January 10, 2017 – Masters Program

Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Banded Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Wrist Stretch Version 1 x 10 pulses
Wrist Stretch Version 2 x 10 pulses

Glute Activation Warm-Up (Vandyke Activation Protocol – 15 minutes)
Banded Dead Bug Iso Hold x 2 minutes
Banded Clamshell Hold x 1 minute per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side
Straight Leg Iso Raise x 1 minute per side
Cross Under Lunge x 1 minute per side
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 90 seconds per side
Cross Under Lunge Crawl x 1 minute per side

Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Front Squat with a Pause x 4-5 reps @ 3211
(MUST move up in weight from last week)

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete:
Clean from 2″ below the knee + Jerk

followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete:
Clean + Jerk

followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes, complete:
Clean Pulls x 2 reps @ 90-95%

Three rounds for time of:
Deadlift x 10 reps
Handstand Push-Ups x 15 reps
Box Jump Overs x 20 reps

40-49: 225/155 lbs; 24″/20″
50-54: 225/155 lbs; Handstand Push-Ups to 2″ riser; 24″/20″
55-59: 185/135 lbs; Handstand Push-Ups to 2″ riser; 24″/20″; Step Ups alloweed

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185/135 lbs; Handstand Push-Ups to 4″ riser; 24″/20″; Step Ups alloweed

The goal of this workout is to complete it in under 5 minutes. It has been done – Al Police, a stud, completed it in 4:50 last year. Work on fast transitions and breathing on your deadlifts to calm your breathe down. Stay low on the box jump-overs so as not to extend any more energy then is required.

Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:
Minute 1 – 15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
Minute 2 – 20 Double Unders + 8 Toes to Bar
Minute 3 – Handstand Walk x specified distance
Minute 4 – Rest

40-49: 25-30′
50-54: 15-20′
55-59: 12/8 Calorie Assault Bike; 10′
60+: 12/8 Calorie Assault Bike; Wall Walks x 3 reps

If needed, use assistance for the handstand walks

Three sets, not for time, of:
Bent-Over Barbell Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 45 seconds
Face Down Chinese Plank Hold x 60 seconds
Rest 45 seconds
Glute-Ham Raises x 6-10 reps
Rest 45 seconds

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Brian Maier(Southwest)
Brian Maier(Southwest)
January 12, 2017 8:17 pm

A) 225
B2)265 – all PC and PJ…body sore so didn’t push it here

C) 6:46 – HSPU’s(UB-UB-9/6)

Jessica Dean F 40
Jessica Dean F 40
January 12, 2017 6:10 am

Walks are so hard! How do I get better. Can’t move forward. Going in circles and sideways I can do?

Omar H. Llaguna (42,5'6,175)
Omar H. Llaguna (42,5'6,175)
January 12, 2017 5:04 am

Trying to get back into a groove. All movements feel awkward again. Front rack mobility also hurting after the extended time off. Wasn’t sure on weight so played it safe just wanting to get through the workout mentally. Warm up done A – 135,165,185,205,215 (5/5/5/4/4) B1 – 155,175,185,190. Power cleaned them all since wrist and forearms felt supper tight despite the front squat work. Pull felt uncoordinated. B2 – 185 across B2 – 215 across C. 9:15. Did DL at 205. Tend to have back spasm issues, and didn’t want to push it my second day back it and potentially… Read more »

Mike Crisanti, (46, 5'10" 155)
Mike Crisanti, (46, 5'10" 155)
January 11, 2017 7:10 pm

Day behind again this week. Done Wednesday.
A – 155/175/190/205/225. Last set +25 from last week.
B1 – Clean (2″ knee) + Jerk -165, 175, 185, 195
B2 – Clean + Jerk – 200, 210, 215, 220, 225 (PR kind of). Kinda pressed out the last couple inches or so. Technically, a Crossfit PR. Oly judges would have red lighted it before the bar hit the ground.
B3 – 250
C – 5:52. First two rounds of HSPUs strict. Kipped a handful on the 3rd set. Got to final box jumps right around 5:00.
Optional part B – Done.

Hoke (50-54)
Hoke (50-54)
January 11, 2017 10:13 am

Short on time last night, only B&C.
B. Done
C. 9:23 The BJO was the time killer for me.

Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
January 10, 2017 9:55 pm

Went back at 7pm for EMOM
15 cals in 39-40 secs on ASS bike, did 40 singles for the DUs and HSW was unbroken 30 ft all rounds
I needed to ride that ASS bike- it taunts me

Rodney 53, 5'10", 160 lbs
Rodney 53, 5'10", 160 lbs
January 10, 2017 9:36 pm

A. 135#. Same as last time.
B. No jerks. Cleans at 135#. Being kind to my shoulders.
C. 8:30. Scaled HSPU to 10 each round. And I’m not rushing the HSPU’s. Being deliberate with some activation each round.

Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
January 10, 2017 9:03 pm

Afternoon session
A. 12 cal bike, 20DU/8T2B, 10 wall shoulder taps. Couple misses on DUs but UB otherwise.
B. Done

Art Erickson (49/6'/200/SWest)
Art Erickson (49/6'/200/SWest)
January 10, 2017 7:26 pm

Optional session done AM fun EMOM. I’m enjoying HSW.
Mob Act done.
A. 200/210/220/230/240(Posted video)
B1 189/195/205/215
B2 225/235/245(m)/245(m) legs felt heavy on these. Not sure why. I’ll video next C/J session to get feedback.
B3 all pulls at 285
C. 6:41 HSPU went 10/5, 8/5/2, 7/5/3 Felt my pace was good throughout. DL and BJO fine just need to keep improving on HSPU.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
January 11, 2017 9:37 am

Good work Art!

Lise Demetrio
Lise Demetrio
January 10, 2017 7:25 pm

Dyn/mob Done Glute activation: I LOVE LOVE LOVE This-its sucks and its tough but I can feel I need it!!! A) F/S 150x3sx4rps, 155x2sx4rps B1)105,115 failed both jerks,115×2,125,failed both jerksx2, *left shoulder acting up it get inflamed from time to time and I have a bum right foot with severe RSD today everything was inflamed not sure why… 2) 125 failed jerk,x2,125×2,130failed both jerks 🙁 3) CP: 100bsx4setsx2 rps C) rxd: 7:46 AL and Cheryl are true studs!!!! this was a burner!! 🙂 Optional session Rxd 2100 mins handstand walks were the biggest challenges for me ..I stil l struggle… Read more »

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
January 10, 2017 6:11 pm

First time to the gym in 6 days! What a welcome back it was…only to be greeted with testing of the Beauty and the Beast (Wodapalooza Wods 4/5 workout)! Pretty gnarly workout…heavy grace rolling right into a challenging Chipper…a whole lot of suck on this one! Finished heavy grace in the 6 min time cap but wasn’t able to complete the Chipper in the 10 min time cap! Hopefully it will feel better the second time around this Saturday!

Jean Thorson (F/NW/40-44)
Jean Thorson (F/NW/40-44)
January 10, 2017 6:21 pm
Reply to  Cheryl Brost

You will do great….

Barry Emerson
Barry Emerson
January 10, 2017 6:41 pm
Reply to  Cheryl Brost

Good luck Cheryl!

Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 46)
Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 46)
January 10, 2017 10:39 pm
Reply to  Cheryl Brost

I’ll be cheering you on from Eugene!!!

Beth Bennett
Beth Bennett
January 10, 2017 5:53 pm

A. 105, 125, 145, 155, 165
B. 95, 105, 115, 115
125, 125, 125, 135
145, 145
C. 6:52

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
January 11, 2017 9:38 am
Reply to  Beth Bennett

Nice work on part C Beth!

Brian Hester
Brian Hester
January 10, 2017 5:46 pm

GO TIGERS (any other alumni out there or fans)
Mobility and Warm up done
I think I did this wrong. I went from a hang down to two inches below knee, held then pulled. I probably should have used blocks (my bad)
B2-195,195, failed at 195, 195
I was having trouble getting out of the hole after all of the heavy squats today. I think I saw the same problem from another person. Clean was fine. Just getting back up.
Optional Session A complete also

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
January 11, 2017 9:39 am
Reply to  Brian Hester

Crazy good game Brian!!

Whenever you can use blocks, use them!

Perry Siplon (51 5'9" 161)
Perry Siplon (51 5'9" 161)
January 10, 2017 5:32 pm

A. PFS 185/185/195/195/205
B. 155/165/175/185, then 175/185/195/205, pulls @225
C. 7:15 no riser
D. EMOM 20

Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
January 10, 2017 5:16 pm

A. 5 at 155/165/165/165/165
B1 135/155/165/175-power
B2 175/185/190/195-power- resisting urge to go heavier
B3. 235/245
C. 5:08 did step overs which took awhile- SHSPU no riser- 225 deads

going back for EMOM

Barry Emerson
Barry Emerson
January 10, 2017 6:40 pm

Nice Albert!

Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
January 10, 2017 9:56 pm
Reply to  Barry Emerson

Thx Barry, see u soon!!

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
January 11, 2017 9:39 am


Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
January 10, 2017 5:10 pm

A: 5@ 195; 205; 215; 225; 4.65 reps @ 235- Increase in 10 from last week B1: 185; 195; 205; 215 B2: 225; 235; 245; 255(mx2) C: 6:16 – Did dipping HSPUs (didn’t see your note before starting)as strict bothers my left shoulder and bicep a bit until its warmed up. Lateral box jump overs- Allows me to bound and they are pretty quick but gets my heart rate up quickly also. Last year I did this in 7:07 so there is definitely progress. Did the Gymnastics HS walk session right after. May revisit the EMOM later in the week… Read more »

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
January 11, 2017 9:39 am

How is the shoulder feeling today Corey?

Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
January 11, 2017 10:02 am

Not to bad Nichole. I have a lot going on with them based on recent MRIs (Labrum tears and bicep tendinitis in both shoulders/arms) Both were identified years ago, but since Crush Games has really been more of a nuisance and bothersome and tight traps, neck and upper back that radiates pain down my right arm which is effecting me a bit , but isn’t causing pain as long as I ensure I warm them up pretty well. As long as they are warmed up no big issues. Trying to loosen up neck and traps but no luck so far.… Read more »

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
January 13, 2017 9:46 am

Good to know. Keep that shoulder warm and lots of stabilizing exercises!

Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
January 10, 2017 5:09 pm

Coach, can’t walk on my hands yet, perhaps we can work on this goat at camp. Shall I do handstand wall holds for 30 seconds as a scale?

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
January 11, 2017 9:40 am

Absolutely we will work on it Edward! Not sure how I missed this note! Yes, a hold is good but I would love to see a free standing hold x 30 seconds with someone assisting you!

Ian Stickler (47, 6'1", 200#)
Ian Stickler (47, 6'1", 200#)
January 10, 2017 4:53 pm

Session 2
AB : 36sec, 39, 37, 39, 41
DU+t2b: Horrible, Rd 4 did’t complete in time, all DU broken-just a bad sesh
HSW :12′,17.3, 0 (couldn’t get past 5′), 8.8, 18.3-figured out (in the last Rd) that I needed to rest 30sec before walking.
B. Nope. to tired from A.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
January 11, 2017 9:40 am

Hope you are feeling good today Ian!

Barry Emerson
Barry Emerson
January 10, 2017 4:36 pm

Optional Workout (morning) A. EMOM – did HS walk instead of wall walks (goal was to accumulate 10-15’in minute. Got better on round 4 & 5. Did about 10′ unbroken on these two.) Did 5 rounds of this EMOM since the first round of DU’s was so bad! Should have done a few as a warm-up! Was a little slow getting going this morning. B. subbed Good Mornings for Glute Ham raises. (Afternoon workout) A. Pause F. Squats – 100 – 110 – 120 – 130 – 140 – 150 (+15 lb. heavier for last set) B. 2″ Cleans +… Read more »

Nichole D
Nichole D
January 10, 2017 4:44 pm
Reply to  Barry Emerson

Awesome Barry!!!!! What a great session today – congrats on getting those HS Walks to 10′ unbroken!
Great work getting sub 5 on that workout and glad you went strict!

Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
January 10, 2017 5:24 pm
Reply to  Barry Emerson

Nice going on part C Barry sub 5, must mean your also a Stud!

Tom Gray M 45 Crossfit Wild
Tom Gray M 45 Crossfit Wild
January 10, 2017 2:04 pm

Fs: 155,175,180,180,180
Cleans + jerks from blocks at knee
195,205,215,225 caught in hole but couldn’t get out x 2 tries then went to 215 and same thing had to go down 210 this was rough
B. 6:50rx

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