Primary Strength Session
Build to a 3-RM Dumbbell Z-Press
followed by…
For time:
30 Dumbbell Z-Presses @ 85% of today’s 3-RM
Four sets of:
Front-Racked Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats x 4-6 reps @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds after each leg
Weighted Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 4-6 reps @ 21X0
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6 reps each @ 2111
Rest as needed
100-Foot Suitcase Carry (Left)
100-Foot Suitcase Carry (Right)
Rest as needed
Primary Conditioning Session
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):
Row 300/250 Meters
Goal is to keep all of these intervals sub 60 seconds.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets):
60/40 Calorie Assault Bike
50-Foot Handstand Walk
4/3 Legless Rope Climbs
50-Foot Handstand Walk
60-90 seconds of L-Sit
A1: 70#
A-2: 60’s 3:10
C: Done added in 6 strict ring pull ups too
Conditioning: worst was :57 best was :53, hit :54 8 times
A1) 60s
2) 50s at 4:25
B. Done
Done. 1:02-1:03 avg.
Done. L sits were marginal. Rope climbs were good.
Primary Strength
A. Worked up to 60# but it was wobbly so don’t know if that counts, used 50# as 3RM, 30 @ 40# 2:30
B. 95/115/135/155 all sets of 4
C. Rows 45/55/65
Finished w/ Invictus Gymnastics
A. Worked up to 70lb db’s then did 30 @60lbs in 3:45
B. Split squats at 155lbs
C2b done with 25lbs
C. Done w/ 100lb rows, 120lb suitcase carry
12x250m row done at an avg of :52
Optional work done. Could only accumulate :40 L-sit each round.
Loving the program so far!
Awesome having you a part of the community Mike!
30 z press with light weight.
Replaced Bulgarian squats with strict ankle weighed TTB
Weighted c2b used 35#
Farmers carry 120#
With the landline row
Rowing done!
Excited to move onto regionals training this year! Will be my first year!
Had to watch my nieces this afternoon, managed to get the rowing in before they came over!
12x250m- done all rows between 56-58 sec
Is there an app Invictus uses to get the WOD out or a preferred app everyone uses? I have been using sugarwod, but they don’t have much of the accessory work available unless I manually add it as a unique benchmark.
A. 3RM at 60# (gym I was at doesn’t have anything heavier except 90 and I’m not on that level)
B. 95# BSS and 25# C2B
C. 60# on bar for landmine rows and 80# KB suitcase carry
D. Complete with an average of 53 sec rest each round
Morning session: Spring Break for me lol aka living in the gym.
A. 3 rep max at 70. 30 reps at 60lbs in 3:50..
B. Split squats 165/165/185/185 strict chest to bars with a vest.
C. Done
Primary Conditioning: :54/:57/:57/:58/:58/:58/:58:/57/1:00/1:01/1:02/:58.
Afternoon session:
Snatch work from yesterday.
Hang Snatch + OHS 185/195/200/205/205/210/215/220/225/230 (only one miss on my first attempt at 205. Picked it up and hit it again)
4 sets of Snatch lift off and Snatch deadlift with 6 sec descent at 260.
Aerobic gymnastics
3:51, 3:45, 3:39 assault bike
HS walks all UB
LL rope climbs done
HS walks all UB
Only did :15, :15+:10, :15+:15+:10+:10+:06+:04 on L-sit
Finished 2nd set of HS walks at 7:27, 7:05, 7:13
For Dumbell Z Press should your elbows be facing out or forward?
Like so:
Is a Dumbell Z Press & a Dumbell L sit Press the same thing then?
Yes, we treat them as the same.
primary Strength
A. upto 32.5kg
then 30 FT @27.5kg – 7mins
B. 60kg split squats x5, 10kg SC2B x5
C. done with 32kg KB
A. 3 RM Z press worked up to 45#
30@ 35lbs 3:58..
B. Front rack lunges: 105#
Did 1 legless rope climb instead of weighted pull ups
C. rows and suitcase carry done
D. Rowing interverals completed 50-55 seconds each round
A. 3RM Z press #50- I think I could have managed 55, but we don’t have those DBs
30@40lbs 2:44
B. 4 Sets
Bodyweight occluded split squats x 15/leg (still trying to avoid going below parallel with load to get my groin back to 100%)
Weighted Chest to Bar x 4-6
C. Landmine Rows x 6 – bar + 25
100′ Suitcase each hand – 100lbs
Skipped Primary conditioning to take it easy on my groin and did extra work
1:30-1:40 rest each round
Hey guys!! If you are currently sitting in a qualifying position or within the top 30 of your region please let us know along with an email address we would love to send you guys a little gift 🙂
Next year I’m coming for that gift?
Damn right!!
Finished 6th 🙂
Finished 5th 🙂
Finished 16th in south central and 17th in 35-39! Thanks so much for all of your help!!
I’d love a little gift. Finished 19th in Southwest.
A. 3RM Z press 45#
30@35# 3:54
B. 6 Split squat 2 sets @75#, 2 sets @80#
Wtd C2B 4@20#
C. Land mine row with 50#
Farmers carry with 72# KB
Cond: Row
57 sec each
A. 3RM Z Press 35#
30 @ 30# 2:15
B. BSS @ 105#
Weighted Chest to bars +10# x 4 reps
C. Landmine rows +45#
Suitcase carry – done with farmer’s handles +25# one each end.. is that right?
Every 2:00 for 24:00
250m row all under :60, 1:52-1:54 pace
session 1:
Z press: 70×3
30 for time at 50. 3:15.
Did DB bulgarian split squat with 50’s. strict tempo
Weight C2B x5 with 26lbs
suitcase carries done
Are teams allowed to count scores in their combined totals from individuals who make it to regionals as individuals and don’t do team?
Once the invites are sent out to Individuals and Individuals accept the invite then their scores are taken out of teams overall score
strength session
A. up to 27.5 kg
30 for time, done on 22.5kg took 4 mins (shoulders are my weakness)
B. done with 60 kg and 15 kg pull ups
C. done 30 kg rows, 50 kg carry each hand
done all sets split 1:36
Aerobic done
each set took about 9 minutes, l sits were really hard
Session 1
A. Up to 50lb Z press with DBs, then 1 set with 53lb KBs
30 for time with 45lbs: 3:51
B. Primary conditioning
1st 11 sets between 59.0 and 59.8, last set 57.5
C. 135lbs on split squats
26lbsx6, x6, x5, x5 on CTB w/tempo
D. 55, 65, 75lbs on barbell for landmine rows
106lbs for suitcase carries