Primary Strength Session
Two sets of:
6 Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings
6 Front-Racked Kettlebell Reverse Lunges
6 Front-Racked Kettlebell Cossack Squats
6 Single-Arm Kettlebell Presses
6 Kettlebell Windmills
Rest 60 seconds and switch sides
Six sets of:
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + 1 Snatch
Rest 2 minutes
For each lift off, pause for a count of “one one-thousand” at the mid-patella before returning the weight to the floor. Build over the course of the six sets to today’s heavy.
Followed by…
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
Perform these with the same weight you finished with on the lift-offs.
Three sets of:
4-Stop Snatch Deadlift + 8-second Descent
(pause for 2 seconds at 2″ off the floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh and high hang, then stand, then reverse through the positions slow and controlled – 8 seconds back to the floor; USE STRAPS)
Rest as needed
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Followed by…
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 4 reps @ 80%
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
Row 500 Meters
6/4 Legless Rope Climbs
Row 500 Meters
Rest 4 minutes, and then…
For time:
60/40 Calories of Assault Bike
20 Hang Squat Snatches (135/95 lbs)
Rest 4 minutes, and then…
For time:
Row 500 Meters
6/4 Legless Rope Climbs
Row 500 Meters
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Skills Efficiency Option
Six sets for times of:
30 Double-Unders
15 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs to 10′)
10 GHD Sit-Ups
5 Muscle-Ups
Rest 3 minutes
These should be sprint sets; go as hard as you can. Don’t be afraid to change movement strategies and take some chances to see if there is a way you can become faster in these sets. Please note your times for each set and any reasons for why you experienced time differences between sets.
Strength Accessory Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
3-5 Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Rows
5 Ab Wheel Rollouts
If you acheive 5 reps toward the end of the EMOM then it was too light.
Three sets of:
Close Grip Bench Press x 5 reps
Immediately followed by…
Bench Press x 5 reps
Immediately followed by…
Wide Grip Bench Press x 5 reps
Immediately followed by…
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pulls
Rest 2 minutes
Find your max weight for 5 reps of close-grip bench press, followed immediately by 5 reps of bench press, followed immediately by 5 reps of wide-grip bench. If you can still keep going, switch back to regular grip and bang 5 more reps. Just keep going to muscle failure.
For max load and distance:
5 Minutes of Sandbag Carry
Go heavy, and keep moving.
Three Sets of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows
x 6-8 reps each
Rest as needed
Viking Sloth Press x 8-10 alternating reps
Rest as needed
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes (6 sets) for times:
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
9 Burpees
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
Was in Vegas and dropped in to Sincity Crossfit on Sunday morning. Got my strength work in and that was the only session I got in for the weekend :/
A) Done
B) Built to 230 on lift off + snatch
C) 230 all makes, snatch feels amazing, went for PR 245 and missed it but I know have it
D) 275/315/335/365 followed by 315
Lift off +snatch built to 150
Singles @150
Deads @150/165/165
Back Squats
4×5@ 225 these felt great!!
I have only been having about an hour first thing in the morning to work out.
Probably going to start putting some longer sessions in on Saturday and Sunday
AM Session
A. Done
B. Snatch complex upto 105kg, PR for this complex
C. Snatch DL @110kg
D. Back squats
4@130, 3@150, 2@160, 1@170kg
Emom done @140kg
Skill Efficiency
1:42, 1:38, 1:37, 1:37, 1:38, 1:38
PM Session
Assualt Bike Condo
1:24, 1:34, 1:32, 1:33, 1:38, 1:37
Didn’t zero cals after burpees 😉
Strength Accessories
A. 85kg rows, for some reason I did this for 10 minutes
B. 80kg bench complex
40kg + prowler for rope pulls
C. 65kg dball for 240m
D. 30kg rows, 10kg DBs per hand for sloth press
Great day of lifting Luke! Nice job hitting 105 for part B and yes you didn’t need to zero the bike after the burpees, just after the final bike 🙂
B. Up to 115, failed 120 on last 3 sets
Snatchx1 @ 120 – no misses
C. Done at 135
D. 4@155, 3@175, 2@190, 1@200
5×4 @ 175
Strength Accessory:
A. Bent over row @ 105#
Ab roll outs done
B. All bench sets @ 95#
Hand over hand rope pull @ 135#
B. Up to 140, failed 145
No misses on the EMOM
Learned this evening that poly dac ropes get extremely slick when it’s humid out. No amount of chalk kept me from slipping when trying to climb legless. I actually burned all my fingertips the first round. Stupid. Second round I tried gloves then gave up and switched to legs. ?
Be safe on those ropes. Theres maybe a few things you should start adjusting or subbing out 🙂
I’m good. Going off of how I feel and so far it’s all normal. ??
Keep forgetting to post, been so busy!
B. Snatch lift off + snatch – 95/105/115/125/135/145 fail
Snatch – 4 sets with 135#
C. Snatch deadlift 145/155
D. Backsquat all higher percentages and 5 sets of 4 @ 220
Primary Conditioning:
A. 7:25
B. 6:13
C. 7:47
My legless need work, I haven’t done them in a while.
Hey!! Good to see you’ve still been putting the work in!
The knees have been buggin me so I haven’t been back squatting. Today was the first time I have done them all with not a lot of pain. Working on my recovery and body maintaince. A. Snatch complex 205/215/225/235/245/250. (No misses) B. 90 second snatch work @ 250 (no misses) felt great to have a solid snatch session. It was my 91%. C. Sn deads @300 D. Back squats 350/400/425/445(miss counted.. supposed to be 450) E. E3MOM back squats @ 405 F. Primary conditioning: 5:41 (grip was smoked on the last two legless). 6:37. Bike was 3:38 and went 10/9/… Read more »
Whats going on with your knees?
Pain the patella portion when. I back squat. This weekend. I did a lot of body maintaince and stretching.
Primary Strength Session
B. 2 Snatch Lift-Offs + 1 Snatch
4×1 Snatch @145 ✅
C. 4-Stop Snatch Deadlift + 8-second Descent @145 ✅
D. Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @70%✅
*Set 2 – 3 reps @80%✅
*Set 3 – 2 reps @85%✅
*Set 4 – 1 rep @90%✅
5×4 Back Squat @ 80% ✅
Primary Conditioning Session
B. 7:20
C. 7:15
Skills Efficiency Option
1:42 / 1:47 / 1:32 / 1:35 / 1:38/ 1:48
Did Wednesday’s fun yesterday. First primary strength with heavy lunges and sled/run combo and then primary conditioning. I was surprised that after all the legs, I still ran the first mile close to 7 min (my best ever is 7 min and I ran the first mile 7:10) Times were 10:50/7:15/5;50.155 back squat, 125 front and 105 overhead. Overhead squats were a breeze, the rest sucked. Subbed one minute marching on the wall for hsw. When am I going to be able to walk on my hands!!!!? Today’s workout: Primary strength: A. Snatch complex up to 115 lbs B. Snatches… Read more »
That was an aggressive first mile! Keep working on those hs walks, adding the gymnastic portions will help!
A. Done
B. Snatch lift off and snatch
Every 90 sec snatch
C. Snatch DL + descent
Primary Conditioning
My legless rope climbs are piss more and I will continue to work on them
Skill efficiency
GHD was on the other side of the gym but I ran back and forth for it.
Have the legless got better since you’ve leaned up?
They are better just inconsistent and not very fast. I need to spend more time on that part of my skill work. Any suggestions on efficiency?
Hard to say without video but a lot will just be down to volume accumulation. Make sure you’re doing the gymnastic skill work we post on them.
Skill efficiency
Maxed out
280 ish with kilos
341 clean and jerk
Back Squats done
Every 3 min x 4 reps @ 385
*used legs on the last 6. I didn’t trust my body, it was feeling like it was going to fail on the legless. I wish I would have done 3 legless 3 with legs each set to see if I could be consistent. My arms were shaking holding on the squat snatches so I thought it would be better to go with legs
Best be safe! Still a solid day of work! ?
Morning session: Primary strength A) done B) 135/155/175/185/195/205 and 205 every 90 seconds with no misses. Good snatch day today 215/225/235 D) 245/280/300/315 and 280 for every 3 min Strength accessory A) 155 on the bar did not last for 5 reps every round haha B) 155 and 100lbs on the sled inside C) I made it about 800ft D) 45 for rows and 20 for presses Afternoon session: Primary conditioning 7:48/5:52 (800m run instead of bike)/8:20 happy to get all of the reps for legless ropeclimbs rx since we haven’t done those in a while, I tried to jump… Read more »
Great day Parker! Solid snatch session followed by some deep learning on the skills portion. Nice work!
Thanks Tino! Twas a good fitnessing day today haha
AB conditioning: 1:46, 1:48, 1:52, 1:59, 2:00, 1:59
I tried to keep all my efforts under 2 Minutes, it hurt!
Primary Strength
B. Worked up to 205 and just did it for all 6 sets, my wrist is bothering me a little and I have no idea why. Joints are also trying to recover this week, just super beat up!
Singles at 205 were easy
C. 205
D. Percentages off 350, felt weak today on this too but still got it done.
Stretch, eat, sleep, recover
As i suggested to Griffin, On days like this don’t be scared to switch things up. Go lighter or hit some of the less technical work.
Session two
Skill session
1:30 (tripped twice)
1:33 (someone came up behind me and intentionally tripped my rope)
Can’t wait to not be able to get out of bed tomorrow
You’ll be fine…?
A. Done.
B. 175
B1. 175
C. 235
D. 275, 315, 330, 350
D1. 315
A. 5:18
B. 9:13. Kept falling fwd. Annoying. Next time.
C. 5:06
1. 1:43
2. 1:42
3. 1:42
4. 1:42
5. 1:43
6. 1:42
Conditioning, was hoping this would go better, rope clombs are like handstand walks, if I don’t do them for awhile they go away, but they come back real fast with a little practice: A: 6:43 – little rower malfunction on second row. Rows: 2:04, 2:05 B: 5:33 – 40 Cals in 3:30, hang snatches in 8-6-6 – really wanted these in two sets. C: 8:20 – kinda demoralizing but tried to finish strong. Had to take really long breaks on the legless because I started to take big kips at the top towards the end. Rows were 2:14/2:15. Whoop says… Read more »
Not a game?
No, I’m talking about practice!
It warms my heart that you got my hashtag! ?
Basketball is stupid
It can be. But the tag line still applies… “talking ‘bout practice!” ?
My uncle played in the NBA. I’m allowed to say it…. actually now that I think about it he played for the San Diego Clippers…. that’s strange
Not demoralising at all just like everything else something to work in going forward.
Body might be recovered but mind might be else where! Still crushing it!
Body felt like some cheesy grits today ??
A. Done
B. 165-185-205-225-245fail-245
Snatches felt off the whole time until I realized before the last rep that I wasn’t getting full extension on the pull
C. 275×3
D. 295-335-355-375-340×4(x5)
A. 8:02 row 1:48/1:55
B. 7:43 snatches 4×5
C. 9:25 row 1:58/1:58
Anytime there’s over 3 rope pulls my grip turns to nothing
On days like this don’t be scared to switch things up. Go lighter or hit some of the less technical work.
Conditioning session:
Just did the skills efficiency portion.
Used a Zeus rope and also 30# wallball because I can’t read good. All movements UB.
Can’t read good but you’re pretty good at fitnessing. You can’t be good at everything unfortunately. 🙂
skills efficiency-every movement was unbroken except muscle ups 3/2
2:06 all unbroken
2:39 2/2/1 on muscle up
A: Snatch Lift Offs x2 + Snatch up to 165. They were a little sticky so I stopped there.
4×1 every 90 seconds at 165. No misses and the last three were my best lifts of the day.
B: Back Squat 5×4 E3MOM at 260/80%.
Snatch DLs after conditioning with accessory work tonight.