Click here to access the 2017 Regionals Prep Program!
Primary Training Session
Take 20-25 minutes to build to today’s heavy…
Power Clean x 1 rep
For time:
60/40 Calorie Assault Bike*
50 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
40 Toes-to-Bar
30 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
20 Muscle-Ups
30 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
40 Toes-to-Bar
50 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
60/40 Calorie Assault Bike*
*If you have access to an Assault Air Runner or TrueForm, perfom an 800 meter run in place of 60/40 Calories.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Running Endurance Option
Three sets of:
1200 Meter Run
400 Meter jog (recovery)
Strongman Training Option
Two sets, for max weight, of:
75-Foot Yoke Carry
Place your hands on the sides of the yoke so that you can press the yoke forward like a bench press, creating pec engagement (and internal torque). Place the yoke as far back on your back as possible (back…not low) so that the weight stays centered over your hips. Take short, quick steps keeping your hips square and legs slightly bent. This is the best structural exercise for the barbell squat, and one of the best exercises overall. It strengthens the thoracic structure (lats, pecs, etc…), the erectors (isometrically, in accordance with their primary function) and obliques.
Two sets each arm for max weight of:
75-Foot Single-Arm Reverse Sled Drags
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets for max weight of:
60-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull
Rest 2-3 minutes
The rope pull is one of the best exercises to get strong lats and healthy shoulders. Your focus should be to move your hands as fast as possible, and keep your chest horizontal to ensure that your lats stay engaged throughout. This is a short distance, so these should be heavy!
Two sets for max weight of:
60-Foot Seated Rope Pulls
Brace your feet against something sturdy (a tire, yoke, heavy sandbag, etc…), and reach with your arms as far as possible and pull on the rope while driving with your legs – try to use your legs as much as possible as if you were trying to push something away with your legs. By the time you’re done, if you’ve gone heavy enough, your forearms and core will feel it.
Two sets for max weight of:
150-Foot Sandbag Carry
Rest 2-3 minutes
A good goal for this distance would be to handle a bag that is 50% of your 1-RM Deadlift.
B. 29:39
It’s hot in Oklahoma.?
800m runs
10’s on everything except mu’s
Take 20-25 minutes to build to today’s heavy…
Power Clean x 1 rep @105kg
For time:
60 Cal Row
50 Box Jump-Overs
40 Toes-to-Bar
30 Deadlifts @75kg
20 Pull-ups
30 Deadlifts @75kg
40 Toes-to-Bar
50 Box Jump-Overs 24″
60 Cal Row
26:11 (switched to knee to elbow after the first 30 TTB)
Sessions 2
Running Endurance Option
Three sets of:
1200 Meter Run
400 Meter jog (recovery)
Done on treadmill
Primary Session
A. Power clean upto 130kg, 5kg PR!!
B. 28:38rxd step down box jumps in second set for my knee, was supposed to do them all step down but forgot, knee pulled up good though.
A. Yoke carry 190/200kg
C. Done 60kg +sled
Congrats on the PR Luke!!!
Power Clean 285 #20 PR!!!
Did this for conditioning with friends: 22:30
21 OH squats 155
21 Cal Bike
21 PC
400m SB carry 80#
21 MuPS
400m SB Carry
21 PC
21 cal Bike
21 OH Squats
Yeah Dusty!!! Thats a big PR!!
Primary Training Session
A. 165✅ 170❌
B. 27:00
Run 800 in the beginning at the ens 40 cal assault! Was sharing a bike
Primary Strength:
A. Built to 160# 162.5 (f)
B. Conditioning
Used a Woodway Curve Trainer for both 800m runs, set 1 and 2 of t2b in sets of 5, set 1 of deads 10/10/5/5, set 2 of deads in sets of 5, and muscle ups 2/3/3/2/3/3/2/2, box jump overs done rx
Strongman Training:
B. Alt. Arm reverse sled drags done with 160#
C. Hand over hand rope pulls done with 145#
D. Seated rope pulls done with 145#
26:30, ran 800m instead of assault bike because the chain broke off and I haven’t fixed it yet 🙁 this was the only thing I did today because I helped judge a competition all day today at the gym but I’m glad I was able to get something in for the day. I now have a new respect for judges and volunteers haha
Hope the competition ran smoothly and you had fun judging
Running session at track
1200m 4:25, 4:33, 4:34
A. 320. PR by 5 lbs.
B. 34:00. Assault bike. Did not drink enough water going into this one. Started off good. Forced myself to take mandatory water breaks throughout. Felt hamstrings want to cramp. Learn from the mistakes.
Run. 5:20, 5:30, 5:39 for each 1200m
Congrats on the power clean pr Tyler!
A. My gym was closed today because we all participated in a Hero Wod for the family of a recently fallen soldier in Afghanistan. The wod was.. Amrap 15 4 DL 4 Bar Facing Burpees 1 Squat Clean 1 Front Rack Lunge RL 1 Front Rack Lunge LL 1 Push Press Complex must be unbroken @155# – I got 15+8 Rounds . B. I made up Wednesdays Shoulder Accessory Piece @15# since I have Db’s at home. I hate having to miss days of training and having to do something different for the day if something comes up. Don’t want… Read more »
Looks like you still got a solid session in!
Climbed for a couple of hours and then did the rowing conditioning from Wednesday. I was out of town so I only had access to the climbing gym which also had a rower:) All 8 sets between 470-491 meters. Did a 5 min EMOM of five strict 3″ deficit HSPU. Called it a day.
Sounds like a fun weekend!
Today’s training
Ammebded today’s to fit me
40 cal a.b
50 bjo
40 ttb
30 russian kb swings
20 bar muscle ups (did loads of muscle ups on rings yesterday )
Same in reverse
Reverse sled drags done…40kg on rubber flor
5 x 100ft harnessed sled drags…65kg on rubber floor
2 sets of rope pulls…25kg ok rubber matting
3×10 strict pull ups
That’s all I had time for today
Did the Squat Clean Pyramid
That last 60 cal was miserable. But I struggled with the 20 muscle ups. 4/4/3/3/3/3
Zero pull today: 245 power clean. Feeling weak.
Metcon: 35:40rx
Did with trueform 800m run.
Did a decent pace until about halfway thru the MU I got tired. Halfway thru the second set of deads i just died.
This workout on a trueform ?
For real. It was the worst final 800m ever
A: wow. Only 280. Had nothing in me today with the weights.
B. 26:26 was cruising through this until the second sets of deads and my heart rate sky rocketed quick. Second set of 60 cal ab was around 20 seconds slower.
Gonna do the running and sled pulls a little later after some food and a nap.
Finals are over = no more school = much more focused training… finallyyyy
Congrats on finishing your finals!!
Session 1
A. Got to 245 and shoulder hurt to catch it so moved on
B. Did strict CTB instead of MUs since they hurt shoulder in the transition and dip. Strict CTB probably took longer anyway. Everything else rx. 25:07
Awesome Saturday. A. Power clean heavy 315. Stopped as form started to loosen up. But still a 5# PR. Pumped. B. Rowed 60 calories on the WOD. 25:55 Everything else as prescribed. Toes to bar felt much improved, able to larger sets. Strongman Sesh. Didn’t do Yoke. All the rest completed, but with a 50 Ft rope, cuz that’s what I gots. Went heavy on all movements. I drag on my rubber matting, so weight probably doesn’t tell a whole lot. Lighter Sandbag ~ 110# unbroken over 400m. Lot of fun today, been stringing together a nice few weeks. Thank… Read more »
That’s awesome Kenny!! Great work and a solid way to round out the training well ?
Emom for 20 minutes: 2 power cleans at 300. No misses
Wanted to do something fun and only had 40 mins to workout
Wow ! 40 powers at 300. The Man ! I would have tapped out lol
A. 245
B. 34:47 RX
260Pwr Clean 5# PR. Really felt the shift from toe to mid to heel today. Attempted 270 but treated it like a head case instead of an opportunity. Nailing it next time.
32:44. MU’s I felt heavy today. Felt good on bike and box.
Congrats on the power clean pr!