Primary Conditioning Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 24 minutes (6 sets):
Minute 1: 300/250 Meter Row
Minute 2: 20 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
Minute 3: Max Calorie Assault Bike
Minute 4: Rest
Primary Strength Session
Four sets for max load:
Strict Shoulder Press x 3 reps
immediately followed by…
Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges x Max Reps
(using the same load you were able to press 3 times)
Rest 3 minutes
Three sets of:
15 Sandbag Squats (as heavy as possible)
immediately followed by…
150-Foot Hand Over Hand Rope Pull
immediately followed by…
150-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
Rest as needed
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
1-1-2 Dumbbell Bench Press x 8 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 8-10 reps each @ 2111
(row the DB to your hip, not your chest)
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets performed as a dumbbell complex of:
10 Front Raises
10 Side Delt Raises
10 Bent-Over Reverse Flies
10 Hammer Curls
10 Overhead Presses
Rest 3 minutes
Running Endurance Option
Complete as many sets as possible in 25 minutes of:
300 Meter Sprint
100 Meter Jog/Walk
Keep the intensity high on the sprint, even if that means the 100 meter transition gets slower over the course of the session.
Rowing Endurance Option
Five sets for times of:
Row 750 Meters
Rest 2 minutes
Note times for each set. Aim for consistency across the five sets. You should not have a disparity of more than 3 seconds between your fastest and slowest sets.
Didn’t this yesterday instead of Wednesday:
A. Strict press:
80×3/85×1 and then went back down to 80, but only got 2/80×3/81×3
Lunges: 30/30/30/32
B. Skip – turf occupied
Scaled to 200m, plan was to do 15 thrusters but I fell short a few rounds, used StairMaster AirFit bike
Thrusters: 15, 12, 15, 13, 15, 13
Cals: 12, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11
I died – this was so challenging!
Strength Acc:
A. 1-1-2 with 30# DBs
Row with 45# DB
Throwing us to the wolves on this one! First round was 20 thrusters, all the rest had to be 15.
AB 17/16/13/11/11/10 just trying not to die here…barely finishing the 300m on the last couple.
4 sets at 155lb
lunges 20/17/15/14
Too many people to pull yoke and sled out so did some core work:
20 sec L sit
20 v up
15 hollow rock
15 sandbag squat at 100lb
80′ hsw (2×40′)
Strength Accessory
A. 35# for 1-1-2 bench
35# for the rows
B. Done with 10# DBs… nice little pump from that one ??
Conditioning: 12/10/10/9/10/13 on the bike I was really pushing the line with the row, so I got on the bike about 10 second before and gave myself what I call a “rolling start” before my first real pulls. This allowed me to hit 250m each time. Thrusters unbroken but not easy. reps 15-20 were slow and sometimes iffy but I knew I couldn’t put it down and still make the minute!! This is a huge win for me today. I didn’t let this workout break me mentally. I imagine this would be the workout in the ‘pit of misery’ from… Read more »
Way to not give up mentally
Session 1
A. 85/20 – 90/20- 95/20-100×1-16
Finished out the last set with 2 push press. That front rack hold got real. My legs could have kept going but my arms ?
Session 2
Scaled to
200m row
15 thrusters
7-7-7-7-7-9 Cals
Nice work on the conditioning
?? Thank you!
AM Session
Swimming (getting ready for WZA)
Didn’t leave my ego at the door today and became a head case! Will be better
Thrusters: 20-18-16-18-14-16
Calories: 30-22-19-19-19-22
Don’t have a yoke at sled at this gym today so did this instead.
3 rounds
100 DU
20 sandbag Squats 100lb (heaviest one we had)
50ft hs Walk
150 farmers carry
2 min rest
Strength DB work
I had a hard time with this one to Dan, you still crushed the bike.
Primary Conditioning Scaled
250m Row
15 Thrusters
Max Cal Bike
Primary Strength done at #155
Strength Accessory Done
Welp. That was as bad as expected. Totally happy with the mental effort today on the emom though.
= 92 total calories.
Unbroken thrusters for 4 rounds, 2 sets last couple rounds. Just over a min on the row rounds 5&6.
Press and lunge –
115 x 3+24, 135 x 3+20, 145x 3+18, 155 x 3+12
Strength accessory
Db Bench/dB Row Done. In the words of Aron Burgundy “a deep burn”
Killing the Thrusters!
Primary Conditioning:
Rx except two rounds got to 215ish meters in the minute
10/10/9/7/9/7 calories
That was yucky
Primary strength:
Press 95#/100# for 3 sets
Max reps reverse lunges 20/14/16/18 total
Then did deadlifts from yesterday because it’s been a while
Hit all percentages ??
Nice consistency on the bike
Session 1
A) sold out on this one…I tried
Rowed over 275 every time
16 thrusters
Morning session: Primary strength A) 135/145/155/155 then 20/20/16/18 lunges B) 150lbs bag 90lbs on sled pulled inside and 70lb db single arm oh carry for yoke Strength accessory A) 35lbs for rows B) 15lbs that was fun haha Primary conditioning Subbed 10m shuttle runs for bike since our bike doesn’t count calories. Got 12/11/10/8/8/8 shuttle runs. Unbroken thrusters which I was really happy about because that was my goal for the workout today. Row took slightly over 1 min towards the end and thrusters went slightly over towards the end too I think my last round I started the runs… Read more »
You earned a rest day for sure!
Done rxd
Thrusters unbroken, finished right on the minute last couple of rounds
Primary Strength
A. 70kg x18 lunges
72.5kg x14
75kg x12
75kg x14
B. 65kg dball for squats
20kg + prowler for rope pulls
70kg oh yoke carry
A. 30kg db bench
35kg rows
B. 10kg DBs
You made that last set hurt!
Yea dude those thrusters took my soul, I was a zombie on the bike haha
Ski cal
*10 strict deficit hspu after each round
Conditioning. This kicked my butt
Rows were right at the minute
Thrusters unbroken but barely had any time to rest before the bike
Total cal was 119
Nice work staying on the minute even when it got tough! #charactertest
119 cals….?
Primary strength:
A. Strict presses @75/80/85/90 pretty excited to hit 90 for 3! My 1rm was 95 🙂
Front rack reverse lunges max reps:
B. Sandbag squats @ 60lbs
Hand over hand rope pulls @ 65lbs
OH barbell with chains carry
Primary conditioning:
Scaled to 175m row, 45lbs on thrusters( My goal was to get at least 15 every time)
Cals on bike: 6/2/4/5/5/7
That had me wheezing ???
Strength accessory:
A. 1-1-2 db bench @35
Single arm rows @25
B. Dumbbell complex done @ 8lbs
Nice work hitting 90 for 3!!
Strength (did this first to help get warm)
A. 105/115/125/125
40/30/20/22 HOLY LEGS
B. This afternoon, along with Accessory work
A. I feel super awesome about doing this RX because the thrusters were trying really hard to steal my soul. Made it UB all rounds! Tough to get my legs to give my output the first 30 seconds or so on the bike, but tried to pick it up for the second 30
Awesome job Teresa!!
1: row done
2: sub by 35kg to keep in emom 20/18/18/15/17/18 rep
3: 14/12/14/12/14/16
1) 60/62,5/62,5/62,5
2) 15 zercher squat @ 50
1 peg board ascent
45m oh yoke carry @22,5 DB
Strength accessory
A) all at 22,5 kg
B) 8/6/6 kg
Conditioning -I had to scale this a bit, but it was just right today. Min 1: 200m row Min 2: 15 UB Thrusters Min 3: Max cals (11/10/8/8/7/9) Min 4: rest Strength A. Strict Press – 95/105/115/115 Lunges – 18/16/12/12 B. Got through 2 rounds before class Sandbag Squats 70ish# – couldn’t find the 100# bag 100ft pull inside on the mats (that’s way worse than concrete…) 100ft OH DB Walk (50# DBs) Then ended up jumping in on a team that only had 2 people for the 3 person WOD today, so we did 21 rounds (7 rounds each)… Read more »
All the conditioning today! Make sure your getting that strength work in!
Strict press 115,135,145,155×3
Rev lunge 20, 15, 12, 12
No access to sandbag so I used a heavy keg for squats
Arm over arm 410×150
OH carry 170 (barbell)
Conditioning was rough
1-1-2 bench 70s 8,8,7
Rows 90 3×8
Complex was a burner
Nice! That keg would have been interesting!
It was very awkward and slippery haha
Primary conditioning:
As RX.
Row at 1:38 every round (:58 seconds)
Thrusters: 8-7-5
Assault bike: 22/20/21/20/20/28
8-7-5 I thought it was 20?!
8+7+5 hahaha
How on earth could you break the thrusters into 3 sets and keep them under 60s. I went unbroken and was riding the line
I can do 12 thrusters in 20 seconds… I literally dropped from the top. Stepped back and forward then started. I’m also short 🙂
You keep doing whatever you want. It’s working! My goodness you nasty.
Primary condo-15/12/8/14/15/15
First 3 sets were as prescribed but I was running over time an getting like 30 seconds on the bike, last 3 sets were 3 mins to finish row+thrusters and 1 min on bike to get some more time on the bike
A. 135/155/155/155
B. Later
Good to see you feeling better than yesterday.
So much better!