In teams of four, with only 1 person working at a time, complete the following:
300 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
250 Push Press (95/65 lbs)
200 Pull-Ups
150 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
1600 Meter Medicine Ball Relay
In teams of four, with only 1 person working at a time, complete the following:
300 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
250 Push Press (95/65 lbs)
200 Pull-Ups
150 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
1600 Meter Medicine Ball Relay
A. Bryan (1 work:3 rest) – 36:40.
We did it in team of 3 rx – 47min
In team of 3 Rx 47min nice workout
Did solo with work rest of 1:2
Used 70# KB otherwise Rx
1 day behind: E8MOM x 5 sets
Row 500m
Run 400m
15 bbjo 24″
15 shspu (scaled to push ups)
Did the run before row after the first round since my treadmill takes awhile to get started and I lost some time there during the first round. Tough one, glad it’s done!
Props to my wife for completing this with me (romantic saturday night, kids are asleep!). She modified to:
Assault bike 1 mi
10 bbjo 12″
10 scaled push ups
Chipped away at this solo.
75 KBS @35#
63 PP @65#
50 strict PUs
37 box overs 24″
2:00 med stair carry
Competed at the second Montevideo inter box challenge of 2017. We had 2 WODs in the RX category: A) With a timecap of 10mins, 4RxT: – 28 jumping squats – 15 power cleans 40 kgs Time: 7:17 Rest 4 hours B) With a timecap of 10 mins: 16, 14, 12, 10: K2E and Deadlifts. Between rounds: 18 mts of Kb OH walking lunges with a single 20 kgs kb. Timecapped at 145 reps. I loved the experience, this being my second CF competition (not counting the Open), I improved leaps and bounds from the first one we had in may,… Read more »
Done single 16:53
Digging the med ball run!
No partner
1 mile run 7:49
50 KBS 53#
50 WB 20#
50 H/R push ups
50 sit ups
1 mile run 10:30
Time 42:50
6 rounds of:
2 rope climbs (15 ft)
7 DB pushpress (30lb)
10 box step ups (24in)
Then 3 sets each
Hand stand walking 36 ft
Overhead lunges 36 ft @ 30lb DB
6 minute plank challenge
Teaching my wife to do rope climbs… She did 6 climbs today.
A. I’m at a Resort in Orlando again so I had to modify with a totally different workout. You know those Hotel gyms are ghetto as heck.
3 rounds of high lateral pulls in the machine @ 3-1-3-0 tempo, then 20 bicep curls. #whosaidthere’snobicepcurlsincrossfit.
12 min AMRAP:
20 steps walking lunges with one hand overhead dumbbell 50lb.
15 push ups
10 dumbbell push press 50lb.
Got in 3 rounds. Did it with my son and nephew of 11 years old so we all had to wait for each other to start the next round
New guy here. Was training w/Invictus Masters but herniated a disc and couldn’t continue. Looking forward to interacting with everyone!
Did it by myself. Divided by 4:
75 kb swings (53)
60 push press (95)
50 pull-ups
40 box jump overs (24)
400m run w/med ball (20)
Welcome….we have a GREAT community!
Thank you!
Only had a partner, so we split it half: 24:51 – Rx’d
Did. 8/17/2017
A. Back squat tempo 4411×2
Trying to rebuild to a wider base squat
B. 1:59, 2:05, 2:33, 2:15
20 20#WB
10 T2B
5 100# DB clean
2 min rest
Lake grinder
Run – approx 1.25 mile cross country (10:09)
75 KB swings @ 16kg (5:22)
65 DB push press @ 30# (5:22)
50 burpees (4:05)
50 HSPU/push ups 30/20 (4:40)
100 air squats
Run – approx 1.25 mile cross country (11:13)
Total – 42:24
TooK the last 2 days off due to work and life.
Would have thought this would have been a bit easier….NOPE! BUT I LOVE IT!
Have a great weekend! Time for some paddle boarding.
Only one partner, he’s still a beginner so I did about 2/3 of it.
150 KBS #50
125 Push press #95
100 pull ups
75 box jump over “24
800m relay #20 ball
Jay me and my garage so I divided the workout by four and rounded
75 kb swing 45#
60 push press 95#
40 pull ups (banded green and black)
35 box jump overs 24″
1 mile run
33’41” all in. Push press and pull ups destroyed me, loved it.
Anyone here interested in doing the team series with me?
I was thinking about it, let me know.
@disqus_ur8znJU3mm:disqus just informed me that we have to be physically present…otherwise, I’d absolutely love to have someone like you pushing me!
Confused, I thought you had to be physically present with your partner…?
I just reread the main site and realize that that must be what they meant by together (physically present). Thank you very much for pointing that out!
Team of 2:
150KBS (24kg)
125 Push Press (43kg)
100 Pullups
75 Box jump overs
800m MB relay
I divided by four and chipped away. Push press killed me
Kettle bell 24k 5:34
Push press 95 lbs 14:45
Pull ups 5:09
Box jumps 5:22
Mile run 7:40
I ordered a 5.11 weight west. Cannot wait to break it on next week.
It’s a great vest. I put level III hard body armor in mine and keep it by my bedside just on case. Extremely durable! There’s a YouTube video of a guy driving around while dragging a dummy wearing that thing and it doesn’t break.