If you are able to perform the VO2MAX workouts on a True Form please do so to help prepare for Regionals. This cycle will run through the 3rd week of Regionals and will focus on developing speed at shorter distances. If you do not hafe a True Form, then perform these on a track.
Please post your results to the comments.
For pacing information make sure you refer back to the blog post IÂ wrote.
Post your videos to social media using #InvictusEndurance
Make sure to use #InvictusEndurance when you post videos to social media and for feedback on form email me directly: nuno@crossfitinvictus.com
Session One
VO2MAX Workout
Warm Up:
400 Meter Jog
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Good Mornings x 20 repetitions
Air Squats x 20 repetitions
Skipping for height x 20 meters
Skipping for distance x 20 meters
Backward skipping x 20 meters
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Foot Drag
Followed by…
20 second sprint
Rest 40 seconds
30 second sprint
Rest 30 seconds
40 second sprint
Rest 20 seconds
Three sets of:
200 Meter Sprint
Rest 2 minutes
100 Meter Sprint
Rest 1 minute
Followed by 200 Meter Sprint sprint all out effort. Record your time.
Four sets of:
200 Meter Sprint
Rest 2 minutes
100 Meter Sprint
Rest 1 minute
Followed by 200 Meter Sprint sprint all out effort. Record your time.
Five sets of:
200 Meter Sprint
Rest 2 minutes
100 Meter Sprint
Rest 1 minute
Followed by 200 Meter Sprint sprint all out effort. Record your time.
Cool Down
2 minute jog
15 minutes of static streching (Focus on Hips, Hamstrings and Low Back)
Session Two
Aerobic Threshold Workout
Warm Up:
300 Meter Jog @ 50%
100 Meter Walk
300 Meter Jog @ 60%
100 Meter Walk
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Samson Stretch x 10 reps (each leg)
Reverse Lunges x 10 meters
High Knees x 20 meters
One Leg Jumps x 10 reps (each leg)
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Charlie’s Angels Drills
Pulling with Forward Movement
Followed by…
100 Meter Sprint @ 60% effort
Rest 30 seconds
200 Meter Sprint @ 70% effort
Rest 30 seconds
100 Meter Sprint @ 80% effort
Two sets of:
Run x 5 Minutes @ a moderate pace (80% effort)
Jog x 5 Minutes (Easy recovery pace)
Compare this to Feb 20th week when you had 4 minute jog instead of 5 minutes
Three sets of:
Run x 5 Minutes @ a moderate pace (80% effort)
Jog x 5 Minutes (Easy recovery pace)
Compare this to Feb 20th week when you had 4 minute jog instead of 5 minutes
Four sets of:
Run x 5 Minutes @ a moderate pace (80% effort)
Jog x 5 Minutes (Easy recovery pace)
Compare this to Feb 20th week when you had 4 minute jog instead of 5 minutes
Cool Down
Let the last jog be your cool down followed by…
15 minutes of static stretching (Focus on Calves, Achilles, SMR your Feet and IT Band)
Session Three
Lactate Threshold
Warm Up:
Run x 3 minutes @ 50-60%
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Perfect Stretch x 10 meters
Lateral Lunges x 10 meters
Tuck Jumps x 10 reps
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Change of Position (Support) Drill with back against the wall
Jump Rope with Forward Movement Drill
Followed by…
Two sets of:
20 second sprint @ 60% effort
Rest 30 seconds
20 second sprint @ 70% effort
Rest 30 seconds
20 second sprint @ 80% effort
Beginner and Intermediate
Three sets of:
800 Meters
Perform these at the following percentages (80%, 90%,80%)
Based these off your mile PR
Rest 2 Minutes between sets.
Four sets of:
800 Meters
Perform these at the following percentages (80%, 90%, 90%, 80%)
Based these off your mile PR
Rest 2 Minutes between sets.
Working on pacing here – your time should reflect these percentages. For pacing information click here.
Cool Down
400 Meter Jog
10 minutes of static stretching (Focus on Quads, Hips, Adductors and Shoulders)
Static Stretching
This video focuses on your post workout stretch routine. We program static stretching that focuses on certain body parts such as the hips, low back, hamstrings, calves, IT Band, etc…Probably the best and go to stretch is the couch stretch that targets your hips and quads. One of the simplest stretches can just be to sit and reach with your legs straight, which will target your hamstrings. From that seated position you can go into a cross shin stretch that will target your lower back. For your calves you can use a wall or a rack to target that area. For your upper back you can use a box, rack or a table/chair and press your arms into as you get a stretch through your upper back. The last couple of stretches target the shoulder area where you bring one arm over to the opposite side and hold or also bring the arm behind your back and hold. With any of these stretches spend at least 2 to 3 minutes per side.
Tried a different approach and did 2 sessions, 1 on each of my “aerobic development days” (my coach doesn’t like the term “active rest” since it implies not taking it seriously–and I definitely take it seriously!)
Wednesday hit VO2MAX: final 200m time was 0:31.8
Saturday hit Aerobic Threshold: each 5min at 80% effort 1050m and 1060m. Had a turnaround every 200m 🙂
On to next week!
Nice! See if you can make the turnaround a bit further so you aren’t having so many turn arounds.
So I did all 3 days last week couple with my programming from my coach over at TZ Strength, must say I feel great! Going to stick to the beginner track while I acclimate– I definitely notice the lack of pep-in-my-step this morning but I’m not fully caffeinated and I did have a long work day yesterday. Will continue to report! Thanks for the awesome programming coach!