Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Shoulder Mash x 30 seconds per side
Interval 2 – Banded Tricep Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Interval 3 – T-Spine Hold on Foam Roller x 5-6 pulses
Three sets of:
30 seconds of Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold
Rest 60-90 seconds
Get into position via wall-walk, cartwheel or backward handstand walk.
followed by…
Five sets of:
Wall-to-Freestanding Handstand Hold x Max Hold
Rest as needed
Place your hands close to the wall on the floor, kick up, and then use your fingers and body positioning to pull away from the wall into a freestanding handstand hold.
Three sets of:
Diagonal Walking Lunge x 16-20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Single-Arm DB Row x 8 reps per side @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
Pull-Ups x 5 reps
Push-Ups x 10 reps
Air Squats x 15 reps
Done a Day late but done
20 Rounds on the nose was pretty happy with that squats where only to 70% i let my hamstring hit a bench deeper than last time so i was happy no pain still need to learn the butterfly and hand stands i got up to 5 seconds which is a 4 second improvement lol
A. Hsh what a mess but a,work in progress.
B. Complete
C. 20+13
Ran out of time, yesterday, but I got some work done. Mobility – done A. did the wall walks with a hold x 3 B. Since I’m finally able to kick up to the wall, I did 5 of those with a max hold C. Diagonal Walking Lunge wi 35# dbs SA db row with 45# Additional strength work – (15, 10, 5) Barbell row – 45#, 75#, 95# Supinated Pull Up – Neg – x5 DB Shrugs – 35#, 50#, 60# Barbell Shrugs – 85#, 125#, 145# Simply ran out of time for the day and didn’t get pt… Read more »
Congrats on your first TTB!! So happy for you Glenn!
Long, wonderful day today. Apologies for late post. Nike Testing Run 4.6 miles, 7:11 per mile Nike Testing 15 KBS 70# and 15 T2B 10 KBS 70# and 10 T2B 5 KBS 70# and 5 T2B 800m run with 50# med ball on shoulders (never stopped, never put ball down) 5 KBS 70# and 5 T2B 10 KBS 70# and 10 T2B 15 KBS 70# and 15 T2B 14:14 Nike Testing 12 min EMOM (2 rounds) 1. 9 DL 225# UB 2. 50 DUs UB 3. 7 DL 245# UB 4. 20 Ab Mat Situps 5. 5 DL 265# UB… Read more »
That is a long day Brian! Great work today – looking forward to having you on this new cycle come Monday!
DMA, then I had: 5 rounds of: A1. single leg kb dead lift x12/leg A2. single leg kb row x12/arm A3. kb lateral swing 10/side B. dead lift 3.3.3 @ 80% C. 10 EMOM 5 DL @ 50% 5 bar facing burpees both moves each minute A1. used 70# A2. used 44# A3. used light kb as instructed. Balance was the hardest part for A1 and 2, but it got better as I moved through the rounds. B. worked at 230# C. This was really fun!! 145# DLs and very quick on burpees. All work completed in under :20 every… Read more »
A. Complete. Good shoulder work.
B. Did double under /snatch Games WOD. 5:14
C. 23 rounds + 1 pull-up
Hot sweaty one today!
A) I really don’t feel comfortable upside down yet – back was ok but this was very challenging only got a few seconds on the free standing
B) 40# DBs could have used heavier for the rows but not the lunges those got tough at 16 🙂 and I knew Cindy was coming
C) 19 rounds 13 reps 🙁 goal was 20
Awesome Kevin! We will test Cindy again and I am sure you will hit your goal of 20 rounds next time.
A. Not very freestanding, :05-:10 once my toes get done playing Morse code on the wall
B. Lunges @ 35# db, rows @55
C. Push-ups by far are my determining factor, butterflies were not spot on today but still seemed faster than gymnastics kip, squats were just active rest
A. Done. Most holds 10-15 sec.
B. Lunges 45#db / Row 55# db
C. 26+20 (10 rep pr)
Blazing fast Brret
Thanks Nichole!
A. HS holds, then 6×30′ walks
B. Lunges w/24kg KBs, rows w/50# dbs
C. 23+15
Nice Cindy time Perry!
Thanks Nichole!
Mobility – done
A. Done 3-5 sec freestanding hold
B. Diagonal Lunges – 20 / SA BOR 40#
C. 14 rounds + 5 pullups – 2 round PR
Awesome Martha!!
Thanks ?
A – done.
Back Squats (comp 8/2): 3×3 @80% (280#), 3×2 @90% (315#); Deadlifts 8/225, 6/275, 4/315, 2×2/365 (85%).
B – Diagonals w/35# DBs, Rows 80# DB
C – 21+2; Strict pull-ups throughout; (PR for strict I think)
Great job Mike – strict def changes up Cindy! That is an awesome score, especially it being strict!
Thanks Nichole! Cindy was one of the first workouts I did a few years ago before I knew what a kip was so I always like trying it strict. I’m still sitting here in the box waiting for my now jacked-up arms to calm down so I can actually drive my car properly. LOL.
Thanks Nichole! Cindy was one of the first workouts I did a few years ago before I knew what a kip was so I always like trying it strict. I’m still sitting here in the box waiting for my now jacked-up arms to calm down so I can actually drive my car properly. LOL.
Dynamic Mobility – done
A. Done
B. 20 lunges and 8 db rows 25/30/35
C. 19 + 8
A. Work in progress. I’ll post video on FB page. 1-5 sec on the freestanding hold.
B. 3 sets of 20 lunges and 8 DB row 35/35/40#
C. 16 + 11 rep with 13# vest
Nice Jean!
A. Holds done, the freestanding hold is something I REALLY NEED to work on.
B. Diag Lunges at 70 lbs, Row at 45 lbs
C. 15 Rounds
B. diag walk lunge @ 75/85/95; row@ 50#
C. 17 rounds
can you explain diagonal walking lunges?
Yep – take a slightly wider step then a forward lunge – you should feel it more on the lateral portion of your glute.
A: It’s easier for me to do freestanding HS holds. That wall makes it to easy to fall back. All holds were 5-12 sec.
B: Lunges- #35s, #40, #45s DBs x20 reps
DB Row- 40, 45, 45 lb DB
C: Cindy 21+ 1
Splits were
10 rds- 8:39
Rested to 9:00
5 rds from 9-13:40
Rested until 14:00
5 rds in 5:08 + additional rd and rep
That’s a PR of at least 2 rds
Awesome PR Corey!!
Thanks Nichole.Love those days that everything just feels great despite almost walking away telling myself I’ll do it at lunch. Then it was I’ll just do 10 min, Then talk myself out of that. Glad I did.
Mobility and Activation – done
A. HS walk max was 10m, im very happy with that, as a few months ago when I started Invictus, I could NOT HS Walk at all. today got all 3 walks at 10m
B. Rows – 40,50,60,65(kg)
Cossack Squats bodyweight only, still getting proper form on these
C. 3:14 , 3:33 , 3:32 , 3:41 , 3:38 ,4:13 , managed to go UB on all except last Swings broke into 2 sets of 15.
D. GHR 8 reps each
HC – 10 reps each set
B. 55 lbs for both
C. 22 rounds
Feeling pretty good!
Nice job Jeff!