Primary Strength Session
Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions
x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 4 reps @ 2111
Build over the course of the 3 sets, but make sure each set is heavier than you had been performing the sets of 5 reps the previous weeks.
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
(Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat) x 2 reps
(perform the push press, descend to bottom of OHS, then come up and repeat for two reps)
Building in weight – and should be heavier than previous week, but don’t go heavier than you can comfortably and safely bring back down to your back rack.
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch
(Perform a snatch pull to mid thigh with a 2 second pause, then lower the bar to the ground, pause for 1 second, then perform a snatch)
*Sets 1-4 = 1 rep @ 80% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 85% of 1-RM Snatch
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep @ 90% of 1-RM Snatch
Primary Conditioning Session
Four rounds for time of:
15 Toes-to-Bar
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (75/50 lbs)
9 Box-Facing Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Skills Efficiency Option
For max reps:
20 seconds of Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)
Rest 40 seconds
30 seconds of Double-Unders
Rest 30 seconds
40 seconds of Ring Muscle-Ups
Rest 20 seconds
When the running clock reaches 3:00…
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Minute 1 – Power Snatches x 20 second max # of reps
Minute 2 – Double-Unders x 30 second max # of reps
Minute 3 – Ring Muscle-Ups x 40 second max # of reps
Review your notes from last week. Notice that this session is slightly different, but determine what you can learn from last week’s results to better prepare your expectations and effort heading into this session.
Strength Accessory Option
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Deadlift x 2 reps @ 77.5% of 1-RM
Three sets of:
Front Racked Walking Lunge x 20 steps
Rest 30 seconds
Death March x 20 steps
Rest 2-3 minutes
Three sets of:
Reverse Hypers x 20 reps @ 1010
Rest 90 seconds
Glute Ham Raise x 10-12 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
GHD Hip Extension with Overhead “Y” x 8 reps @ 2113
Rest 60 seconds
Prone Chinese Plank x 60 seconds
(add weight to hips if possible)
Rest 60 seconds
Rowing Endurance Option
Three sets for distances of:
10 Minutes of Rowing with Rate Changes
Rest 5 minutes
Row the first four minutes of each set at 22 s/m, the next three minutes at 24 s/m, the next two minutes at 26 s/m, and the final minute at 28 s/m. Stay diligent on your strokes per minute, but see how much distance you can cover in each set by making each stroke powerful and efficient.
A) 75/85/100
B) 165/175/190/205/220
C) 195/205
D) 215
Primary Conditioning
9:12 I wanted to go ub on T2B, successful minus last set at 8/4/3
Strength Accessory
A. 385
Session 1
Primary Strength
A. 95, 115, 135
B. 155, 175, 195, 205, 210×1
C. 185/195
D. 205
Primary Conditioning
8:55 @ 70#
Session 2
Skills Efficiency
Strength Accessory
A. 295
A) 76,85,105
B) Worked up to 155 still have to get over the fear of coming down on my back.
C) 190, 205
4 Min EMOM @ 215 went 3/4
Primary Conditioning:
Need to invest in some jerk blocks 🙂
Be safe dude!
Biceps curls/triceps ext done w/ 10# DBs Rear delt w/ 2.5# plates A. SOTTS: 60# all 3 sets (5# heavier than sets of 5s) B. 100/110/120/125/130 Those push presses were HARD for 130# C. Sets 1-4 @ 100, sets 5-6 @ 105 D. 4×1 @ 115 — these felt great Conditioning: 11:36 T2b unbroken set 1 and in 8+7 sets 2-4 DB snatches slowed me down a bit! Strength Accessory: A. Done @ 205 Skills Efficiency: Power snatch: 8 reps (got 10 in 25 secs last week) Double unders: 53 (Got 42 in 25 secs last week) Ring muscle ups:… Read more »
Primary strength: A) 33# 45# 55# B) 65# 75# 85# 85# 95# stayed light because elbows didn’t love bringing it down on my back C) 80% was 95# 90% was 105#ish Both felt fine D) popped up to 108# since that was my true 90% but apparently the elbows said nah to 3 more pounds ? Primary Conditioning: A) 14:23 with 45# dumbbell because we don’t have a 50# but was heeeeella slow on BBJO Tried to do the efficiency skills stuff but the muscle ups were a nah Optional strength: A) 245# felt dandy B) front racked lunges: 105#x2… Read more »
Are they beginning to feel a little better?
Eh they feel fine until I do certain things and then they don’t feel fine. Haha
Snatch press 65/75/80
PP+OH 105/110/115/125/130
Dead+snatch 1-4@ 135
5-6@ 140
1 rep@ 150 x 4
Metcon…this got slow…still fighting congestion…9:01
Feel better soon Ashleigh!
Lifted earlier but forgot to post. Felt like shit again.. made it to snatch 80% and I started missing reps so I just quit for the day gonna take a extra rest day and hit it Thurs
Sounds like the best idea. Hope you feel better on Thursday!
AM Session
Primary Strength
Openers and warmups done
A. Sn press from receive 42.5/47.5/52.5kg
B. Sn PP + ohs 62.5/72.5/82.5/92.5/102.5kg
All sets +2.5kg from last week
C. Snatch complex
4×1 @90kg
2×1 @95kg
D. Snatch emom @100kg
Strength Accessories
A. Deadlift emom @177.5kg
B. Front rack lunge @40kg
Death march @20kg DBs
Had a shitty night sleep so Session 2 is pending a nap.
Nap…it will be more beneficial ?
Primary Conditioning:
10:01 – moved a lot slower than expected. I switched snatch arms on the ground because I just don’t feel super comfortable with the 50# DB.
Snatch press from rec – 75/85/95 failed last rep at 95
Sn PP + OH – 115/125/135/145/155
Halt Sn DL + Snatch – 1-4 @ 145,
5-6 @ 155
EMOM – 155/155/165/165 one miss at 165
Tried doing some behind the neck snatch presses but from standing. In the bottom of the squat my shoulder just hurt. Stayed light. Also did push press + ohs—stayed light to just be cautious of shoulder. 128/135/145(90%). Felt better than lately so that’s good. Stayed focused on form. Skills efficiency: 6/53/9 Was able to keep up on the second round but slowed down on third! Haven’t done much conditioning at all lately. 9 MU is a lot to keep up with in a minute! Second sesh: A. 220# B. Used 45# KBs for lunges and 35s for death march. Cut… Read more »
Nice work Shely. I hope your shoulder feels better soon and you can get back to being pain free.
20 Min Dead EMOM:
1-5: 2 Reps @ 370lbs
6-10: 3 Reps @ 370lbs
Front Rack Lunges w/ 2x53lbs KB’s
Death March w/ 2x53lbs KB’s
20 Reverse Hyper w/ 4x45lbs plates.
20 Band Pull-Throughs
2 rep push press and ohs squat
Snatch complex
250 (2 out of 4)
Primary conditioning
My T2B go so fast and go to crap any suggestions on things to try?
Recovery was low on whoop today so I kept volume low
Hard to say without seeing any video. Post some to the FB page to see if we can help.
I will do a few sets with training tonight and post them up. Thank you
Same on TTB bud
A. Snatch Press from receiving 45/65/85
B. Snatch push press plus OHS. 155/245/265(missed 2nd OHS)/245/245
C. Snatch complex 1-4: 220 5-6:235 (no misses)
D. Snatch emom: @250 missed all but last. I will get it next time.
E. Primary conditioning. Used an 80lbs because we only had a 70 and not a 75. 8:53.
Grip was going on the later rounds. Alternated in the air for all rounds except last 6 reps of workout.
Couple of missed but it looks like a solid day all round. Nice work.
Yeah it was a good day. I realized I needed to be more patient on the second pull and focus on pulling under the bar more aggressively.
Primary strength:
A. Snatch press @45/55/65
B. Snatch push press + ohs @95/100/105/110/115
C. Halt snatch dead + snatch @95/95/95/95/105/105
D. Snatch singles @110 felt like butter!
Strength accessory:
A. Deadlifts @165
B. Front rack walking lunges @75
Death marches @20lb dbs
C.GHRs done, banded pull throughs w/ green band
D. Done and done
Session 2 Skills Efficiency Power Snatch – 3 Double Unders – 28 Muscle Ups – N/A Notes: Had to rush into the gym and didn’t have time to properly warm up so this wasn’t my best effort. Hit the 3 snatches as singles. Tried touch and go during the EMOM and it didn’t feel bad but I didn’t have the energy to maintain. DUs I got caught up in the rope and lost some time but was able to go unbroken on my last set. Couldn’t get to rings because class was in the way. Not my best effort but… Read more »
Still got some good skill work in. Solid finish to the day.
I was sick on Sunday (stomach bug) and recovering (aka – just trying to eat food) yesterday. So first day this week! Strength A. 65-75-85 B. 115-125-135-145-150 C. Set 1-4: 150 Set 5-6: 160 D. 165 <—all makes, but a little wonky today Strength Accessory A. Deadlifts – done @ 250 w/ straps C. subbed banded pull throughs x 20 (did this after the class WOD) Conditioning Jumped in our class WOD today AMRAP 10min 5 SHSPU 10 Power Cleans (95) 10+5reps Went out hot and died off 🙂 Got a lot more grippy than I anticipated! CASH OUT: 2… Read more »
Ease yourself back in, make sure you stay hydrated and don’t go crazy with training until you feel back to health.
I’m sure the class appreciated your contribution to their workout 🙂
Haha – I was sneaky like that! I felt pretty good today, been eating all the food since yesterday afternoon when I finally got an appetite back, definitely drinking lots of water!
Been bad about posting.
Sunday I did Saturday’s programming
Monday I did the conditioning at 5am and strength in the afternoon. Squats were awful and wonderful. I went a little light for the last set of back squats. Supposed to be 335ish but went 315.
Today one session
Snatches went well, halting snatches went 4@195 2@210
Then 4/5 emom @225 felt pretty good silly miss.
Primary cond. 7:32 70# db don’t have 75 and the 80 wasn’t accessible at the moment.
I feel good about it.
looks like you got some good work in on a crazy schedule. Nice work Jared!
Session two
Snatch 8
Double unders 50
Muscle ups 10
Actually made it within the minutes this week
Nice work!
Primary strength:
A. 75/80/85
B. 105/115/125/135/140
C. 105 and 110
D. 120 hit them all and felt really good
Primary conditioning:
Strength accessory :
A. 220
B. 105# lunge and 40# db for death march
C. Banded pull throughs and no weight on glute ham raises
D. 5# dumbbells and 45# planks
Squat/Clean Work from yesterday. After a rough couple of days that’s all I really wanted to do:
Tempo Front Squats: 3@185, 2@200, 2@215, 1@230, 1@245, 1×3@245
3 Cleans + 1 Jerk: 2@185, 2@192, 3×1 E2MOM @ 205
Back Squats: 5@225, 3@255, 1@290, 5×3 E2MOM at: 265, 265, 270, 275, 275
Just strength today.
Good to see you got to lift today!