Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 5-6 minutes mashing the shoulders
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1: Band Distracted Tricep Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Minute 2: Wrist Stretch x 8-10 pulses
Minute 3: Band Distracted Anterior Pec Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Three sets of:
Tall Jerk x 3 reps (draw out footwork)
Rest as needed
followed by …
Split Jerk
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete:
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 60%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 75%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 6-8 – 1 rep @ 85%+
Hold receiving position in all sets for 1 full second to assess proper footwork and positioning – make adjustments and prioritize mechanics over load.
Take 10 minutes to build to a heavy single on your back squat and then . . .
Four sets of:
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Four rounds of:
Run 200 Meters
1 Legless Rope Climb
Three rounds of:
Run 200 Meters
1 Legless Rope Climb
Four rounds of:
Run 200 Meters
1 Rope Climb
Immediately followed by
For time:
50/40 Calories of Assault Bike
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings
40/30 Calories of Assault Bike
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings
40-49: 32/24 kg
50-59: 2″ riser; 24/20 kg
40/30 Calories of Assault Bike
8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to a 4″ riser
20 Kettlebell Swings (20/16 kg)
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to a 4″ riser
20 Kettlebell Swings
20/10 Calories of Assault Bike
8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to a 4″ riser
20 Kettlebell Swings
Two sets of:
20 Strict Toes to Bar @ 2120
40 Hollow Body Hang Holds @ 1011
60 seconds (30 seconds each side) One-arm Prone Hand Plank
Want to be featured on our CrossFit Invictus Instagram? Then make sure to hashtag #InvictusMasters and we will do our best to repost your photo or video!
Mob done
A tall jerk done–super light 55-65
Then 90/98/105/113/120/130
B. Up to 175, then rest done at 160. Knee cap was feeling weird so didn’t push it too far
C. First day of snow/ice so subbed 400m ski and 8 ring rows (elbow still unhappy) 10:14, then next part 19:24 with 5 sHSPU and 5 kipping per round. Bike was extremely slow, first real cardio for awhile!
D done
A. Tall Jerks done
Split Jerks. 3X125, 2X135, 2X145, 1X155, 1X165, 3X175
B. Built to 300 then four sets of 3X255
C. 55-59 three rounds 200 meter run 1 legless rope climb around 4:00
A.First time Jerking in awhile 95/135/155/175/185/205/215/235 worked to about 75% and felt good, smooth, fast.
B. 395 then reps ar 335/335/345/345 all triples
C. 4 rounds footed rope climbs finished 4:45
Wod as RX’ed but subbed HSPU for 95# BTN Strict Press. Total time of both 19:18
DMA done.
A. 65/75/80/85/90/95/100/105#.
B. 205# then 4 sets at 165#.
C1. 3:45. Love rope climbs. Dogged a bit on the 200m runs.
C2. Skipped. Shoulder is still recovering and I decided that after jerks, rope climbs and “D” below, I thought HSPUs & KB swings were a very bad idea. I don’t think the shoulder is ready.
D. One set only. Running out of time and shoulders were tired. Sorry.
I came over from knee PT so I felt pretty mobile and activated
A & B- did strict press 5×135/3×155/2×175/2×185/1×195/2×200 may have smoked my shoulders here
then did bench press worked quickly up to 225 and did max reps at 225×13- NFL combine training continues.
C. did row and legless 6:23- row made the grip an issue then 13:47- bike killed me. 20:10 total time- did American swings on KBs
NFL combine training ?…good job on that….those reps were speedy
My 40m time and vertical time should be impressive
Mob done
A. Worked up to 225
B. Worked up to 375 then 4 sets of 335×3
C. 5:08 for run/rope then 14:19. No AB subbed with rower.
D. Done
Mobility done
A. Tall jerks 55-75-95#
Split jerks 135-195#
B. Squats 145-175-195-225-245#
Sets of 3: 210-215-220-225#
C. 5:39 for 4 RD’s 200m/legless rc
10:41 for AirDyne/strict hspu/kbs 24 kg (all unbroken)
D. Done except only did 20 of holllow body hang holds.
Heck yeah on those rope climbs Cheryl!
Yeah those felt good today… No bicep pain!
Ya’ kinda smashed it today. whoooooped that last WOD
Well, thank you! Must be all that clean eating! ?
Dang Cheryl, crushed that WOD!
Thanks Ed…was pleasantly surprised I could do all the strict hspu unbroken! Your legless rope climbs looked awesome!
Dyn/Mob Done A1) 33lbx3 (tall jerks) 2) 78,85,103,108,113,120 3) 280 PR!! F I N A L L Y !!!!!!!!! I waited soo long for this bc of a old lablral(hamstring tear) that kept surfacing! it was on the cuff —Yyyaaa! 4) 2354x,3rps (played it safe) 4) 235x4x3rps (played it safe, the tear was righton the cuff C1) 14:06 failed the last Rope climb about two hands length from the top 🙁 very frustrating! then 30 mins with three legless rope climbs, failed the last climb about two arms lengths from the top 🙁 so frustrated) Rowed bc no assault bike… Read more »
Congratulations Lise – what a strong back squat!
thank you Nicole!!!!! Im just very happy I tihkn it I finally achieved it bc of you guys !! <3 your the best!
280#!!! Amazing!
thank you Leticia! I hope you are recovering I was where you are last year its frustrating, stay the course and thanks for your kind words! XO
Thanks so much Lise. It is so frustrating and hard to be motivated but I’m doing my best and appreciate the support so much! Have a great Saturday!
this will make you stronger ! many here have been there..your progress is determined by your attitude and judging by your post you are a fighter.. stay positve and have faith. I know that its tough but YOUR tougher!! thats why your here, be patient.. do not compare yourself to others or to where you where yesterday, look onto what you are accomplishing today! take it one day at a time …celebrite your small victories and youll see this thru! 🙂
Thank you ?
Warmed up.
A. Tall jerk to 125
B. Jerks 135-215
D. Wodapalooza WOD 6. 204 reps. Surprised did pretty good on ttb. Burpees were hard with ab/psoas pain. Wish I were 100% for these!!
Rest your psoas – get it worked on again and let it rest over the weekend!
I definitely will Nichole! Not fun to be training with it hurting….
A. 145-215#
Will finish the rest tomorrow too late in the day now.
Mobility – done (a little less than prescribed)
A. 105/115/125/130/140/150 (3)
B. 205 then 4 X 3 @180 (5# heavier than last week for both)
C. (6:30) 18:30 Total for all – Was able to do SHSPU today! Injured my wrist about 6 weeks ago and thought I would test it out today. Felt good. Still not 100%, but no pain doing these so that’s a good sign.
D. Didn’t get to do the T2B, but did finish everything else. Did some GHD sit-ups since I couldn’t use the rigging to do my T2B today.
Wonderful Barry! Nice work on your BS increase.
Nice Barry! Figured you would smash this WOD today!
Thanks Ed. Looking forward to working out again with you and your group in Jan.
Sluggish day. Still feeling those runs from yesterday.
A – 150/160/175/185/195/205(3)
B – 320 then 4×3 @285. 15# lower than last week.
C – Run/Rope 4:54. Satan’s Tricycle/SHSPU/KBs 70# 17:56
D – Done.
Mobility done
A. 145/155/170/180/195/205/215/225
B. 280 in 10 mins, then 240/240/245/245
C. Goal was to do all rope climbs legless, which I accomplished (I think only my second time doing them). Did the 4 rounds in 7:45. Next goal is to be confident enough to jump right on the rope and go…had to use rower instead today – got all strict hspu with no abmat. Again slow, but got them all.
Awesome Joe – that is great!!!! Glad those legless climbs are coming along!
Does anyone know the calorie difference between assualt bike and airdyne AD4?
A) Jerks up to 160
B) Squats up to 200, then sets of 3 at 175
C) 25:20 w/Russian KBS
D) forgot ?
A.125,135, 145, 155,165,175
B. 235,235,240,240
C1. skipped due to tender elbow
C2. Was kicked out of gym due to time. Came home and used rower instead of assault bike 11.50
D. done
Mobility done
A1) 45 55 65
A2) 115 125 135 145 150 160 175 185
B) 230 x 3 – 4 sets
Still no overhead for me; seeing PT weekly for left shoulder.
Mobility and crossover symmetry done.
A. Did one arm DB jerks (right side only) up to 60#x2
B. Back squat up to 220# which felt good then 4 sets of 195#x3
C. Did 4 rounds: 200m run then 8 strict ring rows with feet on box: 6:01
Ran out of time for the rest (only had 75 minutes today). Will do part D at home later.
Great work on that back squat!
Mobility completed
C1)4:24 Performed L-seated legless rope climb from the floor since our rope is only 13′ 6″.
C2)16:40 Need to get better at maintaining my power output on the assault bike
D)Skipped. Short on time as we are headed to the mountains for a long weekend to go camping and hiking. Be back on Tuesday. Y’all have a great weekend.
Have fun in the mountains!!!! And nice work doing your climbs in an L-Seated position!
Was traveling a lot this week, finally caught up to me. Legs were wrecked (Wednesday trained with some young guns at Rocklin Crossfit, did a pile of Front squats then got on a plane for 4 hours…)
Mobility done
A1) 95, 115, 135
A2) 135×3,150×2,165×2, 175,185,195,205,205,215 ( my forward leg hurt like hell on these)
B) tried a few squats… wasn’t happening today.
C) did the run/rope climbs …. called it for the day
How fun Dave!
But definitely work on your legs this weekend. Mobilize, epsom salt bath, rest!
Yeh, was fun to train with others… been a bit since I did that. One of the guys follows OPEX, isn’t that where CJ cut his teeth? Already sat in cold water for about 15 min. Will do 40-60 lbs of ice and 50 gallons of water in the cattle trough a couple times this weekend. That seems to help as well