June 5-11, 2017 – Julien Pineau’s Strongman Program

Day One
Warm-Up and Activation
Two sets of:
15 Leg Raises (slow and controlled)

Connect your external obliques to your lower abs, just as we would ask you to do on any internal torque movement. You can perform these either hanging from a bar or laying on your back, just make sure you’re strong enough to do the 15 slow and controlled reps from the position you choose. Create internal torque through your legs and lower your legs through your external obliques. You should not feel this in your upper abs.

One set for max weight of:
Supinated Wide-Grip Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 5 reps
(find a width at which you cannot default to your traps and must engage your lats)

If you cannot touch your chest to the bar, just pull as high as you can – do not try to kip or use momentum. You need lat and biceps mobility to achieve this position. If you are able to perform 6 reps, increase the load.

Five sets of:
Pronated-Grip Barbell Rows x 5 reps
(for max weight – pull the barbell to your belly button and look for engagement in you lower lats)
Rest 20 seconds
Ab-Wheel Roll-Outs x 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds

Two sets for max reps of:
Single-Arm Sloth Press

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+ Single-Arm Overhead Squat
Rest 30 seconds between arms, and 60 seconds between sets

Focus on form and mechanics, not repetitions achieved. Do not sit at the bottom, sit right at parallel and maintain tension from head to toe.

Strongman Conditioning Session
Two sets for max weight of:
Sumo Deadlift Off Blocks x 4 reps
Rest as needed

Set up with the barbell just below your knee. Focus on engaging gluteus medius to drive hips to full extension. You may use lifting straps for this exercise, but DO NOT use a mixed grip.

Two sets for max reps of:
60 seconds of Stiff-Legged Deadlift @ 25% of your 1-RM Deadlift
Rest 2 minutes

Perform these only if you are efficient at hinging with proper mechanics. Focus on internal torque of the hips. Don’t worry about how deep you go into the hinge, just get low enough to create tension through your hamstrings.

Two sets for max reps of:
60 seconds of Sandbag Squats
Rest 60 seconds

You notice your inside hamstring on the descent; keep that engagement out of the hole as well. Once you reach past parallel, engage in external torque through your internal obliques. This movement should actually help you learn these patterns naturally – without you having to think about it. You will notice after a few weeks that your ankles collapse less and less as you find proper torque.

Rest 30 seconds, and then…

One set for max distance of:
Sandbag Carry
(use the same bag you used for the squats)

Three sets for max reps of:
60 seconds of Sandbag Clean & Jerk
Rest 60 seconds

Use approximately 80% of your 1-RM sandbag clean & jerk and aim for 10 reps.

Two sets of:
100-Foot Rope Pulls
Rest 60 seconds
100-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
Rest 60 seconds
100-Foot Reverse Sled Drag
Rest 60 seconds

One set of:
400 Meter Sandbag Carry (bear-hug only)
followed by…
200 Meter Sled Push

Day Two

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Warm-Up and Activation
Two sets for max reps of:
Narrow-Grip Strict Pull-Ups x max unbroken reps
Rest as needed

Engage your external obliques in a “hollow body” position. You should feel your teres major like you’re spreading your “wings.”

Crawling Circuit
Two sets of 15 meters forward, then 15 meters backwards of each of the following:
The Crab
Rest 60 seconds
The Crab with Push-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
The Rabbit
Rest 60 seconds
The Panther
Rest 60 seconds
The Cricket
Rest 60 seconds

Strongman Conditioning Session
Build to today’s 10-RM…
Single-Arm Barbell Press

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
5 Sandbag Front Squats
5 Sandbag Presses

Use a light sandbag – 65 lbs or so, and do not put the bag down in the six minutes. Here is a good video of how to perform this workout.

Two sets for max weight of:
150-Foot Sandbag Carry
Rest as needed

A good goal would be 50% of your 1-RM Deadlift.

Two sets for max weight of:
150-Foot Yoke Carry

Rest as needed

Take short, quick steps keeping your hips square and legs slightly bent.

Two sets for max weight of:
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Drags
Rest 90 seconds

One set of:
400 Meter Sandbag Carry (bear-hug only)
followed by…
200 Meter Sled Push
(Do not walk – I don’t care how much it hurts – keep moving)

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