: Go by feel today. Prioritize the run/swim/run and if you have time and your body feels good, hit the second session. If you feel like you need a break, then omit session 2.***
AM Session
For time:
Run 1 mile
Swim 500 meters
Run 1 mile
We don’t know what the exact distance is for the event so we will be testing out some variations of the run/swim/run event. If you can, complete this in open water. You may need someone with a GPS watch to paddle board with you if you don’t have a place to swim that has buoy distance markers. Treat this like an event and have all the necessary equipment set up to make for smooth transitions.
PM Session
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions
x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
(Hang Clean + Jerk) x 2 reps
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets) of:
Clean & Jerk x 2 reps
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Clean Pull x 3 reps
For time:
200-Foot Yoke Carry
1-Mile Sandbag Carry
100-Foot Sled Push (Heavy)
Men: 300-400 lbs for the Yoke; 50-100 lbs for the sandbag carry
Women: 200-300 lbs for the Yoke; 25-75 lbs for the sandbag carry
Mish-mash day! Did the run/swim/run on Thursday (34-ish minutes) A1. Hang Cleans – 125/145/155 A2. 165/175/185/195/205(1)/ 205 A3. Clean Pulls – 225# B. Snatch Cycling from Friday :24/:26/:38/ 1:14 <—this was interesting. I went UB on the first 3 sets, which was really awesome at 125. Did 4 @ 135, then it just took too long to pick the bar back up after I dropped it. Messy star fishing on the power snatch too…. ended up at singles after the 4. C. Mainsite WOD 3 RFT 30 KB Swings (53#) 20 Triple Unders 400m run I've NEVER done TU in… Read more »
Yay for TU Beth!!! Great job!! What rope did you use?
1st attempt: I had all intentions to get this done as RX’d but storm rolled in just after I started the swim. 1 mile run on half mile track: 6:43 + transition was probably 1min to run into pool area, get goggles, strip shoes and jump in. 75M swim and had to stop. 2nd attempt: Moved to indoor track and 25M lap pool. 550M Run @ 6:40 pace: To kickstart the heart again + 1.5m transition jog to pool area, throw in goggles, jump in 500M swim: 10:14 – didn’t push hard off of the walls on turnarounds. + 1.5m… Read more »
Nice work Brent – bummer about the storm! Great speed on your mile and glad you got to practice some transitions with getting in and out of the pool.
What do we mean by transitions in and out of the pool. My transition was not streamlined. After the swim, I sat down, put on socks, pulled shoes on, pulled goggles off my head and headed off to the track. My first transition earlier into the pool was strip off socks/shoes, put on goggles, walk over to pool edge and jumped in. No science or anything on the transitions themselves except hope I can find my socks/shoes and hope they go on. If we don’t have a swimming cap, I’ll have my goggles on my head or around my neck… Read more »
We won’t know the exact set up for the run/swim/run but practicing a quick transition from dryland to the water and from the water to dryland will be beneficial. This includes getting into the water and getting to the swim fast and getting out of the water fast (ideally you only run as far as you need to as you enter the water and then start swimming, then swim as far as you can to get where the water is below waist height to go into the next run – but this only applies to open water swimming). Knowing what… Read more »
A. 29:52 started on beach ran to Diamond Head 1/2 mile out and back 9:12 swam to wind sock 253m and back checked time at my shoes 21:00. Estimate waterline to waterline maybe 10:30.
Delt warmup done, openers done
A. 185, 195, 205
195, 205, 215f, 215f, 195
B. Tire flip 3 sets of 10
21/5 15/4 9/3 ghd/mu
What?! That sounds so cool!!!! What a beautiful swim!
Nursing a strained TFL so wasn’t able to do any of this work. Instead did this:
A. EMOM 5: 2 strict ring mu (total 10 strict)
B. Every 30 seconds for 5 mins: 2 kipping ring mu (total 20)
C. EMOM 20:
Interval 1: 10 Chest to Bar pullups
Interval 2: 10 Ring Dips
A. 33:54 on run swim run- I have a minute or two of getting out to the road to start bc I left phone in my car
As my timer
Went to box
Did Emom of strict MUs 5 min of 2 per min then 5 min of kipping MUs 3 every 30 secs- missed last one on 10th set .
50/40/30/20/10 Cals on ass bike w 1:1 rest ratio 3:18/2:42/2:01/:59/:25
Needed some calories after that- I was very close to bonked
Sorry I didn’t get to take you to task on the run/swim/run! 😉
Good work today!
I could have used a rabbit- next Saturday- Hapuna race, we go!