Primary Conditioning Session
Unless strength development is your primary goal, most of you will be well-advised to hit the primary conditioning first on Wednesdays between now and mid-December.
Every 4 minutes, until you can no longer hold a 4-minute interval:
20 Bar-Facing Burpees
20 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
20 Toes-to-Bar
A good goal is to get 5 or more rounds. If you complete 6 sets, the workout ends.
Primary Strength Session
Three sets of:
Tempo Bench Press x 6 reps @ 21X1
(slow and controlled descent, then pause for one second in the bottom position, then explode the barbell up as quickly as you can)
Rest 90 seconds
Barbell Loaded Bulgarian Split Squats x 6 reps each @ 31X1
Rest 90 seconds after each leg
Both of these movements should be loaded HEAVY. As in, I would rather you fail the sixth rep than have the ability to complete a seventh if your life depended on it.
Followed by…
One set of:
Bench Press x Max reps @ today’s 6-rep working weight (no tempo)
Rest 90 seconds
Barbell Loaded Bulgarian Split Squats x 20 reps each @ 10X0 with 60% of today’s working weight
Rest 90 seconds after each leg
Four sets of:
100-Foot Sled Push
Rest 30 seconds
100-Foot Reverse Sled Drag
Rest 4 minutes
This should be heavy. You should be able to move this the 100-feet without stopping for the first two sets…but it should be a 50/50 chance that you won’t make it on the next two.
Three sets of:
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull
rest 30 seconds
Strict Dumbbell Press x 15 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
Make the pressing worthwhile. Make it heavy enough that your chances of completing your third set will be 50/50.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6 reps each @ 2111
Rest as needed
Dumbbell Z-Press x 5 reps
(Place the dumbbells on your shoulders with elbows out and palms facing forward. Shoulders should remain stacked over the hips with a flat back throughout the movement. Lock out the movement overhead, directly aligned over the hips and shoulders, without shrugging. A good goal would be to achieve a weight of 20% of your 1-RM Clean and Jerk in each hand.)
Rest as needed
Four sets of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 10 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
French Press x 15 reps @ 2011
Rest 30 seconds
Dumbbell Lateral Raises x 15 reps @ 2011
Rest 2-3 minutes
Five sets of:
Kettlebell Biceps Curls x 6 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Supine GHD Hold x 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Gymnastics Skills Option
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – False Grip Static Hang x 10 seconds
Interval 2 – Cast Swing x 3 reps
If you are not familiar with the False Grip for rings, please watch this VIDEO.
Followed by. . .
One set of:
Movement 1 – Snap Pulls x 10 reps
Movement 2 – Snap Pulls + Small Backswing x 5 reps
*The “backswing” is not a large swing. Rather, allow your body to relax from the toes-forward position after the Snap Pull, causing a natural backward drift of your feet, then return the swing in the front where you performed the Snap Pull.
Rest 30 seconds, then. . .
For 60 seconds, perform one set of:
Pop Swing x max reps
*Though it may be easy to make these swings large, the intention of the exercise it to focus on aggressive hip extension with an open shoulder angle early in the swing. This swing should stay small, yet produce upward lift creating a “floating” feeling in the torso and a diagonal body position. Arms should stay behind the ears throughout the set.
Rowing Endurance Option
Ten sets for times of:
Row 250 Meters
Rest 2 minutes
Running Endurance Option
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Run 400 Meters
Rest the remainder of the time
Late Post. Did this sept 14th.. first day of traveling to Oregon.
A)1 RD + 14 T2B, fml
A) Bench at 200lb, Split Squat 145lb
B) 13 reps on bench, done
C) Sled Push – 8 45lb Plates + Rogue Sled, Sled Drag – 7 45lb plates + smaller sled, had to turn at 50′
D) 6 45lb plates plus smaller rogue sled, 45lb DBs
Tempo Bench: All at 165lbs.
Tempo Bulgarian Crap: All at 165lbs. Failed the last rep on my right side the last two sets.
Max Bench @ 165lbs: 14 reps
Sets of 20 Bulgarian Garbage @ 100lbs
Sled Push @ 375lbs
Sled Pull @ 315lbs
My butt…..
Rowing Endurance
Going to be really busy on Mondays and Thursdays for the semester, going to change those two days to my rest days.
PM Session
C. Done @125kg + sled
D. Rope pulls @35kg + sled, 17.5kg DBs for press
Strength Accessories
A. Done, 20kg Z-press
B. Done
Scaled to 115, barely made it out of the first round. Cut the reps in half and did 4 more rounds. Combo of lack of cardio and lack of mental today. Meh.
One positive, burpee cycle time was consistent through all rounds.
Steps in the right direction. in recent times you’ve focused on strength but these Wednesday session will be beneficial in starting to get that conditioning back up.
Primary Conditioning
3 Rounds + 33 reps (scaled to 43kg and 15 reps on all movements)
Great work Luke! Looks like you scaled well to get the desired stimulus.
Primary conditioning
3+40…… FML my forth round of burpees were pathetic
A. Bench 215 all sets
Burgarians @ 185
B. Bench 215x12reps
Bulgarians 115x20reps
C. Done idk weight, Death ?
D. Ditto
Strict press with 45s
Additional work
Hell no ??Ready for rest day
Haha that last line I actually appreciate. When you put the work in there’s sometimes no need for more. Solid work Mack, thats a damn good score!
A. Tempo bench all sets at 165
Tempo Bulgarian squats done at 180
Max reps bench done = 17 reps
Bulgarian split squat by 20 each leg done
DB Z Press was able to work up to 20% for 5
Did 30/45/50/55
Completed sets of land mine rows and KB bicep curls between.
Gonna do the conditioning piece tomorrow due to time constraints today (had to do strength stuff at work)
Plus back was feeling a bit tight from yesterday.
Through in 3×10 Straight leg dead lifts at the end.
Rest that back up today ready for Fridays fun!
A. Tempo bench: 85/95/105 Barbell Bulgarian split squats: 85/95/100 B. Max reps bench @ 105 = 11 reps Split squats done @ 60# C. 145/155/170/185 *started too light; it would have been difficult to maintain the 185 for all 4 sets–now I know for next time! D. Rope pulls: 120/125/130 Strict DB press w/ 20# — these were hard! Conditioning: 1+35 *95# thrusters chewed me up and spit me out. Barely finished the first round in 4:00 and then dropped down to 85#. Still had to do in sets of 5. Not sure if this effort is due to not… Read more »
I think its down to the workout been pretty damn hard! We seen many Regional Athletes fall short of three sets on this. I wouldn’t be disappointed or frustrated but motivated to continue to train hard to improve this score!
That’s good to know! I’ll keep training my hardest ??
Primary Conditioning: Hahaha not gonna ?-bout it. Did it to the best of my abilities and died, when I get good at this CrossFit thing I’m totally coming back for it. Primary Strength: Bench: 75# 95# 115# Bulgarian Split squats: 65# 85# 115#… I have a really hard time balancing with these so that’s why they are what they are lol B) Bench: 4 @ 115# (apparently my arms were done) Bulgarian Split squats: 70# C) had to make my sled out of a bench and floor sliders, it worked good enough ??♀️ 140#/80#, then other three sets at 140#/90#… Read more »
You’re still putting in the work! Stay consistent and keep working hard and I promise results will follow (well as long as all other outside factors like stress and nutrition are dialed in:)
Thanks Tino! 🙂
Session 1
Primary Conditioning
3+35 I had to redline and empty the tank just to make it through 3 at the buzzer….
Gymnastics Skill
Done. Hit 35 Pop swings in 60 seconds and starting to feel that weightlessness.
Session 2
Primary Strength
A. 185 for both
B. 11 reps / 115#
C. 445 push / 340 drag
D. 160 / 40
Ready for a recovery day! Flying out to San Diego in the morning for a week long vacation. I’ll be dropping in for the competition class while I’m out there!
Awesome work Anthony! I think thats been a solid three days of work on the new cycle!
Thanks, Tino!
Well…that was pretty rough at 5:15am after not getting home until late from coach 7 year old soccer. ??
2+41…I was done….
bench @115 split squats at 105
Max@115 13 reps
Split squats at 75#
These always waste me…
I’m probably going have to switch it up and workout Thursdays…with my principal internship, teaching, and coaching soccer it’s been a bit busy…???♀️
Adjust based on what best suits your schedule to optimize performance, even if that means switching days! Let me know if I can help!
Skill Work…
Initial set:
13 TTB
12 Strict HSPU
11 Thruster
Both sets as 9-4.
Both sets as 8-4. (2nd round was a grind)
Both sets as 7-4. (I know. I shouldn’t have.)
Deadlift EMOM: 2x 335lbs
20 GHD Back Ext w/25lbs plate (burned)
90 sec
15 Band Pull Throughs
90 sec
Primary Conditioning Session 1 Round + 20bar facing burpees + 20 Thrusters + 14 t2b I coudnt push, i didnt went to the dark place! Nothing in the tank! One of those days i reconize i dont deserve to go back to regionals. Super disappointed but really no excuse, mental toughness today ?? Primary Strength Session A. 6 Tempo Bench Press @ 21X1 95# 6 Bulgarian Split Squats @31X1 115# B. Bench Press x Max reps @A. Weight: 12 reps Strength Accessory Option A. ✅ 5 Dumbbell Z-Press @35# (20% of c&j) B.✅ Single-Arm Dumbbell Row @40# French Press @35#… Read more »
This is training, there is no need to repeat workouts. Apply yourself in your session, give you best effort for that day and move on!
A. 4+13 thrusters… almost died!
A. 105/115/115 bench press
115/145/165 Bulgarian split squat
B. 10 reps bench at 115
Bulgarian split squats at 95
C. Sled push and drag at sled + 270 ibs
D. Hand over hand at sled + 270 ibs
20ib strict press
Gymnastics skill done
Thats a damn solid day of work! Awesome job getting into the 5th round!
AM Session
Gymnastics skills done
2+52 rxd
Primary Strength
A. Tempo bench 90/95/100kg
Split Squats 50/60/70kg
B. Max bench @100kg x8 reps
Split squats x20 @42.5kg
Did the gymnastics work earlier today. Taking it easy for the rest of the day per Tino’s advice ?
A. Bench: 115#/115#/120#
BSS: 85#/90#/95#
B. 13 reps on bench at 120#
BSS x 20 each at 55#
Strength Accessory Option :
A. 65# & 40# DB’s
B. 55# DB , 45# Bar , 10# DB’s
C. Done w/ 36#’s
Gymnastics Skills Option :
A. Done
B. Max Reps : 16
Light day today ??
See you were smart, I wasn’t ??♀️
?? it’s hard to make yourself take an easy day
Young and…:)
Session two
Rowing on ski erg all between 50 and 60
Took forever to get warm and moving with how my body felt from the last two days…. so with the time I had left today before going on vacay this is all I could get done
Primary strength:
A. Tempo bench @85
Tempo split squats @65
B. Bench @85 max reps 22
Could’ve gone much heavier on bench I realized
Split squats @45