Gymnastic Skills & Drills
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Two sets of:
Wall Facing Split Handstand Hold x 45 seconds
followed by …
Three sets of:
Handstand Walk x 25-40′
(Partner assisted Handstand Walk if needed)
Rest as needed
followed by …
Three sets of:
Strict Handstand Push-Up Negatives x 5 reps @ 50A1
40-49: 4/2″ Deficit
50-59: No deficit
60+: 2″ riser
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk
Build to a heavy in the complex
Five rounds for time of:
3 Muscle-Ups
6 Hang Snatches
9 Burpee to 6″ above max reach
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
40-49: 155/105 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
55-59: 3/1 Muscle-Up; 115/75 lbs
1 Muscle-Up (Men): 2 Ring-Dips (Women)
4 Hang Snatches (95/65 lbs)
6 Burpee to 6″ above max reach
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Partner wod day:
0-10 min max clean–150 power–tied best
15-25: 125 bar facing burpees
30 and on: 3 rounds alternating of 10 sq clean/10 Chest to bar pullups–last set of cleans slow–leg endurance not quite there, but knee totally ok today
A: done
B: snatch complex then singles. 225# was tough tonight.
C: 12:38 forearms arms need a break. hang snatch and c2b we’re trying problem. cardio was fine
Gymnastics skills done
A. Modified to Clean Pull+Power Clean+Power Jerk:
B. 15:38 Rx (muscle ups were terrible today ?)
How is the knee doing?
It’s feeling much better! Really making a difference with modifying some stuff these past 2 weeks… should I continue or start doing some Full range movements again?
No need to rush it – if it is getting better then lets go 1 more week until adding in more full ROM
Skipped gymnastics. Subbed 3 sets of 5 strict OH press @ 95#.
A. Up to 115#.
B. 11:00. Scaled for shoulder. 3 ring dips/4 hang snatches 75#/6 burpees/ 8 C2B.
skills and drills
3x 40 ft HSW
4″ deficit
A.clean pull power clean power jerk complex up to 205
B. did the 135 lbs hang snatch and subbed 9 pushups 9 airsquats and 6 step ups for 9 burpees 15:07 MUs unbroken
Great work Al!
3s h/s walks ( not really ..still after three handstands walks I lose it.:) )
All done
A) 103x2sets108x2sets,113x1set,120x1set,124×1 failed the jerk
B) scaled to 83 lbs muscle ups done in singles
didnt do this for time ( it did take me about 32 mins)
sorry Coach Nicole- I am soo badly hung over from a wedding yesterday ..I just didnt want to miss the session 🙂 I especially love the gymnastic day even though Im not great at it.. LOL
have a great weekend everyone!
I hope the wedding was fun!!
THANKS Coach Nicole…. it really was!! XOXOX thank you <3
Gymnastics – Did Kick-ups X10R and then SHSPU Negatives
A. Complex – 90/100/110/120/130/140
B. 14:26
Comp Class + Regular Class-Huge Day for me!
4 Strict Pull-ups+1 kipping-PR’d 4 in a row!
4 Strict HSPU + 1 kipping
10 min AMRAP
3 cleans 125-130
1 Legless rope climb- seriously 1 kip away!
16 DU-So smooth today-Excited
10 Min AMRAP
3 Jumping Bar MU
1 Man maker #35
16 Cal Assault bike
Class-Partner fun
10 T2B
15 cal row
10 wall balls-used #20
15 Pull-ups-PR’d my reps!
10 Burpees
400 m run every 4 min
Fun Day…Huge progress today-Felt good!
Congrats! This is fantastic!!
Great to hear Cheryl!
Early AM doesn’t agree with my shoulders.
HSW 3×40′(all 3 just short of UB. Getting so much better with these, actually look forward to doing them)
A. 185/205/215/225/235
B. Did Rx.155 snatch Was a grinder this morning. 26:19
Feeling my hamstrings from yesterdays 3×10 @ 300.
B. 20:18 Hang Snatch at 110# Arms were still tired this morning from the legless rope climbs last night. The hang snatch were all UB but barley managed the weight, Muscle-Ups UB, C2B broken except for last round. Post wod, arms are now really tired and ache.
A. Did the complex wrong, did a PC+HSC+Jerk. Up to 155, not much left in my arms for these.
No skill work today.
Well today went like this… I coached the 8 am so I lead the warm up and the. It was a partner WOD so one person needed a partner so I did the class partner WOD. That was long! It was fun though.
And then I did the clean complex and built to
135# it felt great
Then I went home and cleaned my house happy Saturday!
thats very good Tracy! pretty impressive 🙂 have a great weekend!
Thanks Lise! You did great too!!
How fun! I used to do that when I coached Saturdays and it was really fun!
It was super fun! 🙂 And I was sore LOL… it was a long WOD. Hehe..
Skills&Drills-Done (Of course not unbroken on the walks)
A. 135,145,155,160,165,170
B. 23:55 (did bar MU & 95# on Hang Snatches)