Primary Strength Session
Build to today’s 1-RM Box Squat @ 32X1
Your goal is to exceed last week’s weight by 10 lbs or more. Set the box height so that you are right at parallel when seated; and focus on keeping your shins as perpendicular as possible as you initiate the ascent.
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
1 Muscle Snatch
2 Drop Snatches
3 Snatch Push Presses
Build over the course of the 5 sets to something heavy-ish for this complex.
Same as last week, try to build a little heavier.
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets) of:
Snatch Deadlift + Snatch from 2″ Below the Knee
Keep the snatch deadlift slow and controlled – I want to see a 3-4 second smooth ascent, paying attention to your weight distribution and positioning throughout the ascent to the hips; then back the barbell down to 2″ below the knee and pause for a count of “one one-thousand” and snatch. Build to today’s heavy over the course of the seven sets, but do not deviate from the tempo prescription.
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
Perform these with the same weight you finished with on the portion above.
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 50X1 with 70-75% of today’s 1-RM box squat
Rest 2 minutes
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
30 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets) for times:
15/9 Calories of Assault Bike
9 Burpees
15/9 Calories of Assault Bike
Note times for all eight sets. Allow bike monitor to roll while you do burpees, but don’t pedal for longer than the initial 15/9…you’re finished when you hit 30/18 calories.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
Four rounds performed at 80-85% effort of:
Run 400 meters
15 GHD Sit-Ups
30 Sandbag Squats (light bag; bear hug)
3/2 Legless Rope Climbs
Three sets of:
Weighted Wide-Grip Pull-Ups x 6-8 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Dumbbel Skull Crushers x 10-12 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Barbell Biceps Curls x 10-12 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
Primary Strength:
A) #365 same as last week but so much stronger off the box
B) #145
C) #255
D) #255
E) #255
Primary Conditioning:
6:23 RX’d singles for all the snatches
23:32 those squats killed me
A. Up to 175# same as last week failed at 185#
B. 35#/55#/65#/75#/85#
C. 85#/90#/ 95#/100#/105#/110# (F)S/110#
D. 110#x4
E. 3×3 @130# (75%)
9:14 with 85# did all singles on the snatch it was so heavy since snatching in forever
Primary strength
D)0 for 4 ?
Primary conditioning
Aerobic conditioning work done with regular rope climbs
Primary Strength: A. Built to 200# (5# more than last week) B. 65/70/75/80/85 C. 85/95/105/110/112.5/115/120 D. 120 missed the first attempt, did 4 successful sets afterward. E. 140/145/150 “Row-sabel” 8:36 *row 3:56 *power snatches in singles Still feeling that lower back tightness from my shit-form on those DB burpee box step overs during the end of Wednesday’s EMOM. Aerobic/Gymnastics skills A. No B. Wide-grip pull-ups unweighted x 8 unbroken reps all 3 sets DB skull crushers: 15# DBs x 12 reps/ 20# DBs x 12 reps/ 20# DBs x 10 reps Barbell bicep curls w/ 45# x 10 reps all… Read more »
Some rest over the weekend should help your back feel better. Look after yourself!
Crossover Symmetry
A. 160kg
E. 112kg
Assault Bike Conditioning
This was a good challenge. Was completing first 15 in roughly 35 seconds each round and found the last 15 a lot more difficult after round 4.
Shoulder is feeling better, might try some overhead next week.
Good to see your shoulder is feeling better!
Primary Strength
A. 1RM Box Squat – 315
B. Snatch Complex 1 – 95/105/115/125/125
C. SDL + 2″ Below S – 125/135/145/155/165/185(m)/185 (struggled but i got it)
D. Snatch – 185(m)/185(m)/165(m)/165
E. Tempo BS – 235
Nice work hitting 185lb. Ashton!
A. 305 (20lb jump)
B. 95/115/135/145
C.165/185/205/215/225/235x/235 (stoked on this! I felt GREAT)
D. 235lbs (missed one)
E. 235lbs
Finished it off with the strength portion following the aerobic/gymnastic work.
Another strong day of lifting!
A. 225
E. 155
Primary Conditioning: 11:10 Rx
Primary Strength Session :
A. 355#
B. 115#
C. 205#
D. 205#
E. 245#
Primary Conditioning Session :
8:54 Rx (Power Snatches need some work. HUGE weakness)
Strength Accessory Option :
B. 44# KB / 25# DB’s / 65# Curls
For power snatches I try and think about pulling the shit out of the bar once I reach extension and being aggressive with the punch. Not very technical but it creates elevation
Okay sweet thanks tino. I’ll work on being more aggressive with my pull and lockout. Towards the end of the 30 I was pressing out instead of dropping under the bar like I should’ve been.
Primary Strength
A. Box squat upto 180kg
B. Snatch warm up complex upto 60kg
C. Snatch complex upto 100kg
D. Dropped to 85kg
Got some treatment on my wrist and elbow yesterday so they are both feeling much better but going to take it easy on my wrist for a while.
E. Tempo BS @130kg
“Row-sabel” 6:14 rxd
A. Just accumulated 10 LRC in an Indian file with some buddies
B. Done
Fast on that conditioning! Nice work!
Thanks mate
You suggest I still keep it to one or two metcons a week and just get gains for now?
If your goal is to get strong then yes.
Silly. Who wouldn’t want that. I just feel…. heavy.
Box squats up to 315 which is #20 up from last week. I like those makes my hammies work. Snatching stayed light for snatch complex thing at first not alot of time to warm up today. Finished dead lift hang snatch complex at 205 had more in the tank i think Hit all 4 singles 205, 215, 225, 225 Climbed for singles cause…. Con- 6:36 That was fun Did strength accessory 2 of the assault bike emom intervals Leaving for Florida for the 4th I’ll be running tomorrow and dropping in at a gym in key West Then when I… Read more »
Have a blast in Florida!!
Primary Strength Session A. 1-RM Box Squat @ 32X1 200# (+15 more thab last week) B. (Sets of 1 Muscle Snatch +2 Drop Snatches +3 Snatch Push Presses 95# (+5 more than last week) C. 7 sets) of: Snatch Deadlift + Snatch from 2″ Below the Knee 135# D. ✅4×1 Snatch @135% E. ✅ 3×3 Back Squat @50X1 with 73% of today’s 1-RM box squat Assault Bike Conditioning Option Every 4min, for 32min 15/9 Calories of Assault Bike 9 Burpees 15/9 Calories of Assault Bike 2:00/ 1:53/ 1:54/ 1:52/ 1:54/ 1:54/ 1:55/ 1:56 Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option B. ✅ 8 Weighted… Read more »
Awesome to see those numbers increasing!
Session 1
A. Up to 275 (10# increase)
E. All at 205 (75%)
Session 2
B. 55-65-75-85-95
C. 105-115-125-130-135-140f-140
D. 140×4
Session 3
Assault bike conditioning
I’ve never wanted to stay on the bike ever…until today. Touché guys. Great workout.
Haha solid push!
Sesh 2
Emom done
I got the rounds messed up and might of started the 3 rounds for time after only doing 6? Ugh sometimes it’s hard to think in the pain cave haha but finished it at 27:52 so thinking I missed a round…whatever on to tomorrow !
Solid work Greg!
Have been on the run either teaching new lawyers, chairing a committee at a convention in Baltimore, blowing the last GG workout but I’ve also been in trial all week and got a not guilty verdict today so a young man could be exonerated. Huge win.
Did AB work this AM before closing arguments – kept everything under 2:00. Gave me a little boost! Back to normal training schedule tomorrow.
Congrats on the court case! Crushing court, life and training!
Assault Bike-fastest was 1:27 and slowest was 2:15
Assault Bike
This was miserable. I had nothing for the last 15 cal. Every time.
Box Squat
Snatch Deadlift + 2″ below knee
Snatch from floor
Tempo Back Squats
was looking forward to seeing you assault bike numbers. not surprised
Thanks. The calories after the Burpees were miserable. I’m glad I had some good roll over Burpees. Lol.
Finally!! I got into my account!
Primary strength
Box squat 345
Snatch workout I did snatch deadlift doubles with the same prescribed tempo on both
Ended at 225
Squats at 245
Getting some food then coming back for conditioning and shoulder rehab
Yeah!! Welcome to the party. Now we just need to keep you healthy!
Primary conditioning turned into running I know you probably don’t want us running today but I got left at the gym because Leilani left for work so I had to get home somehow
2.43 miles
23:11 minutes including stoplight stops
Was mid session when I got called into work at the bar got some Hspu work in.
Emom for 15 mins:
0-3: 3 strict Hspu 8″ deficit with 25lb vest
4-6: 4 strict Hspu 6″ deficit with 25lb vest
7-9: 5 strict Hspu 4″ deficit with 25lb vest
Rest 1 minute
10-15: 10 strict Hspu wit no vest
All the HSPU! Another solid day even with one leg 🙂