Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Band-Assisted Upper Body Anterior Chain Opener x 2 minutes
Followed by …
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
One set of:
Nose-To-Wall Handstand Hold x 60 seconds
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Donkey Kick
x 10 reps
Interval 2 – Handstand Thigh Taps x 12 reps
and then . . .
Max Distance Handstand Walk
(You get 3 attempts to test your max distance handstand walk. Record the furthest attempt).
Four sets of:
Bent-Over Barbell Row x 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Cossack Squats x 14-20 reps
*See if you can add a little more weight then last week
Rest 60 seconds
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Run 400 Meters
Wall Balls x 15 reps
Kettle Bell Swings x 30 reps
35-54: 20/14 lbs to 10′ target; 32/24 kg
55+: 20 lbs to 9′ target/10 lbs to 10′ target; 24/16 kg
If you are unable to complete all the work within 4:30, then reduce the volume down to 10 wall ball shots and 20 KB Swings.
Three sets of:
Glute Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @ 3111
Rest 60 seconds
Hammer Curl x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Been away on vacation since Saturday. A bunch of hiking and fishing but no CrossFit. Did part C from yesterday.
C. 3:14/3:14/3:14/3:17/3:25
Wanted to pick a pace to stay as consistent as possible.
Runs were 1:44/1:44/1:44/1:47/1:50
Hope you had so much fun hiking and fishing!
Open gym so I was able to do the full program today… A – Done. 3 walks of 25 ft (longest section they had). Getting better at these as long as I stay tight through my core and feel like I am stretching my feet up and out over my shoulders (upside down). B1 – Barbell rows 145/155/165/175. Trying to increase these after hearing Julien say you should be able to do 50% of your deadlift. B2 – Cossacks at 95#. Didn’t use weight last week on these. Whole different ballgame. C – 3:17, 3:21, 3:26, 3:30, 3:30, 3:35. Last… Read more »
Great work on the HS Walks!! Hope to see you at Games on Sunday!
DMA, then I had: A. Deadlift B. For time: 60 cal bike 50 double KB DL 35s 40 GHD 30 double KB Front Squat 35s 20 double KB Power Clean 35s 10 pull ups A. 245/265/285 (1rm pr!)/ 245/205. After pulling the 285 I was seeing stars! 300, I’m coming for ya…:) I blew my wad on that one, so to speak, so had to pull back for the last 2 sets. A friend videoed without me knowing it, so maybe I’ll put that one on the FB page. 🙂 B. Time: 19:57. This was awesome. So much fun.… Read more »
Fun day!!
It was! 🙂
Win some lose some 🙂
A) worked on max hand stand holds / walks were no more than 3 steps
B) Rows 135# / CS 65#
C) 3:44 / 3:21 / 4:01 / x / x / x
Had to stop after 3 rounds on the fourth round run back was fatigued.
* win = first time running in 6 months
D) done 40# DB
Why haven’t you been running Kevin? Previous injury?
Back Injury then the back surgery.
Oh yep, that’s right. Okay, lets keep an eye on it when there is a lot of hinging in the training session.
Death by 25# wallball today…made it 20 minutes then lost my focus 🙁 211 reps really wanted a double karen, maybe I should try it with 20# ball 1st
Test 1rm DL 465, definitely not satisfied with that
Monday’s track workout in the morning with my crew…
A. Hs walk x36′
B. Rows@155×10/10/8/8&Cossack squats x20
C. 5 sets, kbsx20
D. Ghr x 6 hc x10@35#
Mobility and Activation – done
A. Improving on Donkey Kicks to wall/replaced thigh taps with shoulder taps
Max Distance – 12′ – that’s it!
B. Rows – 75(10) – 85(10) – 95(9) – 105(8)
Cossack Squats with 12kg Kb 14R’s/16R’s/18R’s/ 20R’s
C. 3:25 – 3:33 – 3:30 – 3:41 – 3:51- 4:09 UB – WBS felt great – last 10 of Kbs were tough.
D. GHR – 5 – 5 – 6
HC 20# dbs – 10 reps each set
You are a stud Barry!
A.30 feet pr.
B. 155,155,155,175x 10 all
65,85,105,135 x20 all
C. 2:52,3:08,3:28,3:50 total shit show had to stop mad at myself.
D. GHR -10 x3
HC 35,40,50 -10 x3
Oh no Brian – hit the wall on the last set?
Ya not sure if I went to hard. I stopped having a shake 2 hrs before work out and I hope that was the energy loss gonna go back to it Friday
A. Need work but already better after a few weeks of work.
B. 175 row, 65lb c. squats
C. 4:20 and better each round to 3:40-need work on pacing I guess.
Thanks and have a good week!
You too Jeff!
Delt Warm up Done A- Handstand exercise done max 4′ 🙁 I will get there. B- Bent Over @115 / Cossack no weight added C- 4:20 / 3:57 / 3:58 stopped and last 2 rounds did KB up to 20 kept the WB to 15. It was more a mental battle (just getting use to training alone ) than pain or anything else D- Done Got to give it to this group, I question if this was the right program thought I was killing it @home and in three weeks learn to accept how amateur I am and how much… Read more »
We are happy to have you Luis!!
A. Max distance 30 ft
B. Bent row 95/115/125/130
Cossack squat bw/bw/10/15#
C. Sub row rounds 3:00-3:30
D. Nordic ham curl red band assist
Hammer curls @25#
3*20 banded hip thrust
nice work on HS walk
Thank you both 🙂
Awesome job on your HS Walks! Love nordic ham curls 🙂
Mobility done
A. Done – got 15′ walk – coming along!
B. 135/145/155/170 on BB rows (8 reps); used a 26# KB on the squats – still getting comfortable with those.
C. Done – barely. The last 2 rounds were a total mental grind. I almost quit several times. That was rough!
D. Done
Great job pushing thru that one Joe!
DM&A Done
A. got 30′ on first attempt and fell within 10′ on next two.
B. used 45#, used 40# last week. used DB
C. mentally challenging, went UB on WB for all 6 rds. Broke up KB swings last three rds. used 70#. finished all rounds right in the 3:30 – 3:40 area except last rd did in 4:15
D. No time
good job on HS walk
Thanks Barry!
A. Done and got my first donkey kick to handstand without a box under my feet, never thought I would be able to do that!! Managed about 15′ HSW
B. Barbell rows at 105, Cossack squats at 10kg
C. 3:17/3:33/3:41/3:59/3:55/4:00 this kicked my ass, as you can see from the steady decline – did a hybrid swing
Ran out of time for D, had to coach.
MAJOR SUCCESS!! Awesome job Juls!!
Sleep study last night so pretty exhausted this morning (kinda an oxymoron!) something about wires and probes all over you while trying to sleep doesn’t help. Nap time at lunch ??
A: 84ft slight downhill and 100 ft slight uphill
B: Barbell Rows- 8 reps x 135(decided to drop weight to ensure elbow were all the way back and chest was down) 115; 115; 115
Squats- 20 reps @ 26lbs & 2x 15 lb DBs; 2×15@35 lb KB
C& D This evening once it cools down and after a nap.
impressive HS walk
Thanks Barry.
My husband just did a sleep study 2 weeks ago – you’ll have to let me know what they find!
I will do. Not sure if his experience was like mine, but In 2003 during the initial invasion of Iraq for about 2 months, I slept in a military tent in the middle of the desert (literally in the middle of nowhere) between 0900 and whenever I got sick of laying in my own sweat on a canvas cot. I would take that over a sleep study any day!
lol yep, that sounds like my husbands experience with his sleep study as well! He said it was awful!
That’s what I’m assuming.
Or a hybrid (to forehead)
A. 15′ max
B. 115# and ended up at 16kg
C. Limited for time today only able to do 3 rds
3:57, 3:48 and 3:48. 2nd and 3rd kbs ub.
M&A done
A:6 ft. It’s just a start
Nice work Jay!!
A. Completed. HS 10m (30ft). First and only attempt no failures. No more room to try further haha
B. Holy Smokes – Glutes! Cossack x14 at 30,40,50,60kg. Row x8 at 80,80,80,90kg.
C. 2:55, 2:55, 2:56, then right glute went very tight on the 4th round of KBS-US. Frustrating since run and wall balls were easy and consistent. Not an injury though.
D. 6 reps per set GHR and Hammer curls at 17.5kg and 22.5kg
Hello, Rob. Where did you keep weight when doing Cossack Squats
Hi Ivan, I used the standard Back Squat position and went up to 60kg.
You’re very cool. I’ll try it today!
Missed this sorry Ivan. Friend request me if you are on FB or Insta. Here’s 40kg. I didn’t’ video 60, but it looked the same. https://www.facebook.com/dropkickwalker/videos/604438553277772/
A. 21, 21 and 10m
B1. 10×40, 9×50, 8×60 and 7×70 kg
B2. No
C. E5MOM30:
– 500m row,
– 10 box-jumps and
– 20 KBS @ 32.
3:16, 3:16, 3:16, 3:27, 3:33 and 3:36.
nice work on HS walk
Thank you! Getting better each week