Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Take 8-10 minutes to roll out your hamstrings and pecs
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
and then . . .
Row x 500 meters @ a relaxed pace
Inchworm Walks x 6 reps
Take 5 minutes to draw out your footwork and do 10 jump and lands
And then . . .
Three sets of:
Drop to Split
x 3 reps
*Focus on recieving in the proper position.
And then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Behind the Neck Jerk x 1 rep @ 75-80%
Focus on good mechanics and making every rep technically sound.
And then . . .
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes, complete:
Jerk Recovery x 1 reps
*Focus on proper weight distribution and having good stability with the barbell overhead. Build over the course of the 3 sets to a heavy.
Four sets of:
Deadlift x 5 reps @ 70% of 1-RM Deadlift
Rest 2-3 minutes
(deadstop on every rep)
Please check out the following articles about positioning on the deadlift. Far too often I see people finish in an overextended position, which isn’t ideal. Check out Hunter Britt’s articles on The Set-Up
, The Pull, and the Finish of a Deadlift to ensure proper mechanics.
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes, complete:
Toes-to-Bar x 10 reps
24/20″ Box Jumps x 15 reps
Double-Unders x 30 reps
55+: Step-Ups Okay
Three sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6-8 reps per side
Rest 60 seconds
Glute Ham Raises x 6-8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
DM&A. Done
A1. Done.
A2. 55kg for all 12 min.
A3. 125lb,135lb,145lb
B. 103kg
C. Done and its the first time I was able to do toes-to-bar unbroken. They felt great!
D1. Landmines 60lb, 6 per side, 8 per side, 6 per side.
D2. GHR 8 reps. Felt easy.
Is there a good video that you guys know of that shows how to do landmine rows correctly?
A done
B 185 up 10 lbs
C done
D done
Did yesterdays workout today
A: Jerk behind the neck. Focusing on technic 176lbs on all 5 sets
B: 265lbs felt really easy today
C: between 1:30 – 1:40 each set with unbroken T2B struggled a bit on the DU
Did this today and took a rest day yesterday (sick kiddie at home 😉
A. At home limited equipment but did what I could. Stayed light to save my back.
B. This felt heavy today so I reduced load to 70kg, concentrated on good mechanics and tried my best to hinge properly!
C. Didn’t time this , felt good through out but struggled with T2B (as usual), back felt ok
D. Done & added in a few 1 arm sled drag as I skipped this the other day 🙂
A) worked up to last 3 @135lbs
B) skipped deadlifts because hip wasn’t feeling great today
C) 1:24, 1:27, 1:32, 1:34, 1:52, 1:46 (fell apart of double under some the 5th set)
What’s going on with the hip?
Its really my SI joint. I have a lot of arthritis in it so some days it really flares up.
A : 1 rep jerk behind neck : 65 kg
B 5 rep deadlift : 85 kg
C wod : done
Super happy today (Thursday). Did yesterday first heavier deadlifts based on program after back injury back in Sep 2016 and day after back feels super good. Nothing beats the feeling to be healthy and no nagging injuries anywhere in the body.
That is GREAT to hear!
Dynamic Mobility & Activation = Done
A.1 Done
A.2 135
A.3 225
A.4 225
B. 345
C. 1) 1:26 2) 1:11 3) 1:09 4) 1:18 5) 1:21 6) 1:03 // Lots of misses on the DUs today
D. Done
Front rack dumbbell Bulgarian split squats
4×12@3.2.x.1 on 30 sec rest. Done with 20lbs db’s.
A.3 123/128/128/133/138/138/138/138/143/143F/138/138
A.4 completely forgot to do this because the order of my workout was all over the place today and split up into two sessions
B. 4×5@200
Kneeling single arm dumbbell curl to press 4×8/arm on 30 sec rest @25lbs
4×1′ hollow rocks on 1′ rest – had to break up the last two rounds – the burning!
C. 1:20-1:14-1:10-1:10-1:13-1:16
D. Done
DMA, then today I had: A. Front squat 5×3 @ 80% B1. Db strict press x12/arm B2. DB row x12/arm B3. wtd hip extensions A. Worked at 140. Felt great to squat today. B1. used 35# db, which was a real challenge for my left side. LOL! B2. used 65# db B3. used 25# plate Afterwards, practiced air chair swing, hspu negatives to 1.5″(first time trying negatives – next time will try for the recommended 3″) and kipping from 1 abmat. Still working out the mechanics of the kip. I often push straight up into a hs hold – which… Read more »
Nice Miki! Video next time and upload here or to the FB group so Travis can take a look at your drills!
Yes, I will! I have actually started trying to video stuff. I even uploaded to the IG page and got great feedback from Travis. It’s strange to me, and I often shoot badly (so unusable, like today’s) but I’m getting into the habit, which is good. It definitely helps! For some reason I feel embarrassed about it, but I’m slowly getting over myself. 🙂
I totally get that but no need to feel embarrassed – we are all here for the same reason, improvement. And seeing each other work on improvement gives us encouragement!!
Activation, mobility and Cross over symmetry completed
A. Worked hard on positioning of back foot. Kept loads light, since apprehensive about shoulder. Went to 115kg for a couple of jerks. B. DL at 160kg
C. Felt fast today: 1:09, 1:06, 1:04, 1:04, 1:04, 1:05
D. Completed
Mobility done
A. 125/125/135 on drop to split; 180(3), 185(3), 190(3), 195(3) on BTN Jerks; can’t figure out a spot to do the jerk recovery. I don’t have the equipment shown in the video to add to my rig and I am too tall to use regular pins (no available holes that high because of pull-up bars and WB target) – any suggestions?
B. 320#
C. 1:22/1:21/1:24/1:22/1:27/1:24
D. Done
Do you have jerk blocks?
Not yet. They are being made for me though.
Mobility completed
C)1:03/1:01/1:02/1:09 (tripped up on DU)/1:07/1:05
A. 155-185
B. 315
C. 1:20/1:15/1:15/1:12/1:11/1:10
D. Done
So much fun today. I decided to stay at a weight I can get faster getting under it slapping every time (feet).
A. all at 175# through in some front rack which were even faster!!
B. all felt really nice at 305.
C. 1:22, 1:16, 1:15, 1:25 (rope issues) 1:18 and 1:22.
D. Done!
Solid day!
I will do this workout tomorrow 🙂
Sounds good!
DMA – done
A1: done
A2: 95/105/115
A3: 155×3
A4: 160, 170, 180
B: 245, 255, 265, 265
Will return later to do C
Do you feel more comfortable with a push jerk then a split?
No preference between the push or split jerk. I generally feel stronger with split and can shift more weight. I only did push jerk on the jerk recovery, not the balance or emom. I feel I could do with building strength pushing out. Also, I am using spotter arms on my squat rack which limits space to put foot forward on jerk recovery.
C: 1:16, 1:22, 1:22, 1:24, 1:26, 1:26 (unbroken T2b and box jumps. DUs weren’t on form today, only last round unbroken).
D: 3rds 8x glute ham raises
DMA – Done
A1. Done
A2. 115/135/155
A3. 185X12
A4. 185/205/215
B. 265X4
C. Approx Times 1:30/1:30/1:35/1:40/1:50/1:59
Have been struggling mentally with box jumps, so for this went to 20″ so I would keep moving and not have to think to much about them.
. All T2B unbroken.
Great progression and be pleased you just accumulated 90 box jumps!