Week One (South, North East) Regionals Athletes – this weekend should be full simulation. Pack food that you would eat for Regionals, plan your warm-ups for the workouts, etc…. Take this opportunity to make your training identical to how you want to see things going at Regionals.
Session One
“2017 Regionals Event 1”
Run 1200 Meters (on Assault Air Runner, True Form or Woodway if possible)
immediately followed by…
12 rounds for time of:
4 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
12 Air Squats
Perform this wearing a 5.11 Weight Vest.
Session Two
“2017 Regionals Event 2”
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (80/55 lbs)
Ring Dips
For this session, tie a belt or some form of strap on your ring dip station to enforce the ring dip standard. We bought a 6-foot strap of velcro for less than $15 and made that work.
Event 1: 21:47 – Much faster this time! Ran about half of the 1200m in the grass (best I could do to make it harder), transitions and squats were better.
Event 2: 5:22 – had to change plans and complete in my garage, so set up DB on the sidewalk with moves every 7, 5, and 3 reps for each round, but had a bit of a transition between the sidewalk and my rings in the garage. Jogged those each time, and switched mid-air on the snatches. There’s more game day discomfort to be had here! lol
Solid improvement Beth!
Thanks! Even moved a foam roller as my chess piece ? Hspu were still ok, broke them up around 8or 9 this time. Even worked off a box on a higher bar for pull ups since sometimes we have to use those ballistic blocks… not sure about the grips. I’ve used them both times, sometimes I feel like I fidget with them too much…
A) 23:28 – about the same as last time. I still feel like I need to push the pace up more on this one!
B) 4:52 – about a minute faster than last time. DB snatches are my favorite. 🙂 Ring dips are not. 😛
You got to trust yourself Teresa! As I said to Nathanial. Move with purpose between movements and focus on the popping and dropping straight away. Both these areas are where the most time is lost
A) 18:02 Really can make up some time on the air squats. Any tips on this? Should I go 6 then breathe for a second then another 6? Or should I just be going 12 straight with a slight pause at the top to avoid lactic overload?
B) 3:58 All snatches unbroken. Ring dips: 15/6, 10/5, 4/3/2 Trying to make sure I’m hitting the standard on every rep.
I think your over complicating event one in your head. It’s an air squat. Pop and drop your never going to fail whether your lactic or not. This workout comes down to how fast you can move in the air squats and how quickly you move on the transitions. You need to stay focused and move with purpose. These are all comfortable movements for you. The limiter is not physical.
Move with purpose on transitions and focus on speed on air squats
I did a really “poppy” air squat, with totally relaxed arms that basically just hit the floor each time. I got to relax my traps a bit, which stared to burn a bit from the weight vest ?