Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes, complete:
Interval 1: Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each side
Interval 2: Band Distracted Anterior Pec Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Interval 3: Overhead Waiters Carry x 30 seconds per side (you choose weight)
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 85%
followed by…
One set of:
Back Squat x Max Unbroken Reps @ 80%
(athletes are allowed only on full breathing cycle at the top of the lift – exhale, inhale, brace and descend – once more rest is taken at the top, the set is over)
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Press + Push Press
Build over the course of the 5 sets.
As many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes, complete:
Snatch x 6 reps
Toes-to-Bar x 8 reps
Box Jumps x 10 reps (24″/20″)
Rest 2 minutes and then . . .
As many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes, complete:
Row x 20 calories
Shoulder to Overhead x 10 reps
135/95 lbs
115/75 lbs
60+: 95/65 lbs
For completion:
50 Tuck Ups
15 Dragon Flag negatives (modify with one bent knee or both knees bent if necessary)
15 Tuck-up to V-up Complex
30 Alternating Single Leg Cross Toes-to-BarÂ
50 Tuck Ups
DMA: Done
A. 215/230/245/260/280#
A2 9 reps at 260#
C. 3+7
D: Done
A. 245-260-280-300-320, 9@300
B. 135-145-155-165-180
C. (4+10, 3)
Mobility done.
A – 225(6), 245(4), 265(2), 280(2), 300(1) then 280 for 8.
B – 135, 145, 155, 160, 165
C – 3+4 (Snatch, T2B, BJ); 3+4 (Row + S2O) Rx.
D – Done except Alternating Single Leg. Limited time and that one didn’t make the cut.
In Palm Springs for Annual Girls Weekend with a bunch of my Oregon girlfriends! We went to CrossFIt Foundry and joined in on one of our girlfriends training today.
Mobility Done
A. E90S for 6 sets:
3 deadlifts @ 75% 1RM (275#)
25 double unders
B. E3M for 6 sets:
Hang Snatch with 2-3 sec pause + OHS @ 3111 + Full Snatch
C. 3 rounds:
15 Front Rack Alternating Lunge 125#
25 Toes To Bar
10 Overhead Alternating Step Up 95# (12″ box)
Rest 4 mins
2:12, 2;04, 2:12
How fun Cheryl! Enjoy your time with friends and great mod architecture in Palm Springs!
Warm Up-
130/140/150/160/170-160×7 jut stopped
This is one of my last posts. Would like to thank everyone for being so supportive. I am going to sign on with a coach that is going to coach me side by side to get my form and technique down. I still have a lot to improve on and learn. It is the next step in my Journey…
Mob Done
A. 260/280/300/320/340 then 320×9
B. Up to 155
C- (Committed to 5 rnds RX for both and took note of where I was at on 6 min)
C1- 3 rnds + 5 (finished 5 rnds at 10:23)
C2- 3 rnds even(finished 5 rnds at 9:48)
D. Done
Masters Wod at CrossFit Wild
WOD 1, 15 min AMRAP
50 DUBS, 15 C2B PU, 5 Squat Cleans (155/105)
3+65 Rx
8 minute rest
WOD 2 – for time
15 C&J (135/95), 7 Bar MU, 12 C&J, 5 MU, 10 C&J, 3 MU
205/215/225/235/245. 235×12
B. Worked up to 175#
C. 4 + 5
D. Done
Mobility done
A. 205,225,236.5,255,270, 255×8
B. Short on time did Emomx5min instead of E2MOM
Going to masters wod tonight
DMA done
A. 215, 230, 245, 265, 280
Max unbroken at 80% 265×7
B. 65, 85, 105, 115, 120 (F SP)
C. 2+1 used 75lb for the snatch, still struggle with the snatch!
C1. 2+4 used 115 for S2OH
D. Competed ALL! Nichole, discovered my abs are more for show than GO! this was tough!
Nice work today Ed!
DMA done
A1:185, 195, 205,220, 235 A2:220 x 8 reps
B: 95, 105, 115, 125,135
C1:3 rds + 14 reps C2: 2 rds + 20 cal
D: done…this was uncomfortable
C: 3rds +6- Subbed V-Ups since strict PU bothered the injured side and zero pain or discomfort for the V-Ups. It’s the hanging from a bar that bothers it.
3 rds Row/S2OH
D: skipped. Don’t want to push my luck.
Good call Corey!
Bsq did 225 7times .80%
10snatches for time 130lbs 3:11 80%
Rx 4rounds+6reps/subbed assault bike instead of row bc I will row next wod
15 cal assault/105lb stoh 2full rounds plus 15 cal bike 6 reps .
15 amrap
90 dubs
70cal row
50 bar facing burpees
30 power clean @95
1full round plus 105reps
Relays tonight with my son on our date.?
Mobility – done A. Back Squat – 145 – 160 – 170 – 180 -190 then 10 reps @ 180 lb. (pleased with this!) B. Press + Push Press – rt. shoulder a little sore from yesterday; strict press was aggravating it. Did this with dumbbells. 20, 25, 30# C. tried a couple of snatches at 95lb. and made them but wasn’t sure whether it would be smart to do WOD with them so I did Cleans instead. I thought I would error on side of caution. Was able to do T2B without any discomfort. Happy because I have stayed… Read more »
Ditto on the abs comment!
Great call Barry!!
Mobility completed
A)185#/200/215/230/240 and 230 for x9
C1)2+15 @115#
C2)2+20 @135#
A: 216, 233, 266, 280 the 8 reps @266
B: 125; 135; 145; 155; 160
C&D Later. Nichole what’s a good sub for T2B- don’t want to push my oblique by hanging from the bar. I was thinking V-Ups?
Nothing with your obliques. I would suggest subbing out a completely different movement so I would do strict pull ups x 6 reps
Warm Up done
A. 6@105 kg, 4@115 kg, 2@125 kg, 2@130kg, 1@140 kg
10 reps @ 130 kg
B. 65 kg, 70 kg, 75 kg, 80 kg, 85 kg (strict press pr :-))
C. 4 rounds / 3 rounds + 10 cal row
D. Done
Well done Bjorn!
Good morning coach Nichole,
On section C, Snatch, can we receive in the power position then squat or is just a power snatch ok as well? The 115 weight will be a challenge for me, but need to get better at this movement.
You can receive it in the power position!