October 28, 2017 – Invictus Athlete

Primary Training Session
For the following two drills, draw out your ideal jerk footwork and use those marks to ensure perfect footwork. Please click here and watch this video to learn how to draw your footwork.

Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed

Followed by…

Three sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Rest as needed

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Split Jerk with a 2 second pause in the dip & 2 second pause in the catch

*Sets 1-2 = 1 rep @ 82.5% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Sets 3-4 = 1 rep @ 87.5% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 92.5% of 1-RM Split Jerk

Build to today’s 4-RM Dumbbell Z-Press

The dumbbells should be placed on the shoulders with the elbows out and palms facing foward. Keep the shoulders on top of the hips with a flat back, and keep your elbows in line with your hips and shoulders. Pause for one second at the top of the lift to ensure that the lockout is overhead – not forward.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in two minutes of:
4 Muscle-Ups
8 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)

Rest 3 minutes, and then…

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in two minutes of:
4 Power Cleans (185/115 lbs)
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Rest 3 minutes, and then…

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in two minutes of:
4 Front Squats (155/105 lbs – from the floor)
8 Toes to Bar

Rest 3 minutes, and then…

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in two minutes of:
4 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)
20 Double-Unders

Rest 3 minutes, and then…REPEAT C1 through C4.

The “D” portion should take you exactly 37 minutes. Post results as follows (male example):
MU/DL – 38 reps (3 + 2)/32 reps (2 + 8)
PC/C2B – 36 reps (3 + 0)/30 reps (2 + 6)
FS/PU – 44 reps (3 + 8)/38 reps (3 + 2)
PS/DU – 69 reps (2 + 21)/54 reps (2 + 6)

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option

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Three sets of:
Single Arm Dumbbell Press x 8-10 @ 21X1 reps each arm
Rest 90 seconds
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 8-10 reps each @ 2111
(row the DB to your hip, not your chest)
Rest 90 seconds

Two sets of:
200 meter Sandbag Carry (Bear Hug)
Rest 4 minutes

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Reverse V-Up x 20 reps
Interval 2 – Bouncing Knees-To-Chest x 40 reps

Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Side Hand Plank with Hips Circles x 20 reps (10 reps each side)
Interval 2 – Hollow Body Bounces

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x 50 reps

Running Endurance Option
For times:
2400 Meter Run
Rest 60 seconds
1600 Meters Run
Rest 2 minutes
2400 Meter Run

Rowing Endurance Option

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Three sets of:
Row 3000 Meters @ 5k PR pace
Rest 2 minutes

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Stefan Dresevic
Stefan Dresevic
October 30, 2017 9:20 am

A) Done
B) 250/265/280
C) 70lb

MU/DL – 28reps (2+4)/ 24 reps (2)
PC/C2B – 38 reps (3+2)/ 28 reps (2+4)
FS/T2B – 44 reps (3 + 8)/ 40 reps (3 +4)
PS/DU – 74 reps (3 + 2)/ 68 reps (2+20)

Kalynne Mitchell
Kalynne Mitchell
October 29, 2017 6:13 pm

Got busy after training yesterday and forgot to post! A. Jerk balance: 65/85/95 Tall jerk: 85 all 3 sets B. Split jerk Sets 1-2 @136 Sets 3-4@145 Sets 5-6 @ 153 C. Built to 35# DBs couldn’t even get one with 40#…struggle just to get them to my shoulders Skills Efficiency from Friday: 6:03/5:06/5:50 **we don’t have actually ropes, only able to attach rope to 7 or 8ft pull-up rig and perform legless. So did 3 legless climbs. And can only take 2-3 steps at a time on handstand walks Strength Accessory Part A. From Friday 5miN EMOM: bicep curls… Read more »

Jacob wheeler
Jacob wheeler
October 29, 2017 5:03 pm

Primary session
A) done ✅

B) E2mom x 6
Jerk 2 second pause
2 @ 226
2 @ 242
2 @ 253 (1 miss)

C) 4rm db z~press

MU/DL = 38 (3+2) / 28 (2+4)
PC/CTB = 37 (3+1) / 29 (2+5)
FS/TTB = 53 (4+5) / 50 (4+2)
PS/DU = 73 (3+1) / 73 (3+1)


Strength accessories this arvo

October 28, 2017 8:33 pm

A. Check
B. 160, 170, 180
C. 40lb bells
D1 BMU/DL – 2+9, 33reps / 3, 36reps
D2 PC/C2B – 3+1, 37reps / 3, 36 reps
D3 FS/T2B – 4, 48reps / 4+4, 52reps
D4 PS/DU – 3+1, 73reps / 3+4, 76reps

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
October 29, 2017 5:46 am
Reply to  AlanaFritz

Awesome work Alana! Great way to finish out the week!

Alan Hicks
Alan Hicks
October 28, 2017 7:23 pm

Primary training
A. Done
B. 2@285 2@305 2@325
C. 80# db’s
MU/DL – 36(3)/36(3)
PC/C2B – 38(3+2)/37(3+1)
FS/TTB – 36/(3)/43(3+7)
PS/DU – 76(3+4)/72(3)

Running done
Rowing tomorrow

Sigurður Hafsteinn Jónsson
Sigurður Hafsteinn Jónsson
October 28, 2017 10:09 pm
Reply to  Alan Hicks

Nice going solid scores

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
October 29, 2017 5:45 am
Reply to  Alan Hicks

Crushed it dude!!

Ashlee Finch
Ashlee Finch
October 28, 2017 5:19 pm

Primary session:
A. Jerk balances @65
Tall jerks @65
B. Dialed back percentages and worked on keeping back knee in line with hip again
C. 4 rm db z press @30
D1. 2+1/2 or 21/ 20 reps (did 2 muscle ups per round, DL @135)
D2. 2+1/2 or 25/24 reps (PC @95)
D3. 3/2+6 or 36/30 reps (FS @75)
D4. 2+4/2+3 or 52/51 reps (PS @ 75)

Strength accessory:
A. Single arm db press @15
Single arm db rows @20
B. 200m sandbag carries @100
C. Done
D. Done

Luke McCracken
Luke McCracken
October 28, 2017 4:37 pm

Primary Conditioning
BMU/DL – 26 reps (2+2) / 24 Reps (2)
PC/C2B – 25 reps (2+1) / 18 Reps (1+6)
FS/T2B – 36 reps (3) / 24 Reps (2)
PS/DU – 48 reps (2) / 40 Reps (1+16)

All Rx except Bar muscle ups. Was really fatiguing after PC/C2B rounds. Shoulders feel a little tired from yesterday but I feel it’s more just lack of conditioning after taking it easy for the last month.

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
October 28, 2017 5:18 pm
Reply to  Luke McCracken

It won’t take long to get your conditioning back. Keep hitting it hard!

Shely Propst
Shely Propst
October 28, 2017 3:58 pm

Jerk Balances and Tall Jerks felt good.
Split Jerk: stayed at 155# (77.5%). Did start at 165# but went down cause form was not on.
DB Z-Press: hit 40# for 4 and 3 1/4 reps with 45# 😉

Strength accessory:
A. 25# for both.
B. 100# sandbag, done UB both sets!
C. Done…but not as EMOM. These are tough for me.

Noble Tucker
Noble Tucker
October 28, 2017 2:42 pm

A. 95/115/135
B. 225/235
Lost my last 2 sets on the way up
C. 60# dbs
D1. 26 reps (2+2) / 24 reps (2)
D2. 28 reps (2+4) / 25 reps (2+1)
D3. 37 reps (3+1) / 35 reps (2+11)
D4. 56 reps (2+8) / 52 reps (2+4)

Seb Miech
Seb Miech
October 28, 2017 12:40 pm

Primary Training Session A. 8KM with a friend for fun, 37′ B. Split Jerk with a 2 second pause in the dip & 2 second pause in the catch *Sets 1-2 = 1 rep @ 82.5% 107.5k ✅ *Sets 3-4 = 1 rep @ 87.5% 112.5k✅ *Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 92.5% 120k✅ Feeling really good 🙂 C. 4-RM Dumbbell Z-Press No more 25Kg, so 32kg KB D. MU/DL – 28reps (2+4)/ 28reps (2 +4) PC/C2B – 26reps (2+2)/ 26reps (2 +2) FS/PU – 36reps (3 +1)/39reps (3 +3) PS/DU – 49reps (2+ 11)/49 reps (2+11) Cramps with the… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
October 28, 2017 2:43 pm
Reply to  Seb Miech

Todays workout is a fun one! One of my favorites!

Andrew Malek-Zadeh
Andrew Malek-Zadeh
October 28, 2017 12:31 pm

Split Jerks

3 / 2 + 3
3 + 4 / 3
4 / 3 + 4
3 + 4 / 3 + 4

Lea Carolina
Lea Carolina
October 28, 2017 11:53 am

Primary Training Session
3×3 Jerk Balance

3×3 Tall Jerks

B. Split Jerk with a 2 second pause in the dip & 2 second pause in the catch
*Sets 1-2 = 1 rep @ 82.5% ✅
*Sets 3-4 = 1 rep @ 87.5% ✅
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 92.5%✅
Receiving at 92.5 was ugly! Bar was infront.

C. 4-RM Dumbbell Z-Press 35#

MU/DL – 15reps (1+ 3)/ 25 reps (2 +1)
PC/C2B – 26reps (2+2)/ 26reps (2 +2)
FS/PU – 36reps (3 +0)/42 reps (3 +6)
PS/DU – 73 reps (3+ 1)/73 reps (3+1)

Lindsay Siolka
Lindsay Siolka
October 28, 2017 11:46 am

MU/DL – 38 reps (3+2), 34 reps (2+10) UB MUs, I should’ve finished that last round… PC/C2B – 30 reps (2+6), 34 reps (2+10) Forearm Explosion. FS/T2B – 55 reps (4+7), 49 reps (4+1) – Clearly my best couplet… probably because my forearms were the limiter on the previous one. UB T2B until the last full set. PS/DU – 36 reps (3+0), 38 reps (3+2) – Good little second wind on that final round. I need to schedule sometime with my ART dude. My forearms have been bad since Tuesday. T2B is a different grip so didn’t bother me there.… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
October 28, 2017 2:42 pm
Reply to  Lindsay Siolka

You’ve hit this before right?

Lindsay Siolka
Lindsay Siolka
October 28, 2017 2:44 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

At least 2 or 3x before…

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
October 28, 2017 3:05 pm
Reply to  Lindsay Siolka

Nice work!

Lindsay Siolka
Lindsay Siolka
October 28, 2017 6:04 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

Thanks! This was one of my first comp blog workouts when I started following back in 2015 🙂

Caroline Essex
Caroline Essex
October 28, 2017 3:19 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

What was the date of the last time we did this??

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
October 28, 2017 5:17 pm
Reply to  Caroline Essex

Never on IA. Comp blog was Feb 18th

Caroline Essex
Caroline Essex
October 28, 2017 11:00 am

1) 2+1 / 2
2) 3 / 2+ 9
3) 3 / 3
4) 3 / 2

Thomas Lopez
Thomas Lopez
October 28, 2017 9:51 am

A) 50 kg
B) 1-2: 103/ 3-4: 109/ 5-6: 115,5 feel really good with the footwork skill.
C) no more than 22,5 db so I did 4×5
1: 32 (2+8)/ 25 (2+1)
2: 25 (2+1)/ 22 (1+10)
3: 36 (3)/ 33 (2+9)
4: 58 (2+10)/ 51 (2+3)

Aaron Beatty
Aaron Beatty
October 28, 2017 8:53 am

D. 3, 2+5, 3+4, 2+4 with a zeus rope.

Had to set up for barbell for boobs, and record wodapalooza

Sigurður Hafsteinn Jónsson
Sigurður Hafsteinn Jónsson
October 28, 2017 9:48 am
Reply to  Aaron Beatty

Nice scores

Aaron Beatty
Aaron Beatty
October 28, 2017 11:05 am

Thanks dude! You as well

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
October 28, 2017 10:57 am
Reply to  Aaron Beatty

Nice work dude! Another solid week of training!

Aaron Beatty
Aaron Beatty
October 28, 2017 11:05 am
Reply to  Tino Marini

Thanks man! Sorry for being lazy on the scores 🙂

Lindsay Siolka
Lindsay Siolka
October 28, 2017 8:44 am

Jerk Balances: 65, 85, 100
Tall Jerks: 85, 105, 115
Then Split Jerks with Pause: 205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230. Kinda hurried the last one.
4RM Z-Press at 55lbs.
SA DB Press/Rows: 30, 35, 40

Conditioning, Sandbag and Core Work later!

Shely Propst
Shely Propst
October 28, 2017 6:01 pm
Reply to  Lindsay Siolka

55#…thats insane! Give me your strength!

Lindsay Siolka
Lindsay Siolka
October 28, 2017 6:06 pm
Reply to  Shely Propst

It was tough. But getting them from the ground and up into just the right position is the hardest part, am I right?! I actually thought of you when I went after the accessory work today since you’re always crushing it!

Shely Propst
Shely Propst
October 28, 2017 6:07 pm
Reply to  Lindsay Siolka

Sure is! And thank you!

Michael P
Michael P
October 28, 2017 8:06 am

Felt pretty wrecked today. Jumped into class wod which was 10-1 box facing burpee jump overs with a rope climb between. Hit 6 singles at 315 for a pause split jerk then said peace out till Monday

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
October 28, 2017 10:56 am
Reply to  Michael P

You moved a whole lot of weight and crushed some conditioning yesterday so its understandable your a little beat. Rest up ready to hit monday hard!

Sigurður Hafsteinn Jónsson
Sigurður Hafsteinn Jónsson
October 28, 2017 7:22 am

session 1 primary conditioning I got 3+3 / 3 3+1 / 2+10 5 / 4+5 4 / 4+1 rounds wow my C2B sucked big time, and my MU not so good, I fatique to early can we do more like C2B, and Muscle up skill work, and stamina work in them 😀 session 2 I worked up to heavy push press 132.5kg around 90-95% of all time best heavy split jerk 150kg same 90-95% then I did for the fun of it, one the qualifer workout for team wodapalozza deadlift/HSPU/WB/PU/OHS/T2B metcon I am not registered, but I think my gym… Read more »

Jake LaNasa
Jake LaNasa
October 28, 2017 6:25 am

Session one
D1. 2+7/2+1 or 31 and 25
D2. 2+10/2+7 (34 and 31)
D3. 3+4/3+2 (40 and 38)
D4. 2+8/2+6 (32 and 30)

Sigurður Hafsteinn Jónsson
Sigurður Hafsteinn Jónsson
October 28, 2017 9:47 am
Reply to  Jake LaNasa

Nice going. You areally always posting good scores

Jake LaNasa
Jake LaNasa
October 28, 2017 10:30 am

Haha I don’t know about that. Felt pretty slow today just happy I was consistent

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