Gymnastics Skills & Drills
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Three-Quarter Handstand Kick-Up x 15 seconds
Followed by. . .
Every 45 seconds, for 3 minutes (4 sets), complete:
Wall-Facing Split Handstand Hold x 20 seconds
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes, complete:
Handstand Walk x Max Distance in 30 seconds
60+: Wall Walk x 3 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Snatch Lift-Off x 2 reps + Snatch @ 65-85%
For time:
Row 2000 meters
20 Snatches
50 Toes-to-Bar
20 Snatches
Row 2000 meters
40-49: 155/105 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
55-59: 115/75 lbs
Row 1000 meters
15 Power Snatches (95/65 lb)
30 Toes-to-Bar
15 Power Snatches (95/65 lb.)
Row 1000 meters
20 Pwr Snatch @ 135
50 T2B
20 Pwr Snatch
1000m Row
* singles every 15sec
1000m 3:40
T2B 10/10/10 8/2. 5/5
Coach Nicole
I will make up the missed work in the week took off to recover my shoulder and hip. I signed up for the c/f lift off . I will not go off course after this…it was not a wise decison..
does anyone have any tips of training with a broken foot……. can do rower and assault bike wearing the boot. some advice would be greatly appreciated
kelly it depends on what part of your foot is broken.. I broke the instep of my foot ..
I wore a cam walker..
I did snatch and clean work with dumbbells
I also did squat work with a box and sumo deadlifts to keep my weight off the front foot. you may not be able to go heay but it will keep you in the game.
you know your body best so go by safe and keep your mind straight, injuries get into your head.
Best of luck in your recovery. 🙂
Thanks Lisa Demetrio…. I have broken a bone just below the little toe…. doesn’t sound bad but we use it to stabilise….I have a boot and have tested a few things.
Yep it’s all about the head.
Thanks Heaps
focus on your upper body 🙂
al the best to you on a speedy recovery!
will do….thanks Lisa
Look up ‘samdancing’ and ‘laurenfisher’ on instagram. They both had/have boots on their feet and did a lot of modifying. You may find some ideas there. Sam was injured in August/Sept 2016 so look back to that timeframe for him. Good luck!!
Yep – they have some really great and innovative ideas for training with one leg!
will do…..thanks
Pop swings and muscle up work. Hit 7 unbroken neutral grip MU, rested a couple mins and then hit 8 UB.
A. HS Walks: 58′, 58′, 68′, 72′, 72′, 64′
B. Snatch lift off + Power snatch: 105, 115, 125, 130, 135, 140# (missed power)
C. 26:36
Awesome job on 8 UB MUs!!!!!
Cheryl!!!!! That is AWESOME! Is that a new pR for nuetral grip?
Yep it sure is!
HSW 60ft/50/40/40/40/40ish
A. warmed up to 145 but did not really do this
B. 27:26 I did the snatches at 145 instead of 155- So I didn’t overdo the knee
Comp Class-
2 Strict Pullups+3 kipping
2 SHSPU + 2 kipping-compliments that my kipping is way better now! YAY!
Thrusters #65 & T2B-8:43
30 Hang Cleans #95
90 Wall balls
123 DU 15 min cap-Felt good did 5’s for the hang cleans-was working on my cycling
Class-Partner WOD-
5 push press-#110
9 min Amrap
5 C & J #85
15 Wallballs
100 M run
7 Min
3 C&J #95
10 Wallballs
100M run
5 Min
1 C&J #105
5 Wallballs
100 M run
Good Day!
Hands are really sore for the week.
Feeling good though…
Great to hear Cheryl!
Physical Therapist cleared me to do deadlifts up to 60% of max (155#) and rowing; still no oly or overhead work or kipping/bar work. Nice to add back a couple things. Today: -PT and crossover symmetry -deadlifts: 10×135, 10×155# (4 sets) -veteran suicide ’22 workout’ (modified): 22 minute AMRAP: 22 DU 22 deadlifts (75#) 22 ring rows w feet on box 22 lunges w 3/4 of KB’s 22 sit-ups 4 rounds plus 14 ring rows Yesterday: -PT and crossover symmetry – 3 rounds: .34 mile sled drag with 50# on sled, rest 2 minutes: 5:15, 3:55, 3:30 – back squats… Read more »
That is great news!
HSW Done
EMOM HSW- 30’/20’/36’/36’/30’/25′
A. 135/145/155/155/155/160
B. Fun challenge, Rx. Did the snatches :30 EMOM approach. Kept the rows at 8:15 per T2B went 10/10/10/7/5/5/3 Took me 42:36 total time.
Thanks for the fun workout.