Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Bench Press x 4-6 reps @ 20X1
(all loads at 5-10% heavier than on March 14, 2017)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups (or L-Seated DB Presses)
20 Air Squats
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Minute 1 – 8-10 Supine Ring Rows @ 2111
Minute 2 – 45 Second Prone Plank Hold
A. Bryan* (Floor press vs. bench press) – 115# x 6, 125# x 6, 135# x 6, 145# x 6, 155# x 5.
B. Bryan* – 6 rounds + 1 strict pull-up.
C. Bryan* – rows x 10.
A. Bench Press: Started at 185×6, 195×6, 205×6, 215×5, 225×5 at tempo
B. As Rx: 6 rds + 5 SHSPU
C. Worked up to a heavy 2 rep FS: 285#
A. 4 @ 205 lbs. (11% increase from last week)
B. 6 rds..subbed stationary dips for HSPUs
C. Done.
Excuse me. What is 20×1?
A. Up to 235×4 than got 225×7
B. 6 + pull ups
I did yesterday’s workout
All rx
7:30, 7:55, 8:04, 8:15
A. I went for 5% but I did my plate math wrong so I ended up going heavier than intended but it all worked out.
B. Strict high pull-ups with blue band
L sit press 25# DBs
C. 8 ringtone/45sec complete
In kilograms:
1) 50 x6
2) 55 x6
3) 57,5 x5
4) 60 x4
5) 60 x5
Subbed Strict HSPU for L-Seated DB Presses (15kg DB each hand)
5 full rounds + 5 Pull-Ups
RX – 8 reps of Ring Rows
A. 175, 180, 185, 190 x 6, 195 x 5 all at tempo
B. 8 rds. ( 5 strict hspu instead of 10 – shoulders feeling 17.4×2)
C. Did it
Seriously when is the Open going to be over so I can stop making bad decisions about re-doing these workouts! I’m too old for this!
I don’t know how you did 17.4 twicey.
Hahaha! One more week buddy! I’m happy I only redid one week. Of course it was one of the most taxing. Lol
I’m doing Friday night lights at my wife’s box for 17.5. I should be in a heat with some young guys that will really push me. Hoping it’s a one-and-done.
Yo boss, make us proud and show them youngin’s how us old guys throwdown!!! Full throttle.
Ha I’ll probably go out too fast trying to keep up
I always try to set the pace and dare them to try and keep up early. Works in my favor 95% of the time.
Ha but I’m not you bro!
You got this!!!
9 Rds
10s as RX’d
I am new to crossfit, so I have a few questions:
1. Is there a place where we can have video demonstrations for the exercises?
2. What does the bench @20X1 and rows @2111 mean?
Thanks for the help.
The numbers refer to tempo. As in 2 sec descent, 1 sec or 0 sec hold at bottom, and then the 1 sec return.
1) Yes, most of these exercises are on the Invictus YouTube Channel:
2) Check out this post for details on tempo training:
A) 185 for 7 reps each set
B) 9 rounds plus 5 pull-ups, used 25# dumbbells
9 rounds?!! Holy cow, Batman!
Did some double under work during my warmup. Still trying to string them together ?
A. 6×185, 205, 225, 230, 4×235
B. 6 rds +3 pull-ups
C. Done
Keep working on those double unders – they’ll come…the thing that has helped me progress is just doing some extra work on them every so often like your warmup today – good idea. I usually try to do longish sets like 50, 100 or 200 or something like that after a workout or when I’m improvising a workout.
Thanks for the advice! I’ve felt the progress from constantly whipping my shins to now haha. I’ll have to try incoporating them into the end of a workout.
A. Seated Db press
B. Exchanged 12 push-ups for HSPUs, got 12 rounds in 15min.
C. Done
You crushed that!!
Thanks, I could feel every squat?. There was no way I could have done HSPUs after 17.4×2
I’ll bet, I felt 17.4 for 3 days
I am new to crossfit, so I have a few questions:
1. Is there a place where we can have video demonstrations for the exercises?
2. What does the bench @20X1 and rows @2111 mean?
Thanks for the help.
A. Goat, felt heavy today
60KG *6
B. RX. 4 Rounds + 5
Weak on Strict Hspu. Felt Smoked in my shoulders from the beginning.
10 rows
1 min plank, ende with 2 min plank
A. 140×6, 145×6, 155×5, 160×5, 165×3.
B. 5+9 HSPUs. Used abmat, no plates on either side as I needed a little assistance with this volume. Pullups and squats were fine which left, unfortunately, so much time for HSPUs.
C. Check
Back got a little tight on Monday so subbed yesterday’s squat workout with this:
1500m row, 10 DLs at 135
1250, 12
1000, 14
750, 16
500, 18
250, 20
Back felt fine but terrible idea! 32:13. Last time I do the ‘create your own WOD’ thing.
A. 185 (6), 225 (6), 235 (6), 245 (4), 255 (4) – Hate doing bench
B. okay, I read this wrong probably due to having to rush my time at the gym…I did normal pushups instead of HSPUs 🙁 wish I would have read that right.
16 Rounds even (legs were so swollen and rubbery it was hard to walk afterwards – they are pretty angry with my brain right now!)
C. Completed with towels draped over a barbell instead of rings
If I have time later tonight, I’m going to do B Rx at home – i’m really interested to see what I get.
A. Benchpress (OT3M)
6 x 170, 180 | 5 x 190, 200 | 4 x 210
B. 4 RFT of:
5 – 60# DB Thrusters | 10 – 24″ BJ | 250m Row
… rough combo – 8:58
C. Completed w/ 10 ring rows
… last modified WOD of the Open season – looking forward to regular scheduled programming in April.
Where are you going for spring break?
Kelowna – quiet time at the cottage.
Only was able to do B and C today
B – 10 rounds plus 5 pull ups – did L-sits with 45 lbs. DB
C. we only have TRX but I was able to get a good pull.