***ATHLETES DOING THE WODAPALOOZA QUALIFIER – Please make the online qualifier workout your priority work today. For this week, I would probably suggest doing the qualifier workout, skipping the primary strength session, then incorporating some of the optional sessions and/or the Primary Conditioning Session. Please be smart about your choices, we don’t want anyone risking injury.***
Primary Strength Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Inchworm Walk x 3 reps
Minute 2 – Hamstring Floss x 10 reps per leg
Minute 3 – Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
Minute 4 – Rocking Box Bridges
x 4-6 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch
(Perform a power snatch then lower the bar to just above the knee & perform a hang power snatch. Repeat this for 2 reps)
*Sets 1-3 = 2 reps @ 70% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 4-6 = 2 reps @ 75% of 1-RM Power Snatch
Three sets of:
4-Stop Snatch Deadlift + 8-second Descent
(pause for 2 seconds at 2″ off the floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh and high hang, then stand, then reverse through the positions slow and controlled – 8 seconds back to the floor; USE STRAPS)
Rest as needed
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
immediately followed by…
Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets):
Back Squat x 10 reps @ 65%
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
500 Meter Row
30 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
120 Double Unders
This should be a SPRINT! Note your time for this portion.
Rest 60-90 seconds until the top or bottom of the next minute on the clock, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
10 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
20 Double Unders
Even after a max effort piece, you should be able to maintain the Wall Balls and Double Unders unbroken. Stay checked in and grind through.
Rest 6 minutes, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
250 Meter Row
15 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
30 Double Unders
You’ve performed two tough pieces, but now after some rest its time to pick the pace up again and finish strong. Sprint to the finish line.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
For max reps:
20 seconds of Push Press (135/95 lbs)
Rest 40 seconds
20 seconds of Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
Rest 40 seconds
20 seconds of GHD Sit-Ups
Rest 40 seconds
Immediately followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Minute 1 – Push Press x 20 second max # of reps
Minute 2 – Power Cleans x 20 second max # of reps
Minute 3 – GHD Sit-Ups x 20 second max # of reps
Just like Tuesday’s session, our goal here is to establish rhythm and efficiency. Focus on moving quickly while also controlling your breathing. Be sure to keep diligent records of your results for these, and notes about how you felt. These skill sessions are your opportunity to practice different techniques and strategies to move better and faster. Make the most of this time and it will pay off greatly in competition.
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Five sets for times of:
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
100 Foot Sled Push (this should be fast and unbroken)
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
100 Foot Farmer’s Carry (100/70 lb Dumbbells)
Rest 4 minutes
Strength Accessory Option
Two sets of:
Sled Push x 100 feet (turn at 50 foot mark)
(as heavy as possible – no more than one stop per length)
Rest 2 minutes
Two sets of:
Farmer’s Carry x 100 feet (turn at 50 foot mark)
(as heavy as possible)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
5 Sandbag Cleans Over Shoulder (100/75 lbs)
10 Sandbag Squats
100-Foot Carry
Three sets of:
Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups x 10-12 reps
(add weight if possible)
Rest 60 seconds
Tempo Ring Dips x 10-12 reps @ 2111
(stick with the tempo and full range of motion)
Rest 60 seconds
Two sets of:
Banded March x 3 Minutes
Rest 30 seconds
Reverse Hyper x 20 reps @ 50% of 1-RM Squat
Rest 30 seconds
A) Done
B) Sets 1-3 @170, Sets 4-6 @180
C) 235/235/245
D) 4-275, 3-315, 2-335, 1-355, 2×10-255
A) 4:37, foreign rope, tripped on it 5 times
B) 4 + 15
C) Finished this but with 2 minute rest, gym was closing and didn’t want to them to wait up just for me, didn’t note when I started… six minute something I believe.
B) sets 1-3 @ 135, sets 4-6 @ 145
C) stuck with 145 to really work on positioning
D) 4@ 290, 3 @ 330, 2 @ 350, 1 @ 385
2×10 @ 290
Jumped into class for the conditioning piece
A. 12 min EMOM … DONE
B. Sets 1-3 @ 155#, sets 4-6 @ 165#
C. 225/225/225
D. 4@225, 3@265, 2@280, 1@300
2×10 @ 225#
A. 4:00
B. 4 + 1
C. 7:39
Almost sub 4 on the first conditioning piece! Nice work!
but i couldn’t maintain the same in the last piece (the Sprint) 🙁 next time
B. 70% – 58kg, 75% – 62kg
C. 80kg (don’t have straps)
D. 126/144/153/162kg
Into E3MOM at 117kg
A. 4:50 (bigger sets of du need more work)
B. 4 + 19
C. 6:39
All done with a 20lb ball. All wall balls unbroken, du tripped me up except for part c.
Those double unders need to feel like rest and also no matter the number they should be unbroken. Get practicing!
A. 12 min EMOM done
B. Sets 1-3 @ 80#, sets 4-6 @ 85#
C. 125/135/145
D. 4@155, 3@175, 2@190, 1@200
2×10 @ 145#
A. 5:33
B. 4 + 11
C. 7:47
Strength Accessory:
E. Banded March w/ 20# ball
Reverse hypers @ 110#
Skills efficiency:
Push press: 10 reps
Power clean: 8 reps
GHD sit ups: 11 reps
B1) 165
2) 175
C. 225
D1) 320,365,390,410
2) 295
A. 4:10
B. Almost 4 rounds. Dubs fell apart here. Jump rope knotted up and cost time.
C. 7:19.
Need to replace jump rope cord. Knots and breaks in the rope have worsened.
Primary Strength Session
B. Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch
*Sets 1-3 = 2 reps @ 70% ✅
*Sets 4-6 = 2 reps @ 75% ✅
C. Three sets of:
4-Stop Snatch Deadlift + 8-second Descent @125/145#
D.Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%✅
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75%✅
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%✅
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85%✅
2×10 Back Squat @ 65% ✅
Primary Conditioning Session
A. 6:07
B. 4 full rounds
C. 11min
Strength accessory
D. ✅
Solid day Lea. I would have like to have seen the first portion of the conditioning faster but apart from that it was a pretty good day.
Omg the conditioning was a disaster! Had some personal stuff on my mind, was not able to focus. Was actually about to give up . But though Never dont finish a workout. will do better and faster this week! Thanks for the post tino ! Appriciate it.
Invictus Combine
Event 1 – 145# for 5 = 725
Event 2 – 190×6 (DNF)
Event 3 – 1+5
Event 4 – 30 cals on Airdyne > 20 cals AB
Event 5 – DNF
Event 6 – 5/5/1 = 11
Event 7 – 1 round
Body is still recovering so my numbers today were lower than expected. Shoulders blew out so fast I was surprised at the fatigue. Going to take rest of week off now that I have numbers and prepare for hitting it hard on Monday.
Might have been better to take an extra rest day.
Rest up ready to hit next week hard!
Snatches 1-3 145 4-6 155
Snatch DL 4 stop 325,335,345
Back squat up to 395 felt good 2×10 at 285
Primary cond 8:47 botched the DUs
In 4 mins got 4 total rounds +10 wall balls
3 rounds for time 6:42
Skills Efficiency Option :
Push Press: 15 Reps , PCL: 10 Reps , GHD’s: 10 Reps
Strength Accessory Option :
C. 5 Rounds Rx
D. Done No Weight
E. Done w/ Banded Pull-Throughs
Had the plan of doing the qualifier this evening but after a full day of school and a crazy day I decided to hit the accessory and call it there. Now that we have two weeks to get them done I will probably hit wod #1 sunday ??
I would hit it whenever you feel optimal and knowbyou can give your best performance.
okay will do, thanks tino ??
5 rounds
Favorite workout in a very long time, I love progressive work like this
Glad you enjoyed it!
5am session-Primary conditioning
a. 4:16
4pm session- Primary Strength
b. Snatch complex- 155x6sets
c.stop Snatch deadlift – 155,195,245
d. Squats 4@265 3@295 2@325 1@345 2(10@265)
A. Pwr snatches @100/110
B. Squats 195/210/235/250
Sets of 10@ 185 (felt light today)
Metcon….so many wall ball!
A. 4:20
B. 4+28
C. 6:32
Push press 17/16/17
Pwr cleans 12/11/12
Ghd 11/11/13 (just did these and my abs were still sore!)
Did sled pushes with 270 x2 160′
And sled drags same weight 160′ x2
Primary strength: Snatches done at 100/105# Snatch deadlifts: done at 155# Squats: done off of 245# max. Sets of 10 were “fun” and done at 160# Strength accessory: Sled pushes done on gym floor with 35# Farmers carry: done with 70# + 35# KBs. These felt stronger than they have in the past. AMRAP: done with 82# (that’s just what it weighs) 2 rounds plus 15 reps. This still kicks my booty but I love it. Pull-ups and dips done! Focusing mostly on strength with little conditioning. I’d like to do the skill efficiency stuff but kept volume smaller this… Read more »
All the strongman work is definitely paying off. Keep it up!
Primary strength:
A. Done
B. Power snatch + hang power snatch
C. 4 stop snatch deadlift+ 8sec descent @115/125/125
D. Backsquat 125/140/150/160
Backsquat E3for6 @115
Skill efficiency:
7 pp
7 ghdsit ups
Emom done
Rough Day Back after “taking it easy” this week which really meant spending more time on a murder case I have… training might’ve been more restful.
Attempted the WZA Qualifier but only got 32 reps with some major drop so will probably try that again since I have time before score are due on the 25th. Just going to finish WOD 2 tomorrow and start fresh week of training in Monday!
Rep Splits went: 7-7-4-5-4-2-3…. So had some major drop off. Cooled down on AB and called it a day.
Sounds exciting ?
It can be! ?
There’s been a murder in Savannah, I do declare !
Quick strength session before a team comp this afternoon.
A. Done
B. Power snatch complex 3×2 @72.5kg, 3×2 @77.5kg
C. Snatch deadlifts @120kg
D. Back squat upto 1x165kg
Then 2×10 @120kg
Have fun at the team comp!!
Session 1
A. Kinda
B. 100/110 (little heavier percentage on the second, but both felt solid)
C. 125/155/165
D. Done off 300. Felt so solid as well.
Session 2
A. 5:43 (subbed 25 kbhp @35 for row)
B. 4+3 (unbroken on everything)
C. 8:43
The extra height will only make you better 🙂
That’s what I tell myself
Session two
Snatch complex 165/175
Subbed ttb for wall ball
A. 4:16
Rested until 6
B. 5+4
Rested until 16
C. 6:23
Primary strength. A. Done B. Done at 85 and 95 lbs respectively. C. Snatch deadlift at 115-125-125 lbs. D. Back squat percentages of off 200 lbs E3MOM at 135 lbs Skills session 20 sec max reps: Push press :10 Power clean: 8 GHD: 13. EMOM done, all under 30 sec, all unbroken except for the second set of push press which was 6-4. Arms always get tired on shoulder to overhead movements… Strength accessory. A. Sled push, 80 ft due to space constraints 180 lbs and 210 lbs plus sled weight. Go up next time B. Farmers with 40 if… Read more »