Primary Training Session
Five sets of:
Narrow-Grip Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3311
Rest 2 minutes between sets
(we want to see your hands in your jerk-grip position or even narrower, slowly descend and hold the bottom position for 3 full seconds – the priority should be on mobility and movement mechanics, not load used)
Build to today’s heavy…
Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk
Drop after the hang clean, and clean the barbell from the floor within 5 seconds.
“CrossFit Games Open 14.4”
Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of:
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs to 10’/14 lbs to 9′)
30 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
20 Ring Muscle Ups
Scores to beat from 2014 Open:
Rich Froning – 277
Samantha Briggs – 256
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Training Option
Two sets of:
150-Foot Farmer’s Walk
(goal is max load, no stopping allowed – turn every 50-feet)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets of:
100-Foot Sandbag Carry
(as heavy as possible, no drops allowed)
Rest 3 minutes
Two sets of:
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
(for max load, no stopping in the 100 feet)
100-Foot Yoke Carry
(perform for max load, no stopping)
Rest 3 minutes
Three sets of:
50-Meter Prowler Sprint @ 100% effort
Rest 60 seconds
Running Endurance Option
Two sets of:
7 Minute Run
2 Minute Jog
5 Minute Run
1 Minute Jog
The run should be about 5-10 seconds faster than your 5k pace. The jog should be slow enough that you feel recovered before your next set.
A) 95/95/115/115/135
B) complex up to 300
C) did the metcon one time thru then ran a mile for funsies
Primary strength
A. 95/115/135/155/185
B. Worked up to 285 for the complex and then hit a 300lb clean and jerk for fun 🙂
1 full round + 1 calorie
***Probably shouldnt have done this but I really wanted to test it. In 2014 I got 180 reps.
A. 185lbs in each hand
B. 260lb sandbag carry (200lb+a 60lbbag on top) lol
C. Not sure how much my prowler weighs but I put on 310lbs for the harnessed sled pulls and then 35lbs for the yoke walk
D. 220lbs + the weight of the prowler
PM Session
Primary Session
A. Narrow grip tempo OHS upto 100kg in metcons
B. Stopped @100kg, going easy on back
C. Did yesterday’s AB conditioning 15/45 x30 mins
356 cals
A. Farmers carry 56kg per hand
B. 65kg dball, heaviest object we have so went about 200ft
A. Narrow grip OH pause squat: 35/35/45/45/50
B. HC+C&J: 145# (failed the jerk @155)
C. 14.4: 191 reps
*6 rep PR from 2/20/17 on the comp blog! ?
Row: 3:40 / T2b: 10+10+10+8+7+5 / Wall balls: 20+20 / power cleans in singles / muscle ups: 3+3+3+2
Strongman Training:
A. Farmer walk w/ 88# KBs both sets
B. Skip – heaviest sandbag is 55#
C. Harnessed sled pulls: 305#
Yoke carry – subbed with barbell loaded back rack: 145/175
D. Sprints w/ empty rogue dog sled 1.2 (120#)
Set 1 = 0:22 Set 2 = 0:25 Set 3 = 0:27
Great improvement on 14.4! Nice work!
B. 110kg
Wanted 120 but body said no sir. Last day of keeping it minimal. Back to more strength next week.
AM Session
Running option
6.4km total @1:50/400m
Slower than prescribed pace but just trying to get some time on my feet before push the pace
Sesh 2
Felt like getting my Bulgarian on 4RM Bulgarian 250
Assault bike 15 on for 30 min 326
Strongman Training Option
A. 2x 150-Foot Farmer’s Walk
Set1: Farmer +90 set2: farmer + 110 everz side
B. 2x 30mts Sandbag Carry
C. 2 seta
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
Set1: sled + 140# set2: sled +220#
100-Foot Yoke Carry
Set1: 275# set2: 305#
D. 3x 50mta Prowler Sprint @100%
@sled + 50# (it was a bit too light i think. Will put more next time)
A. 95,105,115,125,135. Kept light. Shoulder Mobility felt good.
B. 305. Failed jerk at 315.
C. 192. Assault bike sub for row to manage my bicep. 20 + 5s on t2b. Unbroken wall balls. Singles on cleans. Need to barbell cycle these cleans. Confident I can get through muscle ups.
Jerk Grip Tempo/Pause OHS X 3: 165, 185, 205, 225, 245lbs. (PR)
Hang, Clean, Jerk: Built to 265lbs successfully. Hit 270lbs Hang, but had no mo juice to clean it again.
14:4…. 192 reps.
For how shit my conditioning is right now, doing 1 or maaaaybe 2 metcons a week for a couple months, I’m real happy with that. I feel seriously heavy on MU. TTB are my worst movement but I did sets of 3 nearly the whole way with minimal rest and it seemed to work out.
PRs are boring. They happen to often 🙂
I think I’m just getting bigger balls and actually trying for harder things.
Except the metcons… cardio is hardio right now.
Primary Training Session :
A. 115# (Really struggle with these ?)
B. 245# (Hit the cleans at 265# but missed the jerk)
C. 189 Rx (Should’ve been well over 200 on this.. my metcons have been feeling really off for the past couple weeks. Not sure what’s going on with that, feels like i have no push. I’m in a metcon funk right now.. )
Strongman Training Session :
A. 85# DB’s
B. 150# Bag
C. 225# Sled and 405# Yoke
Things will come back around. Stay positive and keep training hard! Control what you can control!
Primary Training Sesh A) 45, 55, 65, 75, 85. Didn’t feel like dying. It seems Monday’s snatch routine is opening up my mobility well. Thanks for that. B) 245. Hit 265 for both cleans twice and missed the jerk. 2nd jerk much closer. Had fun with it. C) 181. Scored 181 in 2014. Scored 186 last year in july. 12 pounds heavier today and I know I had a rest day before last year. Finished last clean a few seconds earlier this year 11:45. 45 C2B’s and 27 BMU’s play a roll? MU’s have been feeling so good the past… Read more »
All part of the journey! I’m sure with a little rest you’re smashing that score!!
Narrow Grip OHS: 85, 95, 100, 105, 110
Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk: up to 220. Yes!
14.4 – 195 – No!
Goal was to get back on the rower and was just short. This workout always gets to me but felt 100x better from when I did it earlier this year before then open.
In 2014 I could do Muscle Ups but didnt get any in the workout (so better than 2014!) but I should be getting back on the rower for 200+ reps now… need to push the pace/transitions more and trust my fitness.
“Trust your fitness” where have I heard that before?! ?
Have a great vacation!
It’s a good line! This great coach said it once and it just stuck with me!
Sesh 1
Tempo BS+3 up to 400
Snatches did complex but did for volume and technique as my body is a bit beat up
4 sets at 190 4 sets at 200
Metcon done
Assault bike later
Time for a rest day!
OHS-105/115/125/135/145 all easy, smooth. I actually prefer a narrow grip
HC+C+J -stopped at 175. Honestly that might be close to how far I can get with a hang clean currently. That was feelin kinda heavy :/
Gym’s partner wod
A. 45-55-65-65-75
B. 295 felt pretty good but I still feel I’m slightly shifting forward coming out of the dip on my jerk
C. 189. Had 2:30 left when I finished the clean and just fell apart on the muscle ups 2-2-3-2
Jerk grip ohs
155 that’s a pr and I actually did it right #swole and flexy
Hang clean clean jerk up to 265 had 275 and 285 but bar got to slippery in this humidity, had to dry it off before 2nd pull
201 boom could have gotten a few more cals on rower had I not been sore from travises gymnastics program yesterday! Ran it with a friend on mine whom is doing it! Good stuff might sign up myself!
Great work! I see you found your balls 🙂
I felt like I had it today. I can do better than that. Mu were harder than usual cause I’m tired from yesterday and I broke wallballs. Which i should not have done but happy i got a couple pulls on rower!
Hahahaha they were at home next to his purse
Just did a hang clean + clean cause I’m not jerking yet
Up to 225
For only being my second time doing toes to bar or muscle ups since Regionals I’m fairly happy with this
100% healthy I think I could get 220ish
Got 183 in 2014
Maybe running later if the heat index drops under 100!
Even tired and in the heat you’re still just a little better than 2014! 🙂
Teensy bit! lol
A. 35#/65#/95#/115#/125#
B. Up to 155# made the hang with 165# and clarked the full 🙁
C. 178 reps
I got terrible sleep last night since I had to close and then my restless leg syndrome kicked in and woke me up at 3:30 this morning.. I think my HRV is like 53 lol
Feel better! Anytime my HRV is below 75 I feel like crap!
Check it out!
So why didn’t you listen to your HRV and rest?
Session one
Mobility and endurance on the bike
On was 65-75
Off was 45
441 cals total