Perform 4 sets against a 5-minute running clock, for max reps of:
Row 500 Meters
immediately followed by as many rounds and reps as possible of…
10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
10 Push-Ups
Rest 5 minutes between sets.
If you’re training with others, Partner A will race through 5 minutes, then rest while Partner B races through 5 minutes – alternating back and forth for 40 minutes until each partner has completed four sets.
A. Bryan (run 400m vs. row) – 4 rds+2 kbs, 3+19, 3+13, 3+16.
No rower, so subbed 400m run, and used 55lb kb.
4, 4, 3+8, 3+10 = 298 total reps
Fatigue really set in the last two rounds. Run times really slowed down, which hurt the AMRAP.
Great workout for a Saturday morning! Now to go coach a soccer game!
This was so painful! I am not a great rower, and I don’t like push ups much either, so not my favorite.. 🙂
Set1: 5
Set 2: 4 + 17
Set 3: 4 +16
Set 4: 4 + 13
I wanted to quit after 2 rounds, but I wouldn’t let myself. Also wanted to get more to the 5 to 6, but I just can’t punch out pushups that fast.
Was getting off the rower in under 2 min each time, but by the 4th row, it was more like 1:56.
A. Seated Press
100lb all sets.
B. 5rds, 4+18, 4+5, 4+2
Deficit push ups (2 45 lb plates ea side)
Monitor on rower is broken so rowed 50 strokes. That felt a little quick (1:30ish) so rowed hard for 1:45-150 remaining rds.
A.1: 10/leg x 115#, 125 then 8 x 135 (FR)
A.2: 3x 45# (bw 165)
B. Scaled to 115#. Goal was 14 min. Glad to do 2 rounds UB in 7:40 then I almost shit my pants on the 3rd rep of the thrusters and decided to call it lol… first time I quit on a wod in a very long time but Im taking it easy and giving mysef a break here
Have a great week end!! Good chance I’ll do today’s wod tomorrow am
6/6/6/6 Rx Russian swings pushed it to the max on this one felt like I might need an adult diaper was a hot mess def left nothing on the table
Been nursing some new ink was good to GO20HARD
Wow! Good job! I’m going to tackle this tomorrow. ..u certainly set the bar high for me!
Thanks! You will crush it Candy!
” are your push-ups too easy?” ?
Are push-ups too hard? Too easy? Check-out this videos from the Invictus Gymnastics Program and make modifications to your push-up to better suit your ability level…
Used 24kgs KB.
Did 3+10 on all four rounds.
500m in 1:46 Avg on all four rounds.
Did 10 swings + 10 Push Ups as EMOM.
Did with G(wife) she scaled to pushups from knees and 25#kb
I used 40#kb as those are heaviest available
G 4+10, 5+5, 5+9, 5+2
Me: 6 even, 6 even, 6+13, 6+6
Grip is smoked… Probably from all the cleans I did yesterday.
… apparently Nathan can – solid.
Thanks bro. Because of my shorter frame, pushups are easier for me than most people I think, so I do really well in wods that include pushups. Using an actual Concept 2 rower has been helpful as well…I was able to do 500 in less than 2 minutes which I seem to never be able to do…in any event, I was off the rower at about 1:45-1:50 which left me a little more than 3 minutes to do 6 rounds (:30 rounds)…someone who can row well like in the 1:30 range could easily get 7(+) on this
Apparently you move really fast. We’re rowing the same but you killed the AMRAP portion! I went unbroken with no rest on my first round and didn’t come close to 6
Rx 5+4, 4+15, 4+7, 4. I gave up with 15s left on the last round.. good end to the week!
Figured 5 rounds was in reach for you – great work – curious to see if Teddy can hit 6 … good luck with the house sale and move.
Thanks, house is under contract. My wife and I will be traveling next week to look for a new house. Planning on testing out several boxes for her.
16kg: 4+7/4+9/4+11/4+8
As Rx (hybrid swings)
4+10, 4+16, 4+16, 4+14
… have a good weekend folks- solid training week
Nice consistency!
Only counted complete sets
9 rds RX
A. Did my 5/3/1 strength portion
B. 4/4+13; used 60# kb. Only did 2 rounds
One day behind: had to take a rest day yesterday to get enough sleep.
A: front rack lunges 50kg x20/60×16/65×20 @tempo
Pull ups 16kg (+100kg)x3/20kg x2/x2 (pr)
B: scaled trusters to 50 kg for more structural stability.
20 pull-ups and 400 m run
Time: 15:25
C: I will try to get in today’s workout in the evening. Hope this works out 🙂
Everyone a great weekend from Germany!