
135/95 lb. Cleans (Power Clean is OK)
Ring Dips
Times to beat from 2012 CrossFit Games (the 13th event): Rich Froning – 2:33, Deborah Cordner Carson – 3:35
A. 115 – 165 woof
B. 7:19. Not my best but considering chest cold not bad since only ~:30 off PR.
A. 115, 120, 125, 130, 135
B. 12:00, no rings, strict bar dips. pr by 44 seconds from doing this a few days ago.
N. Them lunges tho, wow. That sucked but it felt great. Elizabeth was slower than most but I’m happy for any clean prs I can get.
A1.Hiked 4 miles
A2. Passed out for time- ie napped for 2 hrs on accident
Real A stayed really light due to reverse lunges and bursitis which refuses to go away
B. Elizabeth
Ring dips with red band
First time doing dips in a really long time! Luckily the husband agreed the rings could go on the rank!
A. #65,75,85,95,105 (all UB)
Wasn’t sure where to start on these. Not great with a BB. 1RM on clean is 175 and my front rack lunges are less…
B. @95# 5:14 (Ring dips UB)
Last PR was 8.1.17 at 6:22
So that felt good!
Did this today
30 push ups
20 front squats @115
20 push press @115
30 Ghd sit ups
A. 115#-125-135-135-135 as Rx’d I held back a little on the weight, feeling a little exhausted from this week’s training and I wanted to leave a little something in the tank for B. I don’t think anything above 145 was happening either way as the last lunges at 135 were a struggle on the last set B. Rx- 8:22 (first Elizabeth) PC 15-6 / 9-6 / 6-3 Kipping RD: 11-5-5 / 7-5-3 / 5-2-2 Wasn’t sure what to expect here and was aiming for under 9:00. Not my best performance as I know I could’ve picked up the bb a… Read more »
happy holidays joey! embrace the rest, you have more than earned it
Great work Joey. Merry Christmas!
This was a struggle. I must need a rest day and/or a good night of sleep.
A. Up to 165. Lunges were solid until the last set.
B. I was totally gassed and ended up at 8:47. I did this once, but I didn’t post it. If I had to guess, this was slower than the last time. I’m really disappointed by that result and my energy level the last two days.
On the positive side, the last several weeks I’ve seen great improvements that I’m excited to build on.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Sometimes a break is good, but way to power through this. Lunges were strong.
Sounds like some high quality rest is in order for sure! When’s the last time you took a day off training?
I had a rest day this weekend. One piece of the puzzle is that I have a newborn so the amount and quality of sleep is a lot less than normal!
Great work man! Not always easy with a baby in the picture, gj hanging in there! Merry Christmas to you and your family
Day behind.
This was a killer.
Ran 400 M run on the TM instead of rowing. Wanted to add more running in and the rower was being used.
3:33, 3:37, 3:45, 3:37, 3:43, 4:00 (I ran an extra 100 meters because I forgot where I started), 3:46 Wanted to die several times. I took an extra min break between rounds 3 and 4 because toddler needed a different movie put on.
No energy for extras.
Solid times
Just finished the online comp. Need to work on handstand walking and strict HSPU. Overall I’m pretty happy with the results. Happy Holidays to everyone on the performance blog!
Congrats on finishing…there are a lot of us that didn’t even attempt it. Great job!
Thanks man. You put up some good numbers yourself
A. 85#, 95, 105, 115, 115 Really tried to push the envelope on these and I wanted to go up in weight for the 5th set but 115 was real spicy and I had to break 7/5. B. RX – 6:35 (Aug 1 – 7:17 / Jan 31 – 11:57) Look at the difference a year can make!! Power cleans done 15/6, and then quick singles for all the rest) Ring Dips done strict, tried to kip and it really almost made it harder. Something to put on my “to work on” list! Overall happy with the improvement, although I… Read more »
That’s an amazing improvement Candy, great results today
Attagirl, well done on B
Great improvement Candy that is awesome!
Great job. Merry Christmas!
Awesome numbers, Candy! Congrats.
Nice work!! Re: Ring Dips, here’s an interesting post by our Strongfit friends on that…
Very interesting, thanks for sharing 🙂
A. 95, 110, 135, 135, 145.
B. 9:02 @ 135#. That 2:33 time to beat is insane. Took me 2 min just for the first 21 power cleans 🙁
Remember…fitness is only about you. Great job!
A. 135/145/155/165-back lunges/175-DNF lunges. Saw a tiny maggot crawling across my garage floor around the 3rd set…threw off my concentration for the rest of the WOD
B. 4:17 @ 95lbs and box dips.
Yesterday’s workout was the beginning of this years new years resolution .

Last years failed to come to fruition .
Any way I can help?
As long as Invictus keeps posting workouts it’s up to me to stick to the plan.
Thanks for offering!!!
Giving some time for the hands to heal. I went for a HIIT style wod
8 rounds 30” on/30” off
– box jump over 24”
– hollow rocks
– DUs
– russian twist with 10 kgs plate
I was aiming at this rep scheme for all 4 movements: +12, +10, +20, +25 I was able to keep the pace in all sets, I pushed a bit harder on the 7th round trying to burn everythin I had, but I was able to keep up in the last one. Gotta build that engine
… Calgary was buried in 16″ of snow on Tuesday night so logistics to the gym were difficult to say the least yesterday so made up Day 3 of the Online Competition this morning …
Event 9: 1RM C&J – 245# (Tied PR)
Event 10: 3:45
Event 11: No score (no access to an Assault Bike)
… that’s a wrap for me folks (other than hitting some lunges and backsquats over the break – aka preventative DOMs medication) – have a wonderful Christmas Season Invictus Crew – enjoy your hard earned break – cheers to a great start in 2018.
Happy holidays chris, enjoy the break, hopefully you’ll keep putting us all to shame in 2018 again ????
Great work Chris, enjoy the break, maybe Santa will bring you an assault bike!
I’m sure it would go like this …
2017: “All I want for Christmas is an Assault Bike”
2018: “All I want for Christmas is someone to steal this Assault Bike”
All the best to you and yours.
the devil’s tricycle
Happy holidays to you and your family as well. Looking forward to another year of riding your kick-butt inspiration
Happy holidays to you and your family! Enjoy your well deserved rest
Merry Christmas and great job on the comp!
Amazing work this week Chris…way to represent! Enjoy your holiday…Merry Christmas!!
Nice c&j and great year overall. Have a Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Online competition day 4
Event 12: bi’s & tris?
Followed by light 1000m row and crossover symmetry work .
Soccer game tonight and then I’m calling it a week!
Have you down as the winner of event 12!
Also, what effect has this training had on your soccer performance? I used to play over here in the UK but before i started Crossfit.
All I can say is that I can perform at the desired intensity level in each game. My acceleration, top speed, recovery, and endurance all feel good, and those are all things that I don’t train in terms of running. Skill and touch are another story ?
Hopefully you can be the commanding centre back or box to box midfielder where skill/touch aren’t always necessary!
That explains your post 3 hours ahead of mine?
I just looked at the online comp events now and holy crap are they devious. Way to put yourself out there and represent… very inspirational
No doubt, but THELonghorn is an animal!
Event 12 official equipment: dumbbells and mirrors
“Times to beat … Rich Froning”…. yeah, i’m a little sceptical that I can pull that off XD
Exactly what I thought when I read the workout ha ha!
I remember seeing a documentary on Froning from years ago and while he’s being interviewed he’s doing a 30min Emom of 275# power cleans or something like that.
I watch that documentary at least once a month, the frantasy land wod he does with hobart is just insane
My soul just felt some pain seeing that name… Frantasyland
That wod looks awesome! Looking forward to trying it … one day lol!
True story…saw the same doc
If memory serves he followed it with some WOD that involved doing ring MUs with a med ball between his feet AND it was like his 5th workout of the day… machine
Yes. He was with his cousin
I think it’ll take me 2:33, likely longer, to do the round of 21
A 130,135,145,150,155(failed after 10th rep of lunges)
B 9m
Good morning, all…
A. 115/135/135/135/135. All rounds done in about a minute. I need work on the lunge
B. 6:11 Pr/Rx; last time was 6:46, so :35 PR
Great numbers Chris, awesome PR.
Out of interest, what was the lunge issue?
Thanks, James. The lunge is an issue of stability more than anything. The later rounds we’re actually much faster than the early rounds.
I guess the front rack reverse is a movement that doesn’t come naturally to some of us (me included!), so nice to get some in – sounds like you were making gains between sets!
Sick time, crushed that prev PR
Thanks, BS. There might be more in the tank on this one. the ring dips were much better than last time.
Fast PR speedman!
Thank you, sir!
HUGE PR! Well done man
Thank you, Joey
A. 40 45 50 55 55kg (60kg was probably in the tank with compromised form). Did the cleans as touch and go to prepare for B.
B. 11.16, huge PR and so pleased! I did it as the only part of my session in 13.34 on 7th November and 16.19 on 1st June…but Froning’s 2.33 as the 13th event blows my mind.
Congrats! That’s a lot of time to take off.
Thanks, it was all from the ring dips! Still lots of capacity to gain there, this morning the rounds of 21 and 15 took me 2.47 and 2.24 respectively.
Great up on time!
Congrats on your new PR! Huge improvement
Great job improving!