Primary Strength Session
For the following two drills, draw out your ideal jerk footwork and use those marks to ensure perfect footwork. Please click here and watch this video to learn how to draw your footwork.
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets):
(Split Jerk + Behind The Neck Split Jerk) x 2 reps
(Perform a split jerk from the front rack, then, perform a split jerk from behind the neck. Repeat this for 2 reps.)
*Sets 1-3 = 85% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Sets 4-6 = 90% of 1-RM Split Jerk
Build to today’s 6-RM Dumbbell Z-Press
The dumbbells should be placed on the shoulders with the elbows out and palms facing foward. Keep the shoulders on top of the hips with a flat back, and keep your elbows in line with your hips and shoulders. This should be at least 5 lbs heavier per hand than your 8-RM from September 15, 2017.
Primary Conditioning Session
Three rounds for time of:
10 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups
60 Double Unders
Rest 4 minutes, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run (on Assault Runner if possible)
30 Deadlifts (185/135 lbs)
Rest 4 minutes, and then…
For time:
60/40 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Rope Climbs (15′)
60/40 Calorie Assault Bike
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Decline Dumbbell Bench Press x 6-8 reps @ 30X1
(aim to use the same weight used last week)
Rest as needed
Landmine Rows x 6-8 reps @ 21X0
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
200 Meter Sandbag Carry (Bear Hug)
Rest 4 minutes
This should be HEAVY! Your goal is to make the whole 200 meters without dropping, but it should be a 50/50 chance of you actually making it, and a test of your mental resilience.
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Hollow Body Bounces x 50 reps
Interval 2 – Side Hand Plank with Hip Circles x 20 reps (10 reps each side)
Interval 3 – Straight Body Ceiling-Reaching Crunches x 20 reps @ 1010
Followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of:
Hand Plank Arch/Hollows x 20 reps
Running Endurance Option
Five sets for distances of:
4 Minutes of Running
Rest 2 Minutes
Rowing Endurance Option
For distance:
15 Minutes of Rowing
Rest 4 Minutes – walk or jog 400 meters during this time
15 Minutes of Rowing
A) 135/155/175 and 125/135/145
B) Did 245 and 255. This was very hard! Essentially 4 reps (2 in front, 2 in back), right? My 90% is 275, so am I supposed to be able to rep out 90% like that? Maybe with blocks but damn, racking was difficult.
C) 6RM at 55# DB
1) 7:31
2) 11:58
3) 12:15
Primary Strength Session A. 3×3 jerk Balance 55/75/75 3×3 Tall Jerks 75/85/100 B. (Split Jerk + Behind The Neck Split Jerk) Set 1: 70% 2reps Set2: 70% 2 reps Set4: 75% 2 reps Set5: 80% 1 rep Set6: 85% 1 rep The problem was: i cant back rack over 80%. don know why but it hurts in my back. So the hard work was front/back rack it in this training. And i coudnt do this so many times with the requiered work load. ? C. Heaviest dumbbel I had was 27#, did 3 sets of 6! Primary Conditioning A. 13min… Read more »
A) jerk balance 95/135/135
Tall jerk 135/135/155
B) every 2:30
Failed a few reps on my first set so went back in weight and focused on form
C) built to 50# each arm but failed the last rep
Primary conditioning:
A) 5:44
B) 9:30
C) 13:55
Strength accessories
A) decline bench + land mine row ✅
B) two sets of sandbag carry @66#
C) done ✅
Forgot to post yesterday.
A. Jerk balance: 85/95/105
Tall jerks: 65/75/85
B. Split jerk + behind neck: did all 6 sets at 125# (75%) to work on form
C. Built to 35# each hand for 6 rep
(30#DBs for 8 rep on Sept 16)
Strength Accessory:
A. Decline bench w/ 45# DBs x 8 reps
Landmine rows w/ 35# barbell + 32.5#
C. Done
Primary conditioning
Running endurance
Zpress 55lb
A) Jerk Blanace #95
Tall Jerks at 115
C) used 60lbs each arm
Second session
Primary Conditioning :
A) 8:51
B) 17:09- I got smoked on the true form
C) 18:57
This was very humbling today
A.jerk bal- 95/115/135
Tall jerk- 135/155/175
B. 1-3@275 4-6@295
*****I was missing all over the place because I felt beat up today. I spent a lot of time working on footwork.
C. Worked up to 70# db’s
Strength accessory
A. 100# db’s and 75# for row
B. Skipped because my back felt broken after yesterdays wza qualifier wod
C. All done
Tomorrow, I am going to do sensory deprivation as well as some yoga to try and mentally reset after a few tough weeks with running the gym.
Sounds like a good Sunday. Its been a tough month with qualifiers and competing!
Primary Strength
A. 60kg across for both jerk balnce and tall jerks
B. Split jerk complex
No blocks so just built to 110kg, didn’t want to risk lowering onto back any heavier.
C. 6rm DB Z-press @27.5kg *5@30kg
Strength Accessories
A. 35kg db decline
Barbell + 20kg land mines
B. Used 100# dball, made both sets unbroken but very uncomfortable.
C. Done
Then did emom x10
30m sled sprint + 5 burpees
Session two
Running on ski erg
4678 total
You ran on the skierg?! That must have been tough to do…
hence the slow pace
I didn’t know you could run on a ski-erg…
Primary conditioning:
A. 9:01 modified to 5 burpee bar muscle ups per round
B. 13:05 deads @95
C. 9:09 kept cals at 40 on airdyne, 5 rope climbs
Primary strength:
A. Jerk balances @65/75/75
Tall jerks @65
B. Shoulders were just not working well today. I kept it light and just worked on keeping my back knee in line with my hip
C. 6rm db z press @30
Split Jerks
10:19 (so hard to run these 400s)
11:21 (hamstrings were cooked and the bike was super hard to push today)
A. W/65#
B. Used 135# for all six sets to work form – I’m really in my head about behind the neck jerks
C. 40# DBs
A. 9:43 yay MU!
B. 12:37 – this took sooooo long on the true form
C. Scaled to 7 RC because I felt like my biceps were going to fall off and I was going to fall off the rope, 12:07
Did you run 400 this time?! ?
I’m super bad about behind the neck jerks too!! They scare me hahah
Yes ?
A. 95-115-135
B. 275-290
Missed the last BTN Jerk for the 3 sets @ 90%. Felt heavy and shoulders wore out
A. 8:38 with a random rope I found so spent the first set trying to figure it out and then last two sets UB
Yesterday! A. 3 x 500 m row – 50 WB, 15 PU in between B. “CTB Jackie” 1000 m row 50 thrusters, 35# 30 CTB 7:08 did all thrusters UB! 10/6/3/1/3/3/2/2 on CTB ouch C. For time: 20 DBall over shoulder, 100# EMOM 50′ bear hug carry 4:21 Second Sesh Strength A. Done w 20# KB B. Full Snatch w pause *Sets 1-3: 2 @ 115#, 75% *Sets 4-6: 1 @ 130#, 85# C. Snatch DL w/ 130# 3 rounds D. Back Squat 1: 4 @ 170# 2: 3 @ 185# 3: 2 @ 200# 4: 1 @ 215# E3MF9M… Read more »
Nice work on the CTB Jackie!!
Primary strength:
A. Jerk balance: 105 For 3 sets
Tall jerk: 65/65/75
B. 150 for 3 sets then 160 for 3 sets
C. 35# db.
Primary conditioning:
A. Still not very consistent with bar muscle up. Been working on them with the gymnastics program so I just did burpee c2b. 6:43
B. 10:33
C. 10:01 tried really hard to get sub 10 just couldn’t hold pace on the bike
Strength accessory:
A. 50# db. 35# landmine row
B. 100# sandbag
C. And D. Done
Gonna do some of the gymnastics program later
Keep working hard on the gymnastics, you’ll see the progress!
Jerks 255lbs and 270lbs. Went to single split and single reverse after a bit cause the blocks here are janky and I had to keep seriously adjusting them after every rep. Did some single front split after up to 280lbs. Z Press: I did 8 Reps x 2 @ 50lbs cause it’s the biggest DB they had. I think I did 8 Reps at 55 or 60lbs last time. Only the DU/BBMU workout cause Open Gym time closed. 🙁 Won’t be visiting this gym again… 8:41rx Hadn’t done bar mu in a looooong time but felt fine other than my… Read more »
Where did you train today?
One near the house but I remembered them having better, more functional gear. Guess they haven’t maintained it…
Jerks done at prescribed weights
90% is 305 only did one from the front and 1 from the back was not feeling dropping it on myself today and I don’t ha e jerk blocks
Con done
Not sure times did it straight though cause had to coach this morning and only had about 30 min to do whole conditioning
It was fun!
A. 95/115/135 on both
B. 1-3 @ 225#
4-6 @ 245#
*failed the 4th rep on sets 5 & 6, but hit it right after both times
C. 60#
Have you heard back from the kings?
Not yet, if I hear anything I’ll let you guys know.
Session one
Jerk warmups
Split jerk warmed up to 295. Complex was supposed to start at 300 but jerks have felt off lately. Don’t know if it’s the mornings or what so didn’t force the issue
Zpress: 50
Primary conditioning
A. 7:51 shortened my rope by like 3 in. today so spent 2 mins tripping over myself the last set
B. 12:02 subbed hip extensions and still could barely walk after ha
C. 11:31 first 60 in 3:41 rope climbs done at like 7:51
Morning session: Primary strength A) 95/125/145 95/105/115 B) 265 and 280 I did behind the neck diet and the split just because it was easier to rerack it in the front rack and I got all of them except my last split jerk at 280 ? Happy to still have gotten 90% for reps today C) worked to 53lb had to use a kettlebell so that I could go heavier than last time Did the long wodapalooza qualifier chipper and got 23:35 really happy with how I did because I usually fall off during a long chipper like that but… Read more »
Nice work on the WZA qualifier. It looks like a fun workout!
Thank you Tino it was fun!