August 7-13, 2017 – Endurance Program

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We are approaching the half way point on this current training cycle. Please continue to post your results so we can track your progress.

Two new drills this week; one focusing on Pulling and one focusing on Falling.

Make sure to use #InvictusEndurance when you post videos to social media.

Please post your results to the comments.

Post your videos to social media using #InvictusEndurance

400 Meter Run @ 50% pace

Followed by…

Two sets of:
Forward Lunges x 10
Reverse Lunges x 10
Lateral Lunges x 10
High Kicks x 10 (leg straight)
One Leg Jumps x 10

Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Falling Into Wall Drills x 10 each leg
Pony + Pony with Forward Movement

Followed by…

Run x 30 seconds @ 60-70%
Jog x 30 seconds
Run x 30 seconds @ 70-80%
Jog x 30 seconds
Run x 30 seconds @ 80-90%
Jog x 30 seconds

Cool Down
400 Meter Jog
15 Minutes of Static Stretching (Focus on Low Back, Hips, Calves & IT Band)

Session One
VO2 Max

Four sets of:
500 Meter Run
Rest 90 seconds
200 Meter Sprint
Rest 3 Minutes

Five sets of:
500 Meter Run
Rest 90 seconds
200 Meter Sprint
Rest 3 Minutes

Six sets of:
500 Meter Run
Rest 90 seconds
200 Meter Sprint
Rest 3 Minutes

Try to hold your mile pace for the 500s. If you run 6 minute miles it would be around 1:30 per lap. Make the 200s faster.

Session Two
Aerobic Threshold

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10K Run – all out effort here

This should be faster than your 1/2 marathon race pace

Session Three
Lactate Threshold
1600 Meter Run
Rest 2 minutes
1200 Meter Run
Rest 2 minutes
800 Meter Run

1600 Meter Run
Rest 2 minutes
1200 Meter Run
Rest 2 minutes
800 Meter Run
Rest 2 minutes
1600 Meter Run
Rest 2 minutes
800 Meter Run

Two sets of:
1600 Meter Run
Rest 2 minutes
1200 Meter Run
Rest 2 minutes
800 Meter Run
Rest 2 minutes

Goal is to keep your race pace for these intervals.

Keep on the lookout this week for a blog post on Plantar Faciitis.

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Patrick Donsbach
Patrick Donsbach
August 13, 2017 3:05 am

Session 1 Beginner:
500m 1:55 / 1:56 / 2:09 / 2:08
200m 0:40 / 0:39 / 0:43 / 0:40

Happy with the 200 times, felt like going to hard on the 500 (mile time 7:10). Keep on running was mentally challenging in round 3+4 on the 500.

Session 3 beginner:
1600 in 8:13 – 5:08/km
1200 in 5:58 – 5:00/km
800 in 3:27 – 4:29/km

Nuno Costa
Nuno Costa
August 14, 2017 1:28 pm

@Patrick Donsbach:disqus – those first 500s were fast…Wondering if you had run them at 2:00 if you could have sustained that pace? I know they are mentally challenging, that’s the point- push you to become better.

This week – see if you can push the paces of the lactate threshold workouts since you have the times from this week to help you gauge.

August 11, 2017 7:06 am

Did this on a Air Runner. First time. Felt more in the lower hamstring than upper hamstring? 200m look slower than on the tracks maybe because I was worried falling off the dragon! Session One VO2 Max Beginner Four sets of: 500 Meter Run – 2:44 Rest 90 seconds 200 Meter Sprint – 0:51.9 Rest 3 Minutes 500 Meter Run – 2:38.8 Rest 90 seconds 200 Meter Sprint – 0:53.6 Rest 3 Minutes 500 Meter Run – 2:45.9 Rest 90 seconds 200 Meter Sprint – 0:59.8 Rest 3 Minutes 500 Meter Run – 2:49.1 Rest 90 seconds 200 Meter Sprint… Read more »

Nuno Costa
Nuno Costa
August 14, 2017 1:32 pm
Reply to  Scott

@disqus_KVAPdHwYnN:disqus – running on an assault fitness is much harder i would say then on a track, especially if you aren’t used to running on one. I definitely like it for training purposes because it forces you to use your hamstrings which is key in pulling the foot up off the ground – in alignment with the drills we have. It would be great if you can have someone videotape you on a track from profile view – that would give us the best viewing angle. You can post it here or email it to me and I can look… Read more »

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