Every 10 minutes, for 40 minutes (4 sets) for times:
Run 400 Meters
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
20 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches (55/35 lbs)
Run 400 Meters
Every 10 minutes, for 40 minutes (4 sets) for times:
Run 400 Meters
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
20 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches (55/35 lbs)
Run 400 Meters
A. Bryan* (single arm dumbbell strict presses vs. snatch, 35#) – 6:28, 6:43, 6:35, 6:36.
Last round 9:22. Rx weight.
All 4 rounds between 7:10 and 7:20.
Three of us went to a local HS. DBs 50#. Rds 1 & 2 were 7:45 to 8:00. Rds 3-4 8:45 to 9:00. A younger coworker kept it sub 8:00 every round, he’s taking the photo. Still following just busy..starting stringing some DUs recently; )![comment image](https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fdc0e619922c656af244ab5cf69c735ec5710523f0524e806b84d40603079640.jpg)
Soo I miss read the workout and did box jump overs with a stand at top without the burpee. Oops.
Snatches rx and unbroken
No worries Britt. Today is just a good moving/ breathing day 🙂
Did 17.4 yesterday. 165 reps.
Got through the row but didn’t have time to get any HSPUs.
After 17.4 and squats/thrusters yesterday my legs were not happy about this….
As Rx…6:13, 6:18, 6:19. Stopped after 3 rounds due to thunderstorm which my legs were thankful for.
Good call on the 3 rounds. Listen to your body!
Nice one to do after 17.4 redo yesterday:
5:33, 5:33, 5:50, 5:43
(2nd run was horrible each round)
Day behind so did yesterday’s:
A. 205, 240, 270, 285, 303
B. Rx 9:20 Db Thrusters were deceivingly tough today
Running on a Speed fit
Fastest 6 min
Slowest 8 min
Super fast!
Terrible pain in lower back after each series of snatches.
Back is a little tight .. so it felt good to get some running in ..
5:50 , 5:50 , 5:52 , 5:47 .. the second 400’s were tough !!
A. Yesterday’s squats up to 315, then 285×3.
B1. 3 rounds:
50 DUs
15 Db Thrusters(55#)
8:05…. holy crap these thrusters are gonna suck!
B2. 2 rounds of today’s: Rx 6:34, 6:33
An hour of mobility tonight during Crossfit kids…. need it badly.
Redid 17.4 yesterday, first time I did one this year. Hips sluggish and not as much rhythm as last week. Slower tbt but got more hspu’s. Ended with 195 (30 hspu). Used my time more efficiently on the wall but still couldn’t catch you. 3 rep improvement with minute less time.
Great work bro!
After savage race, ITB syndrome kicked in. Worked through it 17.4 and all the other heavy leg stuff today it’s really bad.
A. Max bench press 125lb x8. 145lb x6. 165lb x4. 185lb x2. 195 x1. 205 x1. New PR. Then 185 lb. One breath max reps. Hit 4 (afraid to do more with nobody spotting).
B. 3 rounds…took FOREVER to do the HSPU after that bench press.
500 M row
15 pull ups
Lots of stretching. Open up the front of those hips!
A. For time
20-15-10-05: 75# Hang Power Snatch
40-30-20-10: Sit-ups (anchored)
80-60-40-20: Double-unders
8 – 50# DB Thrusters
… good times.
Great work Chris!
Completed each set with 16kg DB in about 9min
A) 6.30 6.45 7.20 7.00
Last set broke up dumbbell to 6, 6, 8 . Worked much better for me.
Great workout
Glad you liked it! 🙂
Scaled to fitness for more steadiness:
6:50; 6:40; 6:50 7:20
Tomorrow walking jellyfish
Holy balls. My legs are wondering when they’ll get a chance to recover now!
Subbed 1st run for assault airbike 0.7mi
Snatches were heavy for me but glad I pushed through
Great work Joey. Very consistent times!
T’as toucher les boules d’un pretre?
aurait pu, yen avait un qui trainait avec moi à matin
Ah oui Monseigner Lavallee
Solid work today Joey! Maybe need a day or two of rest for those legs 🙂