Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
T-Spine Hold on Foam Roller x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
and then . . .
Foam Roll Lats x 60 seconds per side
and then . . .
Banded Hip Distraction x 60 seconds per side, pulsing x 5 reps every 15 seconds
and then . . .
Three sets of:
Assault Bike x 10 calories
Deep Squat Progression x 5 reps
Two sets of:
Cross Over Symmetry 90/90 Drill x 10 reps
Cross Over Symmetry Victory x 10 reps
Take 12-15 minutes to work up to a new 1-RM Overhead Squat
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes, complete:
Drop Snatch x 2 reps
and then …
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch x 1.1 @ 75-80%
(rest 10 seconds between singles)
Immediately followed by…
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep @ 80-90%
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + 1 Snatch Pull @ 105%
Four sets of:
Front Rack Alternating Reverse Lunges x 16-20 @ 3011
Rest 90 seconds
Wall Climb x 3 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
Weighted Hip Bridges x 8-10 reps @ 2012
Rest 60 seconds
Reverse Snow Angels
x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Strict Pull-Ups x 8-10 reps (make sure to engage the scap first when initiating the pull)
Rest 60 seconds
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours later)
Run 800 meters @ moderate pace (60%)
Followed by…
Two sets of:
High Knees x 20 meters
Butt Kicks x 20 meters
A/B/C Skips each x 20 meters
Running Mechanic Drills
Two sets of:
Maintaining Ideal Position (Posture Drill)
Ball of Feet Drill
Jump Rope Drill
Followed by…
Sprint 50 Meters @ 60% effort
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 Meters @ 70% effort
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 Meters @ 80% effort
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 Meters @ 90% effort
Main Set
Twenty Minute Run
Every 2 minutes, sprint for 10 seconds then go back to moderate pace
Cool Down
5 Minute Jog
10 Minute Static Stretching (Focus on Hips, Low Back and Quads)
A. 176 (10# PR)
B1. 65 (working on technic and movement)
B2. 105
B3. 120
B4. 155
C done
D Done
Gym closed today, holiday.
So did what I could at home with kids running around 😉
Worked on my snatch but felt weak in my back and sore in my hip.
Stuck to what I could do and did a nice long WU in rower & doing mobility. Then:
EMOM 24mins
1st min: 15 med ball sit up 9kg
2nd: 20 med ball clean 12kg
3rd: 25 KB swing 24kg
4th: 20 OH lunge 15kg plate
5th: landline row 8 each side
6th: 25 push up
Also a fast 5km run!
A day behind due to travel.
MOB done
A. 130# equals best
B. 55
95.5–2 fails, then redid, chest was low on start
C. 2 x 16 reps with 65#, very light for hamstring and knee
D. 3 sets of 10 pronated pull ups
Hi eveyrone, posting last Mondays work, I am following prog but a week behind because of timezone differece
Dynamic Mobility & Activation
A. built to 80KG
B.built to 74kg
C. Done
D. Done
A. 185
B. 95/115/125
C. 95/105/115/120
D. Bridges for 235
A. Working on OHS form so didn’t so super heavy. Got to 135#
B1. 95# Drop-Snatch (focus on form)
B2. 95# 1.1 Snatch
B3. 115# Snatch
B4. 135#
*Will be modifying the program for the next month as I currently only have access to my work gym and it is NOT Crossfit friendly! No bumpers, rings etc.
A. 60kg OHS
B. Worked up to 62kg snatch
C. Worked up to 47kg lunges
D. Worked up to 75kg hip bridges
Sucks not having the right equipment!
A. 176 (10# PR)
B1. 65 (working on technic and movement)
B2. 105
B3. 120
B4. 155
C done
D Done
Wow, some of these numbers are huge. Although I was starting from nothing, yes a dowel I was super pleased. After 3 mos of being in excruciating pain with my shoulder I was actually able to do the deep.squat progression with full arm extension. Finally. Part A – was a small victory also. I actually was able to load weight on the training without shoulder pain. I hit 37# and could have done a bit more but I stopped there because I could feel the pain returning. But that was huge. From a 15# snatch to 37# with room, I… Read more »
Mobility & Activation = Done
A. 275 (10# PR)
B1. 135
B2. 185
B3. 215
B4. 255
C. Done
D. Done
* Optional Session
3K Row (Raining)
A. 200 (5# PR)
B. 95, then 125, then 145, no pulls
C. Done
D. Butterfly pull-up practice
Nice work Perry!!
Thanks Nichole!
DMA, then:
A. front squat 33×1 5×3 @ 75%
B. 4 rounds of:
10 tng power cleans ascending weight
C. 4 rounds of:
20 DUs
10 burpees
30 jumping air squats
A. worked at 135.
B. worked up to 105, which is where I became less consistent, so a good weight to practice.
C. Time: 8:12. This was really fun! Lost time on the jumping air squats…they just hurt so much more than regular air squats! But I’m getting used to them…slowly…:) DUs and burpees were smooth and unbroken.
Stretching afterwards. No time today for gymnastics. 🙁
A. 225# (15#) pr
B1 185
B2 155
B3 160
B4 205
C. Completed
Congrats Chuck – that is a big PR!
M&A DOne
A.Ran out of time but got 155#, probably had another 10# in me.
B. Snatches, just a mess today. stopped after this.
Sorry to hear Chris! Some days they just don’t feel smooth.
Dynamic Mob/Activation – done
A, 1.0 58kg – nowhere near my old 1RM but I’ll take it on my way back from a shoulder injury/knee issues.
B. 1.0 – done
Skipped 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 as I am snatching tonight
C. Used 75% for 16reps (44kg) of my OHS for this.. hope that was the right. It felt heavy
D. Done
A. 160lbs – not a new PR but matched a competition PR from December, was not the same without the competition adrenaline. Extremely challenging as are all OH stuff, particularly squatting (always working on it!), and I am so slooooow going down into the squat. https://youtu.be/C0Z_SCz92Gg B.1 65/75/58lbs B.2 45kg across B.3. 48/50/52 failed 1st try, retried right away and got it/same for last set of 52kg B.4 done at 60kg Snatches have not been feeling as good lately C. Not sure why I used KB’s for the lunges ha ha 2X16kg/20 reps per round D. Hip bridges 105/105/115/115lbs, snow… Read more »
GREAT JOB!! I actually love your jerk to get the barbell overhead! Awesome work hitting 160 lbs!!!
Mobility completed.
A)185# 20#PR
B1: 75/85/95/105
B2:all sets at105 still working on technique
Then did hero wod “Zeus” with class time of 35:17 all the time I have today.
Did one of Travis’ gymnastics sessions in the AM
Mobility done
A. 215# (5# PR)
B1. 95#x3
B2. 150/150/155/160
B3. 165/170/175(f)/175
B4. 210
C. Done – 125# lunges
D. Done – 205# bridges
Nice work Joe! I didn’t realize that was a PR – congrats!
Thanks Nichole!
Dyn/mob. done good stuff 🙂 A). 63lbs,73×2.80xf,80,103lbs failed twice ( left shoulder still bothering me- took lots of Motrin) B1). DS: 63lbs,681+1fail,68lbs 🙁 terrible mobility .. 2). Snatch/2: 77lbs did all sets this weight, bc of shoulder pain and bad technique-did a few extra sets to work on. dropping under 3) snatch/1: 85 lbs same thing as above 4). SLO/SP: 115 lbs/3s C). used 12 kgsx20rps D). used 133x8rpsx1s. 10rpsx2s, / 8 pullups Nicole I emailed you the video of my work today I hope you received it ..Im terrible with technology .. LOL let me know I sent you… Read more »
Oh I haven’t received it! Can you send it again? nichole@invictusathlete.com
oh okay thank you Nicole- m going to right now I will reach out again to see if it went through. 🙂
Nicole Did you receive the videos?