Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 60 seconds in a Butterfly Stretch
and then …
Two sets of:
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 60 seconds per side
Banded Hip Bridges x 10 reps
and then …
One set of:
External Hip Rotation Drill x 60 seconds per side
Every 2:30, for 20 minutes (8 sets):
Clean + Jerk
*Sets 1-2 – 75% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 3-4 – 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 5 – 85% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 6 – 90% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 7 – 95% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 8 – 100-102% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Three sets of:
Barbell Back Rack Box Step Ups x 8 reps per leg @ 2111
Rest 45 seconds between legs; Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Load this with a weight that will allow you to maintain the tempo and focus on driving through the leg on the box.
Max reps in 3 minutes of:
Row x 500 meters
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 3 minutes; Repeat for 4 sets.
Box Bridge Handstand Push-Ups (no deficit)
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Tate Presses x 12 reps
Rest as needed
Banded Pull-Downs x 30 reps
Rest as needed
A. 165,165,176,176,185,201,210,225. 5 pound PR. Felt like I could have went higher
B. 95
Congrats Chris, major win!!
Thanks. I am enjoying the work!
Warm-up: Did some and other warm-up variations.
A: 150 / 160 / 170 / 180 / 190 / 200. 200 pounds is a PR for me. It was a bit wobbly with a bit of a press on the jerk but I will take it! Previously, my PR for a jerk was 190 from the rack. I think my clean PR was 185!
B: Didn’t know what I was doing. Tried 95 pounds.
C: Rows at 148.8 / 144.7 / 141.4 / 146
HSPU at 2+2 / 3+3 / 2+2 / 2+1 This is really good for me.
D: Done
Wow, HUGE IMPROVEMENT!! Congratulations! Do you have a video of you hitting this PR?
No video, I will next time.
A – Sets 1&2 @ 185
Sets 3&4 @ 195
Set 5 @ 210
Set 6 @ 220
Set 7 @ 230
Set 8 @ 240
B- 115 for weight
C- 1:43 and 11
1:45 and 12
1:47 and 9
1:48 and 8
Good work today John!
Back on schedule this week after traveling last week and mixing Invictus stuff with WODs at CF box I dropped in at. Out next week in Cancun on vacation.
A – 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 230(fail). I believe 225 is a PR, but I’m capable of more. Got sloppy and wasn’t focused enough on last lift.
B – 95, 115, 125.
C – All rows around 1:47-1:50. SHSPUs 19/18/17/15.
D – Done.
Cancun – how fun!! You get some warm weather 🙂
Congrats on hitting a new PR!! And nice work on your sHSPU!
Thanks Nichole! Staying at an all-inclusive, so it looks like hotel wods with DBs for me next week. Looking forward to it!
How fun! Post pics to the FB page!!
delayed entry for Saturday- Nov. 11th
A) done’
B1). SHPU+1 Neg; 3+1
B2) Bxd HSPU:boy this so hard for debut I love it!!!!
C1) BS: 200lbs,213,225,245,255
C2) BS: 250
Ran out of time, family party
Dyn/Mob. done
A) C/J: 95lbsx2,104×1,123,1
120,118,,123,130,135x 2 sets, failed 140
C: 1)218/6, 2)220/6, 3)210/8 4) 210/6
D) skipped
feeling under the weather today.. stuffy nose,trouble breathing..
Hope you feel better Lise!
thank you Nicole.. its begining to look like a respiratory infection.. thank you!!XO
I am back after a week in NYC for work. Did a couple of drop-ins at Neo Fifth (the former Reebok Crossfit Fifth Avenue) while there, but wasn’t able to follow our regular programming. DMA – done A – Sets 1&2 @ 90# Sets 3&4 @ 96# Set 5 @ 102# Set 6 @ 108# Set 7 @ 115# Set 8 @ 122# (2# PR) B – done w/ 55# all sets C – rows and seated DB presses w/ 25# DBs 1. 1:56.5 / 9 2. 2:01.7 / 9 3. 2:05.5 / 8 4. 2:07.5 / 9 Really struggling… Read more »
Fun! Hope you had a nice time in NYC!
Great job on your PR!
Thanks, Nichole! I’ll try and upload the last three C&Js. The jerk part was pretty ugly in all of them (I’m not getting my head out of the way, so bar path is not straight up).
A. Up through 295. Cleaned 305 but missed jerk.
B. 115/115/135
Very impressive with your sHSPU!
Thank you. Been a work in progress for a long time.
A. Up to 215
B. skipped
C. 1:49/16, 1:48/18, 1:48/17, 1:48/16
Nice work Perry, especially with the sHSPU!
Thanks Nichole!
Up to 245# feel real slow but first time pushing any kind of weight.
Step ups with 115#
1:48-17 shspu
Out of time
Very nice Jeff – great work today and awesome job on your shspu!! Hope that shoulder is feeling good!
A. 225-225-245-245-265-275-295-305
B. Done (115#)
C. 1:48 + 12 / 1:47 + 11 / 1:44 + 10 / 1:45 + 11. Strict HSPU are by far my weakest link in but a major improvement!
D. Done
* Extra (Aerobic Capacity)
– 25 Min Run (Easy Pace) for Max Distance = 4.4Kms
– 6 x 80m Sprints (:90 rest between reps)
Fantastic improvement!
A. 190,200,215,225,240,250 missed 255
B skip knee still sore
C. 1:38 / 22, 1:40/21 , 1:44/18, 1:45/18
D . Done
Solid Brian!
B 125 135 140 150 155 165. That might be a new CJ PR I can clean more and jerk more but trouble with the transition always gets in the way. JERK real ugly almost a press I don’t trust my knee at all.
C 45 45 45 on a 20 inch box
D 8 8 8 8 did 8 unbroken in round 1 that’s a new PR when I started I could do 4
All done today may hit box for a nice GPP today
Congrats Doug on your C&J PR and your sHSPU PR! Not only did you do 8 ub but then you maintained 8 in each round
Mobility done
A. 175/185/190/190/200/215/225/240 (5# PR) – was feeling good, so went for 250#. Squat cleaned it with no problem twice, but shorted my split on the jerk and couldn’t quite lock out my arms. Was happy with the way the 250 squat clean felt – that is my 1rm squat clean.
B. 75/95/115
C. 12/11/10/11 – happy with the progress on the SHSPU
D. Done
Congrats on the new PR!!
DMA complete
A. 135/145/145/155/155/165/175/185 (95%)
B. 45/75/75
C. 1:51/11, 1:51/11, 1:51/11, 1:51/8 failed 9. Consistent is my middle name ?
Yay for 95% today Jean!!
A. 185# / 195# / 205# / 215# / 215# / 225# / 225# (didn’t do 8th lift)
Heavy not feeling great. Patience.
B. 75# / 95# / 105#
C. 1:40 and 21
1:41 and 21
1:41 and 20
1:44 and 18
D. Did banded pull downs.
How has the knee been feeling?
Something is off, but I am pushing through. 🙂
A) 120lbs/120/125/135/145/150/155 missed Jerk/155 missed Jerk
B) 65lbs
C) subbed Row with a 400 meter Run. SHSPU using 1 abmat
1:41-12 HSPU
1:44 – 12 HSPU
1:43 – 9 HSPU
1:42- 9 HSPU
D) ran out of time
How are you feeling Dawn?!
I’m still not ready to row yet but the cleans felt really good today. I’m probably gonna avoid rowing and pull-ups for another week. My bicep doesn’t hurt anymore but I’m still “aware” of it, if that makes sense.
Totally makes sense and I think that is really smart of you!!!
A. DIDN’t really go for it because of my elbow, feels way better taking Advil to help with the nerve swelling. Built up to 175#.
B. used bar – focused on just one leg.
C. 18,17,17,15
D. DOne
Good call Chris! Are you seeing improvements with the elbow?
Mobility completed.
A)140#(2)/150(2)/160/170/180/190 5#PR. Tried for 200# and failed on the jerk.
Congrats on the PR!!
Thank you coach!
Back after a week of running and push-ups! (Traveling)
DMA – done
A – 135, 135, 150, 150, 160, 165, 175, 175 (felt sloppy)
B – 115
C – read this wrong, did row and than max unbroken strict hspu: 10, 8, 8, 7 (row was consistently around ~1:45)
D – later
Still got in a great workout! Hope you had good travels and happy to see you back on the regular program!
DMA – Dane
A. 185/185/195/195/210/225/235 (failed jerk X 3), 245 DNA
B. Skip
C. 12/14/12/14
D . Skip
Nice work on your strict HSPU. How did your clean and jerks feel today?
Cleans felt great. Jerk didn’t feel good. Wasn’t getting my head through and felt like I was push pressing.
Good feedback for you to apply next time you jerk.
Now that is funny!!! 🙂