Primary Strength Session
Build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Power Clean x 1.1
(drop the barbell between reps, but don’t take more than 10 seconds between your first and second power clean)
Build over the 8 sets to today’s 2-RM.
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Clean + Clean
Loading per set (by %): 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85+
Every 2 minutes for 8 minute (4 sets):
30 seconds of Squat Cleans for max reps
*Set 1 @ 40-45% of 1-RM Clean
*Set 2 @ 50-55% of 1-RM Clean
*Set 3 @ 55-60% of 1-RM Clean
*Set 4 @ 60-65% of 1-RM Clean
Note the weight used and the reps achieved.
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
25/15 Calorie Assault Bike
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
25/15 Calorie Assault Bike
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Accessory Option
Four sets of:
200-Foot Prowler Sprint
Rest 30 seconds
200-Foot Reverse Sled Drag
Rest 4 minutes
Load the sled with a weight that will allow you to move without stopping, but that will make it very challenging to finish out your set.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Option
Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets):
Row 1000 Meters
50-Foot Handstand Walk
4/3 Legless Rope Climbs
50-Foot Handstand Walk
60-90 seconds of L-Sit
Dead Stop Front Squat: 95/115/135/155/175/185/195/200F
Power cleans: 85/105/125/135/145/155/160/170 for one rep
Hang clean + clean: 135/145/155/160/165/170
30 sec max rep squat cleans:
Primary conditioning: 8:10 RX
Session one:
B:up to 125kg
C: up to 125kg
9 @ 60kg
8 @ 70kg
8 @ 80kg
6 @ 90kg
Session two:
yesterdays rowing, didn’t check meters
Session three:
Primary conditioning:
WOW my Chest to bars were terrible. First set 15/5/5, but second set was like 8/3/2/2/2/2/2/2/2. In Online competition second day was also worst day for me and there was a lot of upper body pulling. What can I do with it heading to open? I feel like I do already enough pulling work, with my upper back sore all the time.
Sounds like technical issue . Post some video on Facebook for Travis to review
PM Session
Done, 60 seconds seated L-sit per round
First day back after 11 day vacation. Rough ahah.
A. 315
B.245, 255, 260, 260, 265, 265f1, 265, 280f1.
C. 205, 225, 235, 250, 265. Unbroken.
D. 145-12, 175-8, 185-8, 200-6
Primary Conditioning
A. 4:57
Bout a 4 minute rest.
B. 9:21, 9:43, got to 25 seconds on the l-sit
Firsr week is always hard but you’ll be back to feeling great soon 🙂
Hope you had s fun relaxing vacation
Long day at work…1 scoop of C4 to the face then go time…
A. Back squat
B. Press
Prim Strength
A) 295
B) 230 (235f on second rep)
C) 235
Prim Condition
A) 5:13
I don’t like that those barbell numbers see all the same ? Need to cycle that bar dude!
Understood Coach, I will readjust next time this is programmed.
A. Dead stop front squat: 187 (12# PR) why is this less than my max clean?
I did 2 workouts for my team of 3 for our competition and excited to say I cycled really heavy clean and jerks and wallballs (both my nemesis)
StrongMan Work
4 rounds
150ft prowler sprint, 180#
150ft sled drag, 190#
Did some sprints from a blocks stance to feel my body position for my prowler sprint
Definitely need to get that dead-stop front squat up. Our weightlifters have benefited tremendously from these, so just stay with them.
Session 2
Aerobic gymnastics
Had to cut out rope climbs because of the class working out. Did them after
60 sec, 50 sec, 70 sec on l sit
A.) Dead Stop Front Squat @315 10lb Pr
B.) power clean : 225-235-245-255-265-270-275-280
C.) Hang clean – Clean (all performed full)
D.) 135@10, 170@9, 180@7, 200@5
C.) Primary conditioning
4:28 Rx
Nice work John Paul!
Thank you Sir!!
Primary strength:
A. Deadstop FS 115#
B. Power clean 1.1 115#
C. Hang clean+clean 90/95/100/110/115/120F
D. 65-6reps
My barbell cycling needs a lot of work haha
Primary conditioning:
A. 5:47
Did 23 cals on airdyne and cut the c2b to 15reps each time
Good job Ashlee! Just got to get strength numbers up and the barbell cycling will feel much easier. Right now those weights are just relatively heavy for your current strength capacity. Keep hammering the strength and strength accessory stuff and it will pay huge dividends.
Only got the primary stuff done because I had to clean a monster of a house today ? hoping to get the gymnastics/aerobic done tomorrow.
Primary Strength
A) 170# which was a PR
B) 105#/115#/125#/135#/145#/145#/155#/160# for one, failed the second one
C) 115#/125#/135#/145#/155#/160# Fail, which was frustrating because like 3 weeks ago I got 165# for an easy hang clean, but oh well.
D) 85# for 6
100# for 6
110# for 6
115# for 6
That got spicy
Primary Conditioning
A) 5:19
Strong work on the dead stop PR!
Thanks Tino!
A. Built to 205# are you supposed to start butt to calves?
B. 175( pwr cleans are still a struggle)
C. 135/145/155/165/175/185
D. 10@95#
Conditioning 3:50 (all C2B UB) still slow on that AB?
Crushed it Ashleigh!
Thanks! That one was fun! ?
Thats where I was starting and I feel like maybe it was too low? I also don’t think my butt cheeks do anything on squats, so there’s that….
Yeah, my butt wasn’t helping much either…
You should be starting from the bottom of your clean receiving position…so depending on your mobility, yes – ass to calves.
Thanks! so if you really use that bounce, you may not get a very high percentage compared to your front squat?
One session this afternoon…. had to go back to school today! Also got to talk to a high school dance team about competitive mindset and goals… it was fun to share some of the things I’ve learned from you guys!! Strength A: built to 205 – i dont feel like my glutes do anything on these. I also wonder if I was setup too low? I was like A2G to start. B: build to 185, started to starfish really bad, so didn’t go any higher. C: 195- close to my hang clean PR. Hang feels so much better than from… Read more »
Pretty cool you were able to share your competitive experiences and mindset with the younger generation. If they take it on board they will benefit from it!
One big session after driving 8 hours in car:
A) 325 dead stop which is a 20# PR but I still hate this damn movement.
B) 330×2 on power cleans. Love this damn movement.
C) 225-245-265-280-300-300
D) didn’t have time
Primary conditioning:
3:05rx. Had little drive to move fast on assault bike
Your pull is crazy strong! Legs will match it soon!
Primary strength
A. 315
B. Up to 305
Conditioning- 3:50
Feel really sluggish on anything that gets my heart rate up. need to get back on track after vacation.
More Assault Bike…that’ll help you get your conditioning and mental toughness back on track without tearing up your body.
Late afternoon A. Build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat- 190 from pretty deep so I was happy with that. B. Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets): focused on dropping and not starfishing =P Power Clean x 1.1— 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180 starfished on second, 185 for 1, 185 for two but starfish on second C. Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets): Hang Clean + Clean Loading per set (by %): 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85+ 140, 150, 160, 170, 182.5- split up the reps, 185 hang clean… that was everything I had… Read more »
I told you there would be a little squatting this week 🙂
Primary Strength
Worked to 80%
(I left my arch support for my left foot at home and I could feel how much weaker I am without my collapsed arch being supported)
B. 2RM Power Cleans @95%
C. I hit the hangs but couldn’t hit the Full Cleans @85%.
D. 40%x10, 50%x10, 55%x7, 60%x6
Session 2 later tonight
A. 315
B. 185-225-235-245-265-275-280fail-280
C. 225-240-260-275-295-305fail
D. 155×10, 185×9, 205×7, 225×5
A. 4:43 My butterfly rhythm definitely needs some work, especially when I’m tired.
Gymnastics- Row: 3:31-3:42-3:45, 4 legless then 3 the last two rounds, :20 l sit first round then none the last two rounds
Strongman- 1 round @ 135. Our sled doesn’t have skis and gets a lot of resistance on the concrete. Realized the sled was way too heavy halfway into the sprint but the rope on the sled made changing the weight a hassle. Finished the round and called it a day.
You won’t make the same mistake with the sled next time.
Excited to see your progress particularly in the gymnastic movements
Session 2
Prowler Sprint/Sled Drag = Sled(?) + 125#
(No rest, too cold!)
Invictus Gymnastics Session 1 Level 2
= Completed
Assault Bike/CTB Metcon = 9:17
(CTB were very slow, but I was pretty proud I completed this as Rx instead of scaling to just pullups! #smallvictories)
Big victory on this chest-to-bars!
Thanks Tino!!!
That mindset and sticking to the gymnastics supplemental work, I am confident you’ll make massive improvements in a short amount of time Brandon.
Agreed! I’m pretty pumped to see how far this gymnastics work takes me!
Pump Sesh 2
A. Sled drag complex with 135 done
B. Aerobic gymnastics done
A) Worked up to 350 lbs
B) Power cleans up to 305 lbs.
C) HC + Clean up to 315 lbs.
D) 140 lbs = 11 reps
175 lbs = 10 reps
195 lbs = 9 reps
210 lbs = 7 reps
Primary conditioning:
AB and C2B = 2:43 Unbroken both sets on C2B
Well shit that was pretty damn fast!
Haha trying to take your advice of laying on the floor longer than the actual workout takes
Haha this may have done it 🙂
Same time! #twinning Nice work!
Well done Katelyn!
Dude what do you eat!? I need to do what you do!
Sweet potatoes are my go to
??=what you did to that workout bro! Smoked it! 2:43 you so nasty
Strong work buddy! From top to bottom, this is a solid session.