August 11, 2017 – Masters Off-Season Program

***Just a reminder that this past week has looked a bit different than a typical week. It’s has been an opportunity for you to reset after our last cycle. On August 14th, we will start a new cycle with the focus on relative max strength and aerobic endurance, with additional energy systems incorporated so by the end of the cycle, athletes will feel well-rounded.***

Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Band-Assisted Scarecrow x 2 minutes

and then . . .

Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes:
Minute 1 – Band-Assisted Pec Stretch x 20 seconds per side
Minute 2 – Band-Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds one side
Minute 3 – Band-Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds other side

Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (4 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Supine Snap Pull on Low Rings x 10 reps
Interval 2 – Supine Snap Pull Transitions on Low Rings

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x 5 reps

Followed by. . .

Five sets of:
Speed Swings x 5 reps

Rest as needed, and then…

Five sets of:
Peek-a-boo swings x 5-6 reps

“Last Man Standing”
The goal in this workout is to remain working for as long as possible…to be the last man/woman standing.

On the minute, every minute, perform the following – once you fail at a certain movement, move immediately to the next (starting with the next minute interval):

35-49: 8/6 Muscle-Ups
50-54: 6/4 Muscle-Ups
55-59: 4/2 Muscle-Ups OR 8/6 Ring-Dips
60+: 2/1 Muscle-Up OR 6/4 Ring-Dips
Picking up on the one minute segment you would have been starting your next round of muscle-ups (if you make 7 consecutive sets, terminate this portion of the workout and move on).

Front Squat x 1 rep
35-49: Start with 205/135 lbs on the barbell; males add 20 lbs and females add 10 lbs every minute
50-54: Start with 185/115 lbs on the barbell; males add 20 lbs and females add 10 lbs every minute
55+: Start with 155/95 on the barbell; males add 20 lbs and females add 10 lbs every minute
Picking up on the one minute segment that you would have been starting your next round of front squats…

20 Wall Ball Shots
35-54: 20/14 to 10 target
55+: 20 lbs to 10′ target; 10 lbs to 10′ target

If you make 7 consecutive sets, terminate this portion of the workout and move on. If you cannot complete all 20 shots within the designated minute, this portion of the workout is over . . . move on to the next phase of the workout.
Picking up on the minute you would have been starting your next set of wall ball shots…

Strict Handstand Push-Ups

35-49: 10/8 reps
50-54: 8/6 reps
55-59: 6/4 reps
60+: 10/8 reps to 2″ riser

If you cannot complete all Strict HSPUs within the designated minute, your workout is over.

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Jean Thorson (F/NW/40-44)
Jean Thorson (F/NW/40-44)
August 14, 2017 8:36 am

Completed 8/14
B. MU 6 (3/2/1) + 3 (2/1)
FS 155/175/195 didn’t try 215
WB 3 min + 19
SHSPU 5. Holy Moly that was hard coming right off of WB’s.

Brian Fogarty
Brian Fogarty
August 11, 2017 5:50 pm

Dynamic Mobility done.
A. Done.
MU: 2 mins. (4/3/1, 2) Got last muscle up at :59 of first min. Surprised I got 8 in first minute!
FS: 205#, 225#, 245#, 265#, 285# (I stopped here. Most I have squatted since surgery 10 weeks ago and I was nervous)
WB: 4 mins + 18 reps
SHSPU: 7 mins + 9 reps (just missed 10th)

then, Nike testing:

3 Rounds:
500m row
12 burpees
21 box jumps (24″)
10:46 (ouch!)

Jean Thorson (F/NW/40-44)
Jean Thorson (F/NW/40-44)
August 12, 2017 6:54 am
Reply to  Brian Fogarty

Great work

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 12, 2017 7:47 am
Reply to  Brian Fogarty

Awesome job Brian!! Great work on the MU and FS!!!

Jason O. (40)
Jason O. (40)
August 11, 2017 5:23 pm

DMA done
A. Done
B. Most I’ve ever strung together is two. So did two for seven rounds
FS: (1rm215) 155/175/195/215 fail 225
Wallball: 4 rounds
HSPU: did 5 reps for 4 rounds

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 12, 2017 7:48 am
Reply to  Jason O. (40)

Nice work Jason!

Jay Werstler
Jay Werstler
August 11, 2017 5:03 pm

A. Done
B. I had a goal to do 8 in 1:00, I failed. I did six, rested one minute then tried to do eight more in a minute I did five. So I went to front squats. Made it through 265 And failed at 285. Four full rounds of wall balls +16 on a failed set. 6 strict hspu , rested 1:00 then 8 shspu

Lise Demetrio
Lise Demetrio
August 11, 2017 5:00 pm

delayed entry: did Wednesday yesterday Dyn M ob: done A1). done 2) had a tough time, couldn’t quite make it past 30 secs each time B). used 25 lbs for both C). 24 rounds Today: Dyn/ mob. Done A1). this was tough, I’m not sure Im doing it right but I did it..travis makes everything look effortless when I grow up I hope to be like him too 🙂 2). don e B). MU; 0 FS: 135,165,175,185,195,205, 215 F WB: 3RDS+1 SHPU; 6RDS EVEN I am a bit unhappy I didn’t get one muscle up I was close but I… Read more »

Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
August 11, 2017 3:12 pm

A: Done B: I’d love to do this with someone. The competitive make up of this work out will definitely push most beyond what they would do alone. Spent a couple hours last night working hand stands (static, walks, push ups) , bar MUs, and press to HS negative so when I saw this last night I was light uh – oh! Not sure which version I like better but this was fun. WBs were definitely easier to do in this version. SHSPUs is s different story! ? MUs: 2-2-2-1 (0:00- 4:00) During warm up, I struggled to string anything… Read more »

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 11, 2017 4:09 pm

Great job Corey and nice work hitting that Front Squat!

Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
August 11, 2017 6:16 pm

Thanks. That was the easiest part 🙂

Glenn McDaniel
Glenn McDaniel
August 11, 2017 11:52 am

I’m fairly new to Crossfit, and I don’t have MU’s, yet. I did today’s WOD in my local box, hang squat clean complex, and some front squats in the metcon. This afternoon I’m going back to make friends with the bar, and the rings. Practice makes perfect, right?

Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
August 11, 2017 11:51 am

A. Done.
B. MU: 6/6/4
FS: 185/205/225/245/265fail
WB: 20/20/20/10
SHSPU: 8/4, finished at 14:00
Fun workout, felt good to move around after getting beat up by Cindy

Chris Fulton, 51 5'7" 153lbs
Chris Fulton, 51 5'7" 153lbs
August 11, 2017 11:18 am

DM&A Done
A. Done
B. got 3 rds of MU, 3rds of front squats (235# is my max), 3 rds of wall balls, and only 2 rounds of SHSPU

Jeff Shelton
Jeff Shelton
August 11, 2017 10:05 am

B. Gym time coming online in the next week or so home work again and thus BAR Muscle-ups
– 1 round 3 muscle ups (11 total)
– All front squats complete
– All wall balls complete (rough)
– 1 round 3 strict hand stand pu (shoulders were done after wall balls)
I’m looking forward to that workout after I get some rings and a few months of muscle ups. Much stronger after about a month back. This workout in reverse would be great!
Feel fresh and ready for more!

Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
August 11, 2017 10:15 am
Reply to  Jeff Shelton

All front-squats?

Jeff Shelton
Jeff Shelton
August 11, 2017 10:24 am

All front squats. Did I read wrong? 1 rep starting at 205 7 rounds with 20 lbs added each round. 325 last round.

Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
August 11, 2017 11:49 am
Reply to  Jeff Shelton

That’s correct

Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
August 11, 2017 12:10 pm
Reply to  Jeff Shelton

I thought there is no limit on the rounds of FS. But nevertheless great performance!

Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
August 11, 2017 3:14 pm

Markus it’s a maximum of 7 rds for each movement.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 11, 2017 11:32 am
Reply to  Jeff Shelton

Great work today Jeff!!

Barry Emerson
Barry Emerson
August 11, 2017 8:40 am

Mobility – done
Min 1 – MU – stopped (catch position is still painful)
Min 2-5 – FS – 155 – 175 – 195 – 215 failed (10# PR attempt)
Min 6-7 – WBS – 20 – failed second set of 20
Min 8-14 SHSPU – 10 – 10 – 10 – 10 -10 – 6 failed

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 11, 2017 11:33 am
Reply to  Barry Emerson

So close Barry!! Nice work on your sHSPU!

Chris Wagner
Chris Wagner
August 11, 2017 8:36 am

A. 0-5…Instead of MU I did the Pull Transitions with a Dip. I need to work on this stuff
B. 6-9….205, 225,245,265
C. 10-14….20,20,20,20,10
D. 15-17…8,8,5

Dean Plummer (48/5'8"/162)
Dean Plummer (48/5'8"/162)
August 11, 2017 6:14 am

Mobility completed
A)MU work completed.
B)Worked out with my wife. Did her conditioning.
3 Rounds For Time
Row 500M
x12 Buprees
x21 Box Jump Overs

Tom Ring (50-54)
Tom Ring (50-54)
August 11, 2017 6:03 am

Min 0-1 3 mu’s
Min 1-6 185, 205,225,245,265 missed 285
Min 7-11 20,20,20,17
Min 12 3 hspu

Pete Mongeau
Pete Mongeau
August 11, 2017 5:20 am

Strict Press 65%x5 75%x5 85%x5

Games Workout “bar fight” 14:59
Hats off to the games athletes that did that one in 12 min

Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
August 11, 2017 5:42 am
Reply to  Pete Mongeau

Wow! You would have finished 8th…

Pete Mongeau
Pete Mongeau
August 11, 2017 10:33 am

That’s been a consistent theme for all the workouts, the games is different you can’t replicate those conditions..

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
August 12, 2017 1:45 am
Reply to  Pete Mongeau

Fun one, eh? ?

Pete Mongeau
Pete Mongeau
August 12, 2017 2:49 am
Reply to  Cheryl Brost

It was nasty & very grippy , can’t imagine what it would be like on slick, brand new pull up bars

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
August 12, 2017 10:20 am
Reply to  Pete Mongeau

I wore my Victory Stealth Grips for that entire workout…worked like a charm! ??

Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
August 11, 2017 3:14 am

A. Done

B. Had to scale A LOT:
0-5 Min.: 3 MUs,
5-14 Min.: 1 FS @ 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 kg (not bad for four weeks w/o squatting),
14-20 Min.: 10 WBs,
20-25 Min.: 5 sHSPUS.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 11, 2017 8:23 am

How is the knee feeling Markus??

Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
August 11, 2017 8:27 am

A little bit rusty but no pain. Thanks for asking!

Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
August 10, 2017 8:28 pm

Am I reading this right that for this version of “last man standing” we are starting with MUs and it’s 8 MUs / minute for 7 min unless you can’t get 8 in the minute and you go on to the next movement?

Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
August 10, 2017 8:57 pm

Wow! That’s gonna be a short WOD for me…

Tom Ring (50-54)
Tom Ring (50-54)
August 11, 2017 3:08 am

Me too

Brian Fogarty
Brian Fogarty
August 11, 2017 8:52 am

Me too

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 11, 2017 8:24 am

Correct Corey! If you know you aren’t going to hit the 8 muscle-ups, scale down in volume – shot for something around 3-4 rounds in the initial muscle-up portion!

Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
Corey Perry(42; 5-10; 185lbs)
August 11, 2017 10:04 am

Thanks Nichole. I really knew the answer before I asked. I was just in denial! ?

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