Glute Activation Warm-Up
Banded Dead Bug Iso Hold x 2 minutes
Banded Clamshell Hold x 1 minute per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side
Straight Leg Iso Raise x 1 minute per side
Cross Under Lunge
x 1 minute per side
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 90 seconds per side
Cross Under Lunge Crawl
x 1 minute per side
Four sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 6-8 reps per leg @ 3111*
Rest 45 seconds between leg; 90 seconds between sets
Supinated Grip Pull-Ups x 6-8 reps @ 5111
Rest 90 seconds
*Increase weight from last week
Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes rotate through the following exercises:
Minute 1: 45 Seconds of Assault Bike (75-80 RPM for Men; 60-70 for Women)
Minute 2: 60 seconds of Rowing @ 2000 meter PR Pace
Minute 3: Rest
Minute 4: Prowler Push 45 seconds (Medium Weight)
Minute 5: Rest
Three sets of:
Barbell Hip Thrusts x Max Reps in 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
August 1st
A) done – still a big difference between my left leg and right leg here. Not sure if its mobility or strength or both? lol
B) 3;44 ,3;48,3:40
C)used 40kg
D) Had to break into sets for Tuck ups.
I’m new so still adjusting. Loving it! Split Squats 4×6 with 45# bar / 4×4 tempo Sup grip plu no band yay! – progress from last week // EMOM used 100# + prowler (about 85#) // Hip thrusts used 75# got 11,12,13
delayed entry:
Glute work. done
A). used 26 lbs KB did 6 PU
B) had to cut down to only 3rds , half the time bc my gym was packed. Ill re-do this one this
C) used 155 lbs x10
A – Done.
Clean & Jerks 4×2 @185 then 6×1 @205. No misses but felt heavier than it should have.
B – Done. 15-17 cals, 250-265m, Farmers walk with 88# KB in each hand (200ft).
C – Will do tomorrow.
A) 95,115,135,155 BSS 8,8,8,6 SPU
B) 75RPM / 1:45 pace / 150lb prowler
C) 135# 19,19,20
A. 8 reps @55- up 5 from last week, 8/7/6/6
B. Done -2-45’s on prowler
C. 135-14/16/16
That was tough! Ouch! Activation done with the addition of the compex on resistance setting. A: BSS 6 reps/leg with 2x 2 pood KBs So it’s been 60 days since a cortisone shot in my right elbow for golfers elbow and I’ve been pain free. Attempted the strict supinate PUs today but only did 4×4 reps and did negatives. I’d kip up and lower down. Started to feel it in my elbow towards the end. Still not ready for strict pulling movements yet. Any recommendations on what to sub on days we do these? Rows? Lat pull downs? B: whew.… Read more »
Definitely sub in rows – I would not do negatives just yet and especially wouldn’t kip. Start with rows and then we will progress you to elevated rows.
A. Done. Split squats with 50# DB’s
B. That was gross. Maybe because it is hot and smokes up here in WA or maybe it is because I was a sissy today.
AB– cals/19/19/18/16/19/18
It is smokey up in WA too? We got home yesterday and there is a haze over Portland!
Yeah has been for a week or so. Smoke coming out of Canada and a couple smaller fires in WA
So crazy!
You moved back up there about a year ago right?
I did!!
A. Done. BSS w/24 kg KBs
B. Class WOD similar to Madison triple (w/o hay), was 10 mins
C. 20 mins of the EMOM, AB 13-15cals, row ~260m
DMA, then: 4 rounds of: A1. 5 jumping ring MUs A2. :30 nose to wall HS hold A3. 10/arm plank w/KB pull through 35# B. Back squat 5×7 @ 70% C. E3MOM x4 50 DUs 12 box jump overs 50m shuttle run x2 A1. So happy to work on these! I did jumping from a squat below to a low catch position, then dipping out. I can’t kip my dip worth a damn so I’m just stricting those out, but am working on mastering that kip. 🙂 Keeping rings close to my chest then pulling through. Feels good to know… Read more »
Warm UP
A. 4×6 Bulgarian Split Sq 45# and 4×6 Sup Grip Pull Ups (tempo)
B. EMOM Complete. Put 2-45’s and 2-25’s on the sled for 165#
C. 22 / 23 / 23 reps with 45# bar.
I’m starting my second week with Invictus, so I guess I should start logging these workouts, huh?
A. Split squats with 35# Db
Sup grip PU – negatives. (Elbow issues)
B. Averaged 75 rpm
Did 200m run (rowers were being used for today’s WOD
Used 53# kb for a farmers carry
Yes, definitely Glenn! And next week we start a new cycle!
It’s hot up here in Oregon. Today turned me into a puddle. Started the workout with a Nike testing session: Nike 3:00 to do 21 cal erg / 21 burpees over erg / max 75# thrusters (I got 20 reps) 3:00 rest 3:00 to do 18 cal erg / 18 burpees over erg / max 95# thrusters (14 reps) 3:00 rest 3:00 to do 15 cal erg / 15 burpees over erg / max 115# thrusters (10 reps) 3:00 rest 3:00 to do 12 cal erg / 12 burpees over erg / max 135# thrusters (12 reps) then Warmup. I… Read more »
So, so hot! We just got home last night – what is going on with the heat and smoke??
Glute Activation – done
A. BSQ – 8 R’s each set (12kg)
SGP – 6R’s each set
B. AB – able to hold close to 70rpm
Erg – 1:54-1:55 pace
PP – 4 widths/3 widths of gym for sets 2 – 6
C, Hip Thrusts – 18/16/14 @ 135lb.
Glutes done
A. BSS 100/110/120/130
Sup gp pull up bw/+15/+15/+15
B. Done. Sub DU for assault bike
C. 205# 15/12/11
Did Games workout Double Under/ Snatch workout 6:56 unfortunately I did it backwards but not sure that would change stimulus that much. Definitely not moving as quickly as I can or would like but that’s ok.
1min Row (200m)
1min Bke @75+ rpm
Farmers carry 50m 70’s
Rest 1min
Repeat 8 rounds
First day home after a week a working The Games.
Felt pretty worn down so I just eased back in today with an easy 10k.
I’ll be back to it tomorrow
So great meeting you!!
It made my week!!
B. No assault bike yet but sub’d double unders.
Good news! I found an affiliate that will work with me in open gym times to accomplish this programming with proper equipment! Have a great week everyone!
DM&A Done
A. done with 50#
B. done
C. no time
Mobility done
A. 65# DB split squat (6 reps); pull-ups 6 reps at that tempo
B. Bike – kept between 75-80; row at 1:43-1:46/500; sled push at 225
C. Done at 135#
Didn’t post yesterday, but did complete everything. I wish I could come close to 5:00 in that manmaker WOD! Maybe one day…
Did anybody come close?
I don’t think so. I think you would have to T&G most of the way through, which is rough!