Four sets for max reps against a 4-minute running clock, complete:
Row 500 Meters
Double-Unders x Max Reps
Rest 4 minutes between sets
Four sets for max reps against a 4-minute running clock, complete:
Row 500 Meters
Double-Unders x Max Reps
Rest 4 minutes between sets
A. Bryan (400m run vs. row) – 92, 87, 91, 84 = 354. Christy (3 rounds) – 90, 85, 84 = 259.
130/130/140/145 DU Nice workout
3×5 ring dips
3×8 (12.5kg DB) Single-Arm Dumbbell Row
Today, ran a 5K on the treadmill in 22:41.
B. accumulate 2 min each
Front plank
R side plank
L side plank
Back plank
Will probably do this one tomorrow.
122, 125, 125, 112
Today was an active recovery day for me, and I love my rower.
5000m 21:32
On to the foam roller!
Fell off at the end felt good though
97, 108, 98, 95
DU 67,75,80,104
A. db bench press: 10x 35# – 50- 60. Kept it light as it has been awhile, will push more next time
B. Wod: 126 (+10? Got confused)- 139 – 145 – 141
total 551 as Rx’d
Row times ~ 1:45 to 1:50
C. 6 min plank
Have a great night
Finally found my double under tempo after the first round, still have some stamina to work through and not resting for a few seconds when I miss.
Row: 1:43, 1:42, 1:45, 1:51
DU: 42 (ugh), 61, 60, 62
Awesome work Will! Just like swimming, once you get it you wont ever lose it
I realized I was trying to spin too fast and not letting my jump go through. I was trying to fix it with the opposite. Relaxing through the DU really helps.
It does! It’s about having a good consistent rhythm I find. High jump, steady spin 🙂
Hey everyone! Going on 12 weeks post-op, and I was released from physical therapy today! I jumped into this one for my first (official) day back, and because the movements were fairly benign. I’m sure I was slow, was definitely nursing my shoulder a bit, and pretty fatigued by the 4th round, but it felt soooo awesome to be doing a real WOD again!
Welcome back! Great job
Welcome back! Hope your recovery goes really well. ?
Today I did this:
Part A. – Five Sets:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 5 each leg @ 30X1 (65#)
L-Sit x 30 seconds
Incline Push-Ups x 10 @ 2111
Part B.
1000 meter ski (4:17)
Rest 4 minutes
Ski for max meters in 4:17 (1078 meters)
Way “toe” keep yourself moving!! Gotta love em BSS 🙂
Took this one as an active recovery day
Kept the rows up around 2:00/500
Kept it to single unders
500 m rows of 1:44;1:41;1:42;1:44
DUs 34;27;23;11 just starting to develop this move
Rowed each round @1:55-1:58
400m run time range was 1:15-1:25
DU 60,44,67,80
I am working on my DU, biggest resistance in my crossfit workouts overall so I have been practicing
This WOD was good for me to improve on them
My Double unders are atrocious.
24, 46, 45, 34
Just showing up is a victory when the movement you hate is showcased, great job!
Day behind:
A. Back Squat
— 275 x 6
— 295 x 6
— 315 x 6
— 325 x 4
Loved not having to worry about tempo on this one.
B. Rx (1:1 work/rest): 4 rounds
C. Knee R.I.C.E
Thanks for the target, Tim. You’re pretty good at double unders!
Thank you! It’s quite hard to keep technique through the intervalls…
Wowzers!! Great job!!
Nice numbers! Great work man and gave me something to shoot for 🙂