Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of 15 meters forward, then 15 meters backwards of each of the following:
The Crab
Rest 60 seconds
The Crab with Push-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
The Rabbit
Rest 60 seconds
The Panther
Rest 60 seconds
The Cricket
Rest 60 seconds
Two sets of:
Handstand Push-Up Negative x 5 reps @ 30A2
Rest 90 seconds, then. . .
For 2 minutes, follow the sequence:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x max reps
For those who don’t have Strict Handstand Push-Ups, complete:
Once you fail a rep, complete one set of:
Hamstring Curl Handstand Push-Ups x max reps
Once you fail a rep or get a cramp in your hamstring, complete one set of:
Elevate Foot Handstand Push-Ups x max reps
Once you fail a rep, complete one set of:
Elevated Knee Handstand Push-Ups x max reps
Followed by. . .
One set of:
Reverse Snow Angels x 40 reps @ 1010
Rest 60 seconds
Wall Slides x 20 reps @ 1211
*During the 2 second pause at the bottom of the Wall Slide, squeeze your elbows as tight to your sides as possible to flex your lats. Be sure to keep your wrists, elbows and mid back against the wall. At the top squeeze and hold tight for a full second.
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps @ 40-50% of 1-RM
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete (6 sets):
*Set 1 – Jerk x 3 reps @ 75%
*Set 2-4 – Jerk x 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 5-6 – Jerk x 2 reps @ 85%
Please use blocks.
Five sets of:
Back Squat x 2-3 reps @ 85%-88%
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 2-3 reps @ 85%-88%
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Three sets for times of:
Assault Bike x 30/20 calories
135/95 lbs Overhead Walking Lunges x 20 steps
Rest 3 minutes
Three sets for times of:
Assault Bike x 25/15 calories
115/75 lbs Overhead Walking Lunges x 20 steps
Rest 3 minutes
Three sets for times of:
Assault Bike x 20/10 calories
95/65 lbs Overhead Walking Lunges x 20 steps
Rest 3 minutes
WZA Qualifier #1
Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of 15 meters forward, then 15 meters backwards of each of the following:
The Crab
Rest 60 seconds
The Crab with Push-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
The Rabbit
Rest 60 seconds
The Panther
Rest 60 seconds
The Cricket
Rest 60 seconds
Two sets of:
Handstand Push-Up Negative x 5 reps @ 30A2
Rest 90 seconds, then. . .
For 2 minutes, follow the sequence:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x max reps
Followed by. . .
One set of:
Reverse Snow Angels x 40 reps @ 1010
Rest 60 seconds
Wall Slides x 20 reps @ 1211
*During the 2 second pause at the bottom of the Wall Slide, squeeze your elbows as tight to your sides as possible to flex your lats. Be sure to keep your wrists, elbows and mid back against the wall. At the top squeeze and hold tight for a full second.
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 2-3 reps @ 85%-88%
Rest 90 seconds between sets
As many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes:
Squat Clean & Jerks
35-44: 225/155 lbs
45+: 165/115 lbs
I love this workout! We do emom work all the time and view this like an emom. Try to average 1 squat clean and jerk every 15 seconds or a duration you choose based on your ability level. Choose a pace that is manageable for you but still aggressive and the last 2 minutes are all heart. 🙂
Traveled all week first day back in gym. Would #1 23 reps. Think I could have gotten 3-5 more
A. HSPU negative done; HSPU sequence: 12/10/10
B.1 95#
B2. 165/175/185
C. 200/205/210/215/220
D. skip
A – Done. Liked this sequence.
B – Jerks 175, 185, 200
C – 5×3 @305. Quads still sluggish.
D – modified OHWL (shoulder/groin) to:
Assault Bike (30 cal)
10 Thrusters @115
20 walking lunges (2×53#kb in farmers carry)
Rest 3 mins.
This was no picnic either. 3:32, 3:45, 3:55.
Solid Mike!
First week of full training completed in while (but did enter Wednesday’s). Ran 5km yesterday.
Morning session
Mobility: done
A: did kb z-press. Have a partner workout tomorrow with hspu. Did snow angles
B: skipped
C: all @ 220lb
Evening session.
This was terrible, tired and running on protein shake. And not my movements
All around ~4:30min. Broke lunges into 3 and 25m walk between ab and lunges
GREAT WORK Tom!! First week in the books, awesome job!
delayed entry: 9/13 done on Thursday dyn/Mob; done A) done only one muscle up x2 fails.. 1 set prone upper reverse muscle up B) DL: 220×10 sets C) did 8 rounds struggled with the AB don’t have a n ERG. D) GHR: 8 rps YWT: done no weights skipped FC bc of the rest of the workout .. 9/15/ work: dyn/mob: done ! very cool and hard! A1) strict HSPUnegatives- overlooked 🙁 2). SHSPU only two singles fell off the wall but I had nothing .. 3) hamstring curl: 5rps 4) elev foot : 5 rps 5) eleve knows: 15… Read more »
Yes!! Nutrition is key, especially when the volume is a bit higher. Make sure you are eating enough, especially carbs!
wow .. I am fully aware now I thought it was a mental thing but its def a physical thing .. I am working on ways to improve my eating and working my training schedule around it,, thank you! XO
A. SHSPU (2:00): 39
Elevated: 7
Elevated Knee: 18
B. Jerk Balance: 105# x 2; 115#
Jerk: 1 x 3: 165#
3×2: 175#, 185# x 2
2×2: 195# x 2
C. 245# x 2
255# x 3
Heaviest squat since surgery. Working my way back!
D. Scaled to 115# (just trying to avoid injury and workload has been really heavy this week)
2:52 (lunges 10/10)
2:16 (lunges 20 UB)
2:47 (lunges 20 UB)
Great work on the squats and great work on the sHSPU!!
One of those days. No juice. Nutrition was off yesterday and today because of work stuff. Started warming up and shut it down 5 reps into the handstand work.
Tomorrow is another day!
Yep, tomorrow is another day! Get some good food in you, some good sleep and be ready to hit it hard tomorrow!
A) had to skip this today. Will do tomorrow B) balance at 95lbs 125/135/135/135/145/155 C) 195 across all sets for 3 reps. Forgot it wasn’t every 3 minutes until 3rd set then I corrected to 90 seconds of rest. Probably wouldn’t have gotten 3 reps each to,e if I had rested as RX D) trying to prepare my brain for the team series so I did a team workout today Teams of 3 (one person working at a time) 24 minute AMRAP (95/65) 75 cal row 100 power cleans 75 cal row 80 push press 75 cal row 60 front… Read more »
Dynamic done
A. 18/25/20/20/20 – mobility work at the end done
B. balance – 95 lbs.
– 155/165/165/175/185/195
C. 315 – 3/315-3/325-2/325-2/335-2
D. No AB so row 30 kcal/ shoulders were done so 115.
– 2:30
– 2:35
– 2:41
Nice work on Part D Michael!
Drop-In @ CrossFit Pineto:
DM&A & A. Tomorrow (another outdoor WOD)
B1. 3×20/30/40/50/60
B2. 3×80/80 and 2×90/90 (no blocks so I had to PC and no fractional plates).
C. Deadlifts from WED: 10 sets @ 140 kg (73%, no fractional plates)
Being on 12’s all week is rough on training let alone a tested event.
I did hspu sequence 10 reps ea. Of all progressions.
BS- 285 # across all sets and reps
WZA #1
I miss counted a rep after watching video for submission so my total is 27 reps. Bummer , good luck to you all.
12 hour shifts can be so rough!! Hope you get some good rest this weekend Bob!
I don’t get part A:
So if I do have sHSPUS, I just do:
– two sets of negatives and
– max. reps sHSPUS in two min.?
I thought of this as an old school ‘drop set’.
Do as many unbroken sHSPU as possible. Then, when you fail, go to the curls. Then if you still have time remaining and fail the curls, go to the box.
Hope that makes sense.
Again, I have a history of getting sh1t wrong haha. I was pretty certain of this one though 😉
Rob is right! I changed it up later this morning to reduce the volume if shoulders are feeling smoked but the original intention was exactly how Rob did it!
OK to sub sHSPUs -> kipHSPUS for me or any other suggestions?
Sorry I am just seeing this Markus and can you clarify your question for me? Thanks!
No boxes, just a wall. So I could do:
A) 2 min.: max sHSPUS or
B) 2 min.: max sHSPUS once I fail a rep. kipHSPUS for remaining time.
Only Strict, no kipping!
It does! Guess I will have to scale it to sHSPUS -> kipHSPUS since I only have a wall here.
DMA… those animals are no joke. 15m may have been 15 feet of Cricket. 🙂
A1. 18 SHSPU (4-3-3-3-3-1-1)
A2. 10 got spicy fast
A3. 8
A4. 10
B1. 3×3 @ 95#
B2. 145/155/155/155/165/165#
C. 5×2 @ 205# (85%) 2nd rep felt heavy every set.
D. HOLY BUTT MUSCLES!!! (Had room to do 10 down, dropped to turn and do 10 back)
2:34 (:49 bike, 95# 10/10)
2:24 (:45 bike, 95# 10/6/4)
2:18 (:45 bike, 95# 10/7/3) tried to hold for 10 on the way back… arms were shaking good.
Total time including rest was 13:16
Great work Jean!!
Thanks Nichole…. Can’t wait for next weekend 🙂
Mobility completed
A2)7 kicked myself off the wall/8/21
D)3:36/3:49/3:51 OHWL @115#
Solid – nice and consistent 🙂
Thanks Nichole! My back/lats are smoked from the emom yesterday. Thank you for that. 🙂
Warm up done
A. I just did the HSPU negatives. Then max set of UB STHSPU – 21
B. 225/245/265
C. 350-360
D. 3:22/3:07/3:07. Think I paced the bike too much. Had to do 10 lunges down and 10 back due to limited space
Nice work on the max set!! I definitely think you could push to be sub 3 on that Keith!
I agree. I think around 2:46 is possible when not doing in my driveway
DMA – Done! Enjoy these to warm-up with A1. done A2. 22 in 2 min. (10 – 4 – 4 – 4) A3. 7 (got a cramp in my hamstring) A4. 12 A4. 22 B1. 3 sets at 75lb. B2. 140/150/160 – made all attempts C. 215(3) 220(3) 225(2) D. 3:20 3:50 4:15 Rx – All sets of walking lunges were unbroken. Wasn’t convinced that I would be able to do it Rx. Last time I did walking lunges at this weight they were ‘very’ challenging. Weren’t too bad today. I noticed I come out of my lunges a little… Read more »
Awesome Barry – happy you are feeing more confident in that overhead position for your lunges!
A1. 7
A2. 10
A3. 17
Reverse Snow angels and wall sliders done
B. 290 for all back squats only did 2 reps
C. 19 and 3:21 tie breaker. Missed my last one with oh lockout. I can get 4-5 more reps!!
Nice work Tom!
Awesome Tom!
Thanks Rob. It will be better when I redo it.
Redo… So it wasn’t too bad then?
Not bad. After the first 10 it starts to go down hill. I watched a youngster do it at the 225#. He got 22. I figured since it doesn’t have to be in until the 25th I would use today as a test session.
A little lethargic to start today.
A. Just did one set slow and controlled. 25 strict + 5 + 5 (+ strong coffee and a can of ‘Man-up’)
B. 100,107.5,115kg
C. Back Squat: 170kg then 175kgx2
D. Rested for fun ‘local’ pairs comp tomorrow.
And here we were waiting to see you destroy D! Have a fun time competing this weekend.
Haha I really wanted to do D too!