Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Rocking Box Bridge x 5 pulses
and then . . .
KB Shoulder Stacking x 15 seconds + Turkish Get-Up x 2 reps (right side)
KB Shoulder Stacking x 15 seconds + Turkish Get-Up x 2 reps (left side)
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Banded Hip Bridges x 10 reps
Incline Push-Ups x 20 reps
Two sets of:
Handstand Thigh Taps x 20 reps
Rest as needed
followed by . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes, complete:
Handstand Walk x 25′
Handstand Walk x 15′
Use assistance if needed or reduce the distance
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Jerk Dip + Power Jerk + Jerk with a pause @ 70-75%
Hold the bottom of the dip for 2 seconds, then hold the receiving position for 2 seconds. Focus on proper mechanics.
In 20 minutes or less, build to today’s heavy deadlift single.
Only go as heavy as proper mechanics will allow.
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Run 400 Meters
Burpee Box Jump Overs x 10 reps
Kettle Bell Swings x 30 reps
35-54: 24″/20″; 32/24 kg
55+: 24″/20″, step ups allowed; 24/16 kg
A)Hs Walk 20 m
B) 65 kg
c) Deadlift 190 kg
D) 3 Rounds no rest
dyn/ mob: done
used 26 lbs KB
A) HS taps: done
HS walk did 25 meters
Nicole I was confused by this bc Im not that good to make the HS walk in 1 mins was it 25 meters every 1 min?? so it would be 6 rds?
B) JD+PJ+J w/pause: used 95 and 100 lbs
C) heavy deadlifts : did off risers ( just below the knee) bc of hamstring injury 5×3 rps. 205lbs
D) had to skip 🙁 al; the movements bother the injury except the run
Only did A. and B.
A. Hs walks went well. Only broken on the last 2
B. 165
What is KB Shoulder Stacking? Can’t find anything on YouTube for it.
AM Dark Horse Rowing – 5k.
A. Complete as RX
B. 185
C. 365 – legs tired wasnt feeling the deads today.
D. Only 3 rounds 3:45, 3:51, 4:01.
CrossFit Competitor’s Course Day 1 (CrossFit B23, Barcelona)
A) Gymnastics: Pull-Ups, Dips and MUs.
B) 14 Min. AMRAP: 7 MUs, 50 WBs and 100 DUs (1 round + 7 MUs + 25 WBs).
C) Barbell Cycling (Snatch): EMOM7: 4 TnG Power-Snatches @ 60 kg (as fast as possible).
D) Partner-WOD: 10 rounds of DT @ 60 kg (11:58).
DMA -Done
A. Adjusted to max distance on the minute. Most around 15′
B. 185# stopped at 7 sets as I started feeling it in Shoulder
C. 365# was all I had today.
D. This hurt. Pouring rain when I started so sub Ski Erg for first 2 rounds. That was 2 much on back so ran the next 2 rounds. Had to scale the KB’s to 20. Didn’t get fourth round in the 5 minutes so I skipped the 5th. Times were approx 3:40/4:00/4:30/5:20
M&A Done
A. completed 4 of 6 HS walks unbroken. Other two were within a few feet of 25′. Making great progress on these.
B.All sets at 195lbs
C. Worked up to 385, but didn’t feel comfortable going any higher. Did a set of 315×8, touch and go.
D. Wow, this was rough. 500M run (250M track x 2) and 70lbs KB. 3:45, 4:04, 4:30, 4:45, 4:45 Not sure I was going to be able to finish this one!
Solid work Ty! You got the workload done in under 5 minutes and are making good progress on your HS Walks!
Mob done. Subbed scrap push-ups for box bridges.
A. Subbed 4 x 30 sec hand stand hold with one leg.
B. 60/60/61/61/62/62/63/63/64/64kg
C. 80/90/100/110/120/130/140kg
D. Skipped
Mobility done
A. Did some kick ups and handstand holds on the wall
B. Jerk complex at 155 lbs. felt good no misses.
C. Deadlift PR hit 380 lbs. up 5 lbs.
D. Did first round as prescribed but only had 26 seconds rest and KB didn’t feel so good after the heavy deadlift, so skipped round two then did round 3-5
With 400M run and 15 burpee box step overs. About a 1:15 rest each round.
Congrats Ed!!
M&A – Done. It’s been awhile since I’ve done TGUs!! A: Done all HS walks UB B: 205×3; 210×2; 215×3; 220×2 C: Hit 427 for a 2lb PR D: Didnt get to it as it was 9:30PM already! It’s been a recurring thing these last 3 weeks. I can count on one hand how many metcons I’ve done. My conditioning is taking a serious hit, but on the positive side, its given my body a bit of time to heal itself while allowing me to do the strength portion. Time is limited with my son here for the summer, plus… Read more »
It absolutely will all fall into place. You are prioritizing the needed things right now and I am glad you get to spend time with your son. You are keeping your fitness up so that when you get back to conditioning, your body will be well recovered and ready to hit it hard!
A) Still working on handstand walks, so spent the 6 minutes practicing. Only getting about 6-10 ft at a time.
B) 157.5
C) 335lbs (tied PR since back surgery, felt strong and good form. Failed attempt at 355)
D) Bad blister on my heel, will make up this weekend.
A. Done
B. 215
C. 455 (ran out of plates!)
D. Class Wod (legs felt very fatigued today).
A. HS taps, EMOM UB
B. 155-175
C. 445 (465fail, PR is 460)
D. 3:29/3:39/4:08/~4:30-5:00 last 2 rounds, lost the clock
Mobility – done!
A. Drills – done
HS walk – wasn’t very good on these today. Only able to walk about 1 mat length without breaking.
B. 4 sets @ 130lb. – 4 sets @135lb. – 3 sets @ 140lb.
C. 135 – 165 – 185 – 205 – 225 – 245 – 265 – 285 – 305 – 315F
D. 3:59 – 4:20 – 4:49 – 6:03 – 6:00+ (had timer set for 5:00 intervals and it shut down before I finished last interval. KB caught up to me by the 4th interval.
Wow Barry, thought it was rough to keep all of it in 5:00 min on the metcon! I had to drop out the KB swings just to get about 1:15 min rest. Did more burpees instead, cause you know how I LOVE burpees!
DMA, then I had: A. DL building, no slop B1. Romanian DL x12 B2. Bulgarian Split Squats x 10/leg B3. Cossack Squats x10/leg 4 sets Yesterday we did McGhee instead of Nutts. I used 205 DL, repped them all out unb, and a 24″ box. So my back was a little sore going into today, and I wasn’t sure how it would feel. Turns out, I learned I can work with a sore back. 🙂 A. 185/205/225/245. 245 was solid, so had thought of going for 265 for 3, but pretty much knew there would be a little slop… Read more »
Surprised myself with the activation and mobilization today.
3×2+2 TGU with 24kg left should a little unstable, but no pain and mobility 95%. Rocking hip bridges really helped mobilize. I need more of these.
A. Again surprised myself. 4 Sets of 10 reps taps and 5m HSW, but short steps.
B. 60,60,70,80,90,90,100,100,100,100. well below capability, but was 70%.
C. Deadlifts were very poor today. 200kg
D. ran out of time 🙁
Earlier in the day: 6x500m row at 2 seconds faster than 5km pace
Wahoo!!! Awesome to hear Rob! Really happy with how well you are progressing!!
June 27th –
Activation Done
A. HS work complete – walking back to wall , fell off a couple times
B. Jerk to 108kg (90%) today, felt slow on the split so worked on getting that right
C. DL % ALL felt really good today.
D. Done – miantained between 24-28secs each round
first one back since a few days off because of work travel just did local programs at the boxes near where I was travelling to. But felt ok today and not lethargic.
A. M&A Done, The HS walk EMOM was tough, had about 15 seconds left each time.
B. built up to 155, 75% of Jerk.
C. only got 275, well below my max of 3330#
D. no time.
How did your dl feel the past few weeks?
it actually has not been good since the online qualifier. I am not sure what is going on.I got 305# off ground yesterday, just didn’t want to compromise form so I dropped it.
Do you have any video of your deadlift pulls? I would like to see your positioning. Any previous issues with back problems?
no video, no back problems, thankfully. I can shoot one today. and I’ll post on facebook
A) did my best. Can’t walk on hands yet.
B) 115lbs. (165 is lifetime PR on split jerk but those felt good)
C) only 245lbs. 20lbs under LPR
D) modified this. Glute/hamstring still doesn’t do well with Kbs.
Run 200, 10 BBJO, 20 GHD sit-ups
3:15, 3:01, 3:17, 3:20, 3:34 (died on last set)