Swim Session
Four sets of:
25 Meter Finger Tip Drag
25 Meter Stroke Count @ 50% pace
(FTD: Drag your fingertips along the surface of the water as you recover. This drill encourages high elbows.)
Rest 15 seconds between each 50 Meter effort
Four sets of:
50 Meter Thumb to Thigh @ 50% pace
(TT: Brush your thumb along your thigh as you finish your arm stroke. This promotes a longer finish and proper hand position.)
Rest 15 seconds between 50 Meter efforts
Four sets of:
Swim 25 Meters with Breathing Options Below
Choose one of the three options:
(1) Breathe every 5th stroke – both sides – and pause for a count of 3 seconds on each side of your body before rolling to the other side
(2) Take 1 breath per 25 meters
(3) No breaths
Rest 15 seconds between each 25 Meter effort
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets):
Swim 25 Meters – Pull-Only
Every 45 seconds, for 3 minutes (4 sets):
Swim 25 Meters – Kick-Only
Every 20 seconds, for 80 seconds (4 sets):
Swim 25 Meters – focus on high hips and good positioning
Four sets of:
Swim 50 Meters @ 50%
5 In-and-Outs
5 Air Squats
5 Push-Ups
Swim 50 Meters @ 70%
Rest 30 seconds
Focus on your swimming mechanics, maximize your streamlines and control your breathing during the swim. Remember, smooth and long is fast. Push the dryland portion of this workout.
Four sets of:
Swim 50 Meters – Stroke Count and Breathe every 5th stroke
Rest 15 seconds between each 50 Meter effort