Four sets of:
Front Squats x 6-8 reps @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 8 reps each arm @ 21X0
(pull the dumbbell to your hip, not your chest)
Rest 45 seconds
For time:
500 Meter Row
50 Wall Ball Shots
50 Push-Ups
500 Meter Row
A. Bryan (single arm dumbbell curl vs. row) – 140# x 8 reps; 35# x 8 reps/arm.
B. Bryan (400m run vs. rows) – 8:22. Christy – 11:10.
A FS 8x 135,155,165,175at tempo
45x 8 for DB row
B. 9:28 RX
Still dealing with neck issue so did 50 light hang power cleans (75) instead of wall balls.
A1. 8x40kg / 8x50kg / 8x60kg / 6×70 kg all at tempo
A2. 5kg/20kg/25kg/25kg all at tempo
B.10:41 rx
A. 8x40kg / 8x50kg / 8x60kg / 4×70 kg all at tempo
8x 15kg/20kg/25kg/25kg all at tempo
B. 9.30 Rx
A. FS up to 185×8, 195×6. Not at tempo. Front squats made me feel nauseous and they kill my wrists, probably leaning forward more than I should but not sure how to get torso more vertical. Core definitely wants to give before my legs do. B. 10:41. Meh. Felt a little crappy after front squats. Rows were 1:50ish, 15+sets of 10 on WB’s, and push-ups were down to sets of 5. ? Day 2 of Whole 30. Finally committed to getting rid of the dad bod. Not sure if the low carbs are affecting me already or if it was… Read more »
Brutal. Been a bit warm in NorCal the past few days so workout was done in 100F+ garage.
A. #135×8, 155×8, 165×6, 175×4(PR)
45# plate on rows
B. 20# on wall balls (most I’ve done at this weight)
Front squat 4×6 @ 225, 235, 245, 245
DB row 4×8 @ 100
B. Wore plate carrier (25 ish lbs) and subbed squats for wall balls. Rained real hard today and my target is out back.
500m row
50 squats
50 push ups
500m row
Hotel gym but at least I got to do the invictus program.
Front squats w/45 lb DBs @ tempo 4×8
DB rows w/45 lb DB @ tempo 4×8
400 meter treadmill run
50 thrusters w/25 lb DBs. 20/10/10/10
50 push-ups. 10/10/10/9/6/5
400 meter treadmill run
10:16 but boy did that treadmill take its time getting up to speed. I should have left it running after the first run.
A. Front squat
4 x 6-8 @tempp
185x 8, 205x 8, 215x 6, 215x 6
Supine ring pull ups w/ feet elevated
X8 st tempo
Subbed these for the dumbbell rows because they are a bit easier with the grip. Would get more out of them
B. Rx. 7:38
Paced the rows and went unbroken on the wallballs. More of just a personal challenge. Hurt for the push ups a little though. Broke those into 5 sets
Would love to be able to sing together 50 wall ball shots and not be trashed in the middle of a wod
I still felt trashed buddy! Those push ups were a lot harder then usual! And My rows were pretty ugly I’m sure the last 100m or so.
Nice weight on the front squats!
A.1: FS @tempo: 8x 135#, 145, 145, 4x 155. On last set the bb hit one of my safety bars at the bottom (went pretty deep I guess) and I lost balance so stopped there. Felt these in my core +++ A.2: @tempo used 50#db x8 all sets Went hard but didn’t push limits on today’s A, didn’t feel 100% B. Subbed the 2nd row for AB 0.7mi (wife did the opposite). My goal was <10. Row 1:47, wb 15-15-10-10, push ups hard from the start so went sets of 10 clustered in 4-3-3. AB took about 1:50-1:55. Score: 9:59!!!… Read more »
A1. All x 8 @ tempo: 205, 215, 225, 235
A2. All x 8 @ tempo: 85, 95, 100, 110
B. Back feeling super tight… Probably from poor rowing technique on Saturday. So I subbed running 400m instead of rows and I used a 20 lb medicine ball. I split up the wall ball shots 30, 10, 10, and the push-ups 20, 10, 10, 10…7:44
A1. 155; 165; 175 X 8 185 X 7 @tempo
A2. 45; 50; 60; 60 X 8
B. Rx 10:19 w/ 20# WB
A1. 8x 155/175/185 6x 205 @tempo
A2. 8xea arm @tempo for all rounds
B. Rx’d with run instead of row. 7:56. WB were 30/10/10 and push ups were sets of 10.
A1.FS @ 30×1
Went light, last time I went to heavy and jacked up my SI
A2. Unsupported single arm KB row
21×0 8 reps allrds
B. Rx 10:08
500m row 2:04
50 WB 14# 31-13-6 (missed target on second set)
50 push- set of 5 ish haha
500m row 2:13
Good thing PTs don’t need their arms to see patients?
A. 135lbx8/135×8/135×8/155×5.
55lb x8 e arm
B. 9:56. Sooooo regret doing bench press yesterday.
A) 165, 175, 185, 195. Warmed the hip up well and only went up based on how it felt. Felt good so it allowed me to push it a little. Rows were all done at 45# and that tempo made them no joke!!! B) 8:22 Rx, tried not to over row the first 500 and get the breathing pattern down to 3 sets or less on the Wallballs. Arms and shoulders were fried early on the push-ups so I was just going short break sets to get them done. Strong start to the last row, lost the pace a little… Read more »
A. 225×8 all sets
75×8 all sets
B. 6:52 rx
8,8,8,8 @185#
8,8,8,8 @70#
8:37 rx
60×8 / 22,5×8
80×8 / 22,5×8
90×8 / 22,5×8
100×8 / 22,5×8
B. 7:04 w 20 punds ball. 1:40 / messed up on WBS / 10-10-10-10-5-5 / 1:45