Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Push Press x 3-5 reps
Goal is to find today’s 5-RM. If you get 5 successful reps, move up on the next set.
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Minute 1 – Row 200/150 Meters or 15/10 Calories of Assault Bike
Minute 2 – Handstand Push-Ups x 10 reps
Minute 3 – Double-Unders x 40 reps
From monday:
A. 40/50/60/70/80kg,
1. Assault bike (done),
2. Subbed for regular “gymnastics” push-ups,
3. Subbed for 55 seconds of singles – felt pain in back during DU.
A. 165,185,195,205,215(4)5
B. Ran 200m
40 dubs
Made up Hspu after
A. 94/114/124/134×1
B. Rx. Proud to say I successfully can perform DU’s now.
A. PP 5 x 155-160 / 3 x 165-165 / 5 x 155
B. Done with subs
25 x Pushups for HSPU
12 x V-ups for DUs
A: 115×5 (last 5rm was 105 x 4.75)
B: row 150
10 Lsit press with 30’s and 25’s
Set1 10w/ 30#
Set2+3 6w/30# 4 w/25#
Set 4+5 5w/30# 5w/25#
40 du’s all unbroken
Woo hoo! PR!
A. 205,205,225,235, (all 5’s)
Then 155 @ 3X10 temp to failure (7 reps)
B. Ran out of time, but finished 3 rounds:
1. SSHP for rows (x20)
2. L Sit OH DB Press 50s, 60s, 60s
3. 40 DUs
Part B quickly got tough.
MHR 200
Well alright! A PR star!
Thanks! BTW, I think a squat ring row has you holding the rings, performing a squat at a 45 degree angle, facing rings, and then, legs straight, you complete a row. Reverse everything and reset (straighten arms, drop back into angled squat). I learned this move doing TRX training and have often thought it would be a great substitute for rows. For lower body, it’s more of a squat and less of a hinge than a true row, but better row simulation with the upper body than the SSHP.
Ohhh thanks! That’s pretty much what I had imagined. 🙂
A. Subbed 12min emom. Odd- 5 135#clusters, even- 5 deadlifts #275. The wife has me doing a competition this weekend and trying to practice so I don’t embarrass her 😉
B. Done Rx, tougher than it looked!
Is that one of the workout combos for this weekend?
A. 5X 65, 75, 85 4 x 95, last one was 95 and I bashed my chin with the bar….. nice.. got three reps.
B. Completed. Row was :31 -:32 each round. Did HSPU in pike off a 24″ box.
Oh no! Your poor chin! Hopefully you didn’t chip a tooth or bite your tongue.
A. 5×95/115/135/155/160 (5# PR!)
B no rower/bike so subbed 21 squat ring rows. Took :35-40 which is around 200m row time. All else rx’d. Good Monday wod after a busy weekend
What is a squat ring row?
Here’s a short video.
Basically it’s the combo of a ring row and squat. Just tries to find something that mimicked the row movement
A. 135×5; 140 X5; 145X5; 155X5; 165X5 (10# better than last time)
B. Will complete tomorrow a.m.
Nice work, Jay!
A. 5 reps @ 95/105/110/115
120×4 reps ( this was my last 1rm so I kept going)
125×1/130×1/ missed 135 up to forehead
B. Done row :34/:36/:36/:35/:34
Subbed seatLsit DUmbbell press 30#x10/x7, dropper to 25# to maintain 10 reps
DU: first round UB then all broken shoulder were shot
So a PR star?!
A. Used DBs to keep neutral grip with bad wrist: 60, 70, 75, 75, 80×3
B. Done Rx with Assault Bike (holy crap) and HSPU using parallets to keep neutral wrist, not sure if it was the bike or the neutral grip but this got tough quick. Fell of the pace going into rd. 4 so just finished as fast as I could. Kudos to those finishing on pace using the bike.
Argh the Assault Bike! Those parallete HSPU are not joke either. Great job though!
A. 185,195, 205, 225, 235 (2)
B. Done RX.
Nice work!
A. 135-155-175-185-195 (5 all sets)
B. Completed Rx.
Nice, Todd! You can probably start your working sets a little heavier next time. Say like 175 x 5? Great to find out that you’re much stronger than expected! Whoot!
Your right. Sounds good. Thanks!
A) 125/145/165×5/185×3/190×1 should have gone down for a heavy set instead of getting just 1
B) clock malfunctioned part way through so just turned this into get the work done mode. Rows were still sprints. Happy to be back at it!
For Part A, you actually should have just stayed at 185 since you didn’t get all 5 reps. 🙂 Next time! (Still a great workout today!)
A: up to 3×67.5kg (5RM 65kg)
B: scaled to 10cal and 16kg DBs for HSPU
getting back after a bad cold so went easy, it felt tough nonetheless
Good scales today. Hope you make a quick comeback!
A. Built to a 5-RM of 165lbs
B. As Rx (row 200)
A. All 5s – 40/50/60/65/70kg
B. I think I’m gonna call assassin bike instead of assault bike!! Ahahah
Pretty much the same thing.
A. 5RM Push Press (OT3M)
5 x 170, 180, 190, 200, 210 (5# PR)
B. As Rx
200m Row: 40 second(ish)
HSPU: 10, 10, 10, 6|4, 6|2|2
PR star!
A. Failed on 4th rep with 205 so 185 is the 5rm for now [._.]
B. As rx…fell behind on round 2 trying to do hspu at a deficit…so then had to bust it to catch up…so only did deficit hspus on round 2
I see what you did there…for now…
Great job today! Those deficit HSPU can add up quickly!