Dynamic Mobility & Activation
PVC Pipe Front Rack Stretch
and then . . .
Band Assisted Perfect Stretch
Band Assisted Lat Stretch
and finish with . . .
Two sets of:
Unilateral Hip Bridges x 10 reps each
Banded Good-Mornings x 10 reps
Banded Air Squats x 10 reps
Lateral Lunge x 10 reps each side
Front Squat
*Set 1. x 4 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 2. x 3 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 3. x 2 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 4. x 4 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 5. x 3 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 6. x 2 reps @ 90-95%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
High-Hang Clean + Mid-Thigh Clean
@ 70-75%
*Pause at the mid-thigh position for 2 seconds
*Sets 1-2 = 65%
*Sets 3-4 = 70%
*Sets 5-6 = 75%
followed by . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Clean High-Pulls from Blocks
x 3 reps @ 70%
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes, complete (5 sets):
Min 1 – Alternating Dumbbell Box Step Ups x 10 reps (focus on driving through the leg that is on the box)
Min 2 – Forearm Prone Plank Hold x 45 seconds (try to position yourself so that your forehead is over your thumbs)
For time:
Row 1,000 meters
50 Thrusters (45/35 lbs)
30 Pull-Ups
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Two sets for max weight of:
150-Foot Sandbag Carry
Rest as needed
55+: 100-Foot Sandbag Carry
A good goal would be 50% of your 1-RM Deadlift.
Two sets for max weight of:
100-Foot Yoke Carry
Rest as needed
55+: 75-Foot Yoke Carry
Take short, quick steps keeping your hips square and legs slightly bent.
Two sets for max weight of:
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Drags
Rest 90 seconds
55+: 75-Foot Harnessed Sled Drags
C. “Jackie” 7:43
Row time 4:01 Thrusters UB Pull-ups 15/15
Think it’s as fast as this old body can go!
B. Cleans 155, 165, 175
A. Wow, legs were done! DNF
Nice work on Jackie!!
DMA: done
A: 180×4, 195×3, 210×2, 195×4, 210×2 (failed in third), 225×1 (failed on 2nd, which I hit last week for 3)
B: 135, 135, 145, 145, 155, 155
C: done w/ 35 lb db. Felt solid on the way planks.
D: did all of the above this am, to intended to come back for Jackie, but ended up working late…
Yesterday’s program: DMA – done (viking sloth press 2×7 w/ 35# bars) A1 – Sotts press 3×2 @ 35# – still struggling with this movement A2 – Tall snatch 3×2 @ 55/60/65# A3 – Snatch balance + OHS – 65/75/85/90/95# (new PR for snatch balance – got so excited that I forgot to do the OHS for that last set) B – E2MOM16 – mid thigh snatch + snatch from 2″ above floor @ 2×60# / 3×65# / 3×70# C – E3MOM15 – AB, DUs, seated DB presses w/ 20# DBs 1:41 / 1:43 / 2:01 / 2:07 / 2:43.… Read more »
A – 235, 245, 255, 245, 255, 270
B – 1-2(165), 3-4(175), 5-6(185)
C1 – Box step ups to 20″ box with two 40# DBs.
C2 – Jackie with strict pullups. 7:26. :12 secs faster than about a year ago. Pullups got really tough about the last 8 reps. Arms on fire. Crappy effort on row (3:45), thrusters 25/15/10. Meh. Humid here in St. Louis and did at end of night. Needed someone to push me harder.
Fantastic Mike!
A: 205-225 for 4, mouth started to bleed so backed off and did 3×5 @ 185 B: did a few at 135 it playing safe with the jaw C1: 25# DB’s, C2:due to stitches leaking, did this at a very controlled HR, less tension on my jaw, row first 500 at 1:52 pace, second 500 at 1:44 pace. Broke down the 50 and 30 reps to 5 sets of 10 and 6. Day 7 after surgery. Time of no concern today. D: carried my 100# heavy bag to my subdivision gate on one shoulder and back on the other shoulder.… Read more »
Hopefully your jaw is okay! Make sure you are getting enough calories in with as much soft food as possible!
All is well, squats create a large negative pressure on the jaw more than anything else. I did a lot better than I anticipated. After The last surgery in which they broke my jaw, it was 4-5 months of air squats just to keep at it before I could use a bar. So Just feeling my way back into it ….safely while trying to minimize swelling and risk of infection.
A. 160/170/180/170/180/190
B1. 135/145/155
B2. 145
C. Done with 25# db
Jackie. 8:53; previous 8:45
A. 265-330
B. Felt good on these do went a little higher %
1. DB step ups with 2 53# KBs
2. Jackie- 6:03. PR by I think 14-15 seconds. 3:23.1 row. Surprised myself because I felt tired and didn’t really want to do it.
Major PR Keith – well done!
Was only able to do Jackie
6:40 row was slow 3:45
Thrusters ub
Pups 20-5-5
Shoulder is a little sore. Getting PRP next week hopefully helps. Cortisone does nothing amymore.
Hey Jeff – so good to see you!! Shot me an email to chat about your shoulder, I am a huge fan of PRP!!
A. *Set 1. x 4 reps @ 75-80% 205# (58%) *Set 2. x 3 reps @ 80-85% 225# (63%) *Set 3. x 2 reps @ 85-90% 245# (69%) *Set 4. x 4 reps @ 80-85% 225# (63%) *Set 5. x 3 reps @ 85-90% 245# (69%) *Set 6. x 2 reps @ 90-95% 265# (75%) Did not do any of my percentages. B. Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete: High-Hang Clean + Mid-Thigh Clean @ 70-75% *Pause at the mid-thigh position for 2 seconds *Sets 1-2 = 65% 135#, 155# *Sets 3-4 = 70% 165#, 165# *Sets 5-6 =… Read more »
A. 225/245/255/240/250/260(1)
B. 155/165/175
C. 6:48 3:49 row, thrusters UB, choppy butterfly pull-ups – need more practice
DMA – done
A. Front Squat – 165 – 178 – 189 – 180 – 190 – 200(failed 2nd rep)
didn’t feel as strong on these today!
B1. Sets 1, 2 – 125 lbs. Sets 3, 4 – 135 lbs. Sets 5,6 – 145, 150 lbs.
B2. 125 – 135 – 135
C. 16 Kg Kb for the step-ups
D. “Jackie” (8:01 – PR is 7:59) 4:15 row, UB Thrusters, 13 – 7 – 5 – 3 – 2 used kipping Pull-ups today
A. 165/175/185/175/185/failed 195# ?
B. 125/125/135/135/145/145#
C. Jackie 7:31 (:13 PR) 4:02 Row/ 50 UB /
Nice work Jean!!!
FS at 125, 135, 145, 135, 145, and 155. I’m finally starting to hit rock bottom on heavier squats. Before this program I struggled to get just below parallel.
HHC complex at 85, 95, and 105
Did the local metcon:
For time:
80 DU’s. – I struggle with DU’s, so I did big singles
80 air squats
800m run
400m, with 45# plate, ruck
40 kb swings – used 44# since I’ve had this back issue
25 cal assault bike
22:45 – struggles after taking ten days off with this back issue
Fantastic Glenn!! 🙂
A. 65/68/72 – 68/72/76 Fail 🙁 Today I felt more discouraged – I can accept I will never front squat heavy, but would like to hit my %’s…mind you, my pr was with a belt and knee sleeves so I guess I can’t compare..should I be belting for the 90%+ sets maybe? Part of me is like suck it up and work that core, the other part of me wants to lift heavier 🙂 B. 52/56/60 C.1 skipped as I did step ups yesterday C.2 7:55 – if June 24th was the last time we did it, then that’s a… Read more »
Hey Julie – can you email me a video of your current squats (maybe even the ones you did today)? Thanks!!! 🙂
A. With my groin pain is 75% MAX for front squat. I did 40-50-60-70×4; then 70×3-70×2-70×1 and for the end 75×4-75×3-75×2-75×1 It was painful but I managed 🙂
B. Happy with clean. I will send some videos on FB
C. Jackie 7:38; 20 sek better than 5. avgust. Row 3:37 Most time I lost on PU
Don’t push the squats if you are having groin pain. Let it heal before you load!
Nice work on Jackie!
OK 🙂
Mobility completed
A) 190/205/215/205/215/225
B) 145/145/155/155/165/165
C) substituted Box’s WOD: (Run 400M, 25-Slam Balls (40#), 25-Box Step-ups with 40# Slam Ball, 25-Slam Ball Push Presses (40#), Run 200M, 25-Slam Balls (40#), 25-Box Step-ups with 40# Slam Ball, 25-Slam Ball Push Presses (40#), Run 400M). UGH!
C2 – Jackie) – 9:24 Finished Row at 3:32, Thrusters 25/15/10, nothing left in tank for pull-ups and they fell apart 10/5/5/3/3/2/2. Probably shouldn’t have done the Box’s 12:00 EMOM right before.
Yeah … that emom may have worn you out James!
Yeah I “cheated” a bit JAMES and did the EMOM after Jackie. Don’t tell Nichole
hahahaha i think a few of us had the same strategy!
Another outdoor-workout:
Strength: chin-ups
E2MOM10 (5 sets): 6 reps
MetCon: travel WOD #1
4 rounds of:
3 Min. AMRAP:
– 5 HR push-ups,
– 10 sit-ups and
– 15 air-squats.
Rest: 1 Min.
3+13 / 3+15 / 3+17 / 3+20
Will do today’s WOD tomorrow at CrossFit San Benedetto del Tronto…
Mobility completed
C)Completed with 40# DB
D)7:01 with kipping pull ups :01 PR Too slow on the row at 3:50. Thrusters UB. PU 25/5.
Missed training yesterday as I had a stomach bug all weekend. Took Monday to rest up. All things considered happy with the results today.
Hope you are feeling better today Dean!
Yes I am feeling much better today. Thank you.
A) 145lbs/155/165/155/165/175×1
115 for high pulls
C) skipped this and spent 20 minutes on muscle up drills
D) 8:57. Not great. Probably should have done this before the MU work. Shoulders were blown up. Also had someone drop in and I had to take a few seconds to talk to him during the workout. Probably just made about a 30 second difference though.
we all have those times when ‘life’ gets in the way.
DMA – Done
A. 235/260/275/235/260(f). Felt so Heavy today, chest was getting pulled forward. So I kept weight the same in the 2nd. Then stopped when I failed
B. 165/175/185 These felt better
D. 8:40 Tried to control breathing during row and Thrusters, didn’t work. Well off PR pace.
Called it a day
Get some rest and some good food Dean!