Four sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 6-8 reps each leg @ 30X1
Rest 2 minutes
Strict Supinated Grip Pull-Ups x 4-6 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
12 Wall Ball Shots
9 Toes To Bar
6 Burpees
A. Bryan – 40# B.S.S. x 8 reps/leg, strict seated push press vs. pull-ups, 35# dumbbells x 10 reps.
B. Bryan (box jumps vs. toes to bar) – 4 rounds.
Completed on 8/26
A. 6 reps all sets 45 DB
6 reps strict overhand grip pull-ups (nursing bicep injury
B. Rx 3 rds 6 WB
6,8,8,8 @45# dbs
6,6,6,6 @25# weighted
1 rep shy of 4 rounds
A. 6 @50 DB/ 6 reps
B. 3 + 5
A1. 10kgx2/8, 15kgx2/8, 17.5kgx2/8, 20kgx2/6
A2. 6/6/6/6
B. 3 rds + 21 reps
Does anyone else find it difficult to get after it after a rest day. Was on for 5 and then took a day off yesterday and REALLY wasn’t feeling it today. But, drove for five hours prior to workout which probably didn’t help either. But, generally have a hard time after rest days.
A. BSS. 2×60#x8, 2×70#x8
Weighted PUs. 15#x6, 20×6, 25×6, 30×6
B. T2B time killed me. 3 + 9wbs
A. 8x 50, 55×3
A2. 35×6, 45×6, 45×5, 45×5
Ran out of time, preparing for the hurricane at work this week.
A. Bulgarian split squats
4 x 6 at tempo
Pull ups
4 x 4 w/ 60lb dumbbell
*super setted each set with max rep @ body wright
B. 5 rounds
Humbling. Very humbling.
4 sets w/35lb dbs
4 rounds. I am terrible at t2b. If anyone has any advice or videos to watch it would be greatly appreciated.
ditto on help needed with T2B! Coach @michelevieux:disqus ??
hope this helps https://www.crossfitinvictus.com/blog/4-reasons-struggle-toes-bar/
Finally back from vacation!
A1. BSS: 6×95/105/115/115
Back rack barbell
A2. 5/5/5/5 with 8kg kb
B. 4rds + 1ttb
Must.. not.. forget.. to stretch!
A1. 4×6 with 45# in one hand and 35# in the other. Time to invest in the matching kb sets
A2. 4×4 with black band support
B. 3 rnds + 22 reps
A1. 4×8 with 53lb kbs @tempo
A2. 4×6 strict with same tempo as SS
B. Rx’d 5 rounds flat. Jeeesh that was a killer.
C. Sweat Angel skill work. Got the idea from @thelonghorn
Haha there was no other choice today for part C!
A1. 8x16kg kb’s
A2. 6ea rd
B. As Rx. 4+9. Ouch. All ub, but apparently too much rest before and after the wallballs.
Missed yesterday and ran so I mixed yesterday and today… today is a low food day so I feel lethargic and it showed in the workout.
A1 . 4 sets of DL @ 185#. These felt slow and yucky so I didn’t increase weight like planned.
A2. 4 sets of max push-ups @1010
15/15/13/10 tricep push-ups
B. Today’s
6 min AMRAP
12 WB @14#
9 v-ups
6 burpees
4 rds +5
Planned to do more but there was just no gear past first so I called it good.
C. Puppy walk.
A. 20, 25, 30 x 8 reps. 35 x 6 reps
6, 6, 6, 6 – Probably should have added weight, but didn’t want too. ? Lats are super sore from yesterday.
B. 4 rounds 11 WB. Started strong and instantly fell off the pace. After three rounds was considering throwing in the towel, but forced myself to keep going.
A. Two 12Kgs DB. 8 each leg.
Did all the pull ups unbroken, didn’t read the post and forgot to use weights for the pullups that explains why I did them so quick.
B. Did 3 rounds + 15 reps. Today they humidity was a killer didn’t had any air. I’m going to do this again I feel very disappointed on my performance
We all have our bad days don’t beat yourself up
BSS: Did these with a 25# bumper.
Pullups: 4×4 @ 55#
BSS (DB weight in each arm x Reps):
1) 12,5kg x8
2) 15kg x8
3) 17,5kg x6
4) 20kg x6
Pull-Ups (without additional weight, ut in slow tempo and short pause on the top):
1) 6
2) 6
3) 6
4) 6
Ball: 6kg
9T2B scaled to 5T2B
Did 3 full rounds + 12 Wall Ball Shots
A1. Bulgarian Split Squat: 50 lb DBs x 8 reps @ 30X1 all four sets
A2. Strict Supinated Pull-up: 25/35/35/45 lbs x 6 reps all four sets
B. Rx: 4 + 10 — I was gunning for 5+ but I had my heart set on keeping everything unbroken. Wife told me I took too much rest before moving to the T2Bs (12 to 15 seconds).
Let’s see someone get six rounds on this!
It was a hard combo for sure. I need to learn to breathe doing wallballs better!
A1. 35lb plates all 4 sets(worked on grip) x 8 reps
A2. No pull up bar today. Did barbell curls.
60 x 6, 70 x 6, 80 x 6, 85 x 6
B. 40lb thrusters instead of wall balls.
4 rounds + 23 reps